Vote of no confidence from the senate against The Liberal Government and immediate withdrawal of all measures



Because of this reason and for my freedom

Sonia Lysiak gravel (Longueuil, 2022-02-23)



Samantha Turgeon (quebec, 2022-02-23)


The real emergency is the government's abuse of power.
Let us restore our freedom of democracy.

Lina Raiche (Granby, 2022-02-23)


This has to stop.

olivier dufour (baie-comeau, 2022-02-23)


Je signe car je ne suis pas d'accord avec cette mesure d'urgence. Je ne fais aucun confiance en ce gouvernement fédéral.

Lanny Jaggi (Disraeli, 2022-02-23)


I don’t think jT has the best interest for all of humanity. I am definitely for our rights and freedom and the emergency act goes against that. Trudeau wants to control and divid.

Janice Choma (Montreal, 2022-02-23)


Trudeau is screwing our freedom ...all for money ! With klauss schwabbb

Mathieu Deschambeault (Salaberry-de-valleyfield, 2022-02-23)


Robert Gagnon

Robert Gagnon (Saint-Basile-Le- Grand, 2022-02-23)


I fear for the future of my children and grand children, This Canada is not the Canada I have known all
My life, I want my country back..

Carol Krafft (St anicet, 2022-02-23)


I don't have confidence anymore towards the liberal governement and in the honnorable prime minister Justin Trudeau. I don't feel safe in my own country as a citizen. I don't believe that the state of emergency is needed due to a non-violent protest.

Simon Caron (Quebec, 2022-02-23)


Nous devons sortir de cette tyrannie. Nous n'avons pas élu ce gouvernement pour qu'il nous oppresse.

Nancy Rondeau (Joliette, 2022-02-23)


If senators and deputies lie and will not serve the people, then the people have to step up.

Jonathan Martel (Shawinigan, 2022-02-23)


I want the demission of M. Trudeau and the end of all urgency mesures. The citizens have lost their freedom and respect from the goverment. It is time for the goverment to listen to the people and be transparent if they want the country to regain trust. We want our rights back and the end of segregation.

Isabelle Perreault Fleury (St-Jérôme, 2022-02-23)


Estelle Lavigne

Estelle Lavigne (Carignan, 2022-02-23)


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took away my right to work and earn for my family..I m on unpaid leave since November cause of the vaccine that I don t want...My body my choice !!

France Gendreau (EDMUNDSTON, 2022-02-23)


Abus de pouvoir / Liberté

mona long (Longueuil, 2022-02-23)


Par cette loi est absurde et inappropri !ée

Erik Boucher (Chicoutimi, 2022-02-23)


I have no confidence in this Prime Minister at all and do not want my country to become communist.

Tanya Pearce (Saint Henri de Lévis QC, 2022-02-23)


Je nais plus aucune confiance en Justin Trudeau

Claire Hudon (Trois-Rivières, 2022-02-23)


Je n’ai plus confiance en ce gouvernement

Pierre Richard (Trois-Rivières, 2022-02-23)


I was threatened with losing my job for these useless experimental vaccines. This should not happen on Canada. Also, Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland, do not represent Canadians.

Marc Sergerie (Laval, 2022-02-23)


End mendate and give my freedom back

Louise Lariviere (Québec, 2022-02-23)


Justin Trudeau adopted a smear campaign portraying protesters as 'Nazi sympathizers', 'racist' and 'antisemitic'. Freedom Convoy is a legitimate civil protest which aims at restoring fundamental liberties.”

Adrien Benitez (Pincourt, 2022-02-23)


I am a consurned citizen of the world. I'm against the dictatorship of Justin Trudeau and his visions of totallytairian regimes. He is a devil in diguise. I fear for the Canadian people and veterans who liberated my Country in WW2.
Canada is all about freedom and respect. Justin Trudeau isn't.

Johan Boon (Zoetermeer, 2022-02-23)


Need my freedom back .JT needs to step down we dont whant you as pm.

Pascal Viger (Quebec, 2022-02-23)


Nous devons destitué ce gouvernement et son chef Justin Trudeau pour ses actions extrémistes et enclins de dictatures. Ils n'écoute plus le peuples,

Carole René (Mascouche, 2022-02-23)


trudeau est incompétent

andré poulin (drummondville, 2022-02-23)


I think that M. Trudeau is making the biggest mistake of all time, and it looks like he just want to control all canadian people. I think he should have been seated and listened to the leaders of the convoy before doing anything at all. They never broke the law when protesting. What he did is hide and then give the police a job, that in my book, was not to serve and protect. Another reason for me to want to destitute our goverment is that he send the horses in the crowd and that injured an old lady...with a walker!!!!! What a shame 😔
I lost my job on november 2021 by refusing to get that friggin injection. I was the owner of a small special care home and my heart was broken because I loved my job. But what they did to the elderly people was not humain. I'm going to stop here because I have so much to say and we don't have time to waste. So my point for today is to destitute M. Trudeau from his fonctions because he is serving his interests before the Canadians.
Thank you for reading me!
Best regards,
Sylvie Aubut

Sylvie Aubut (DSL de Drummond, NB, 2022-02-23)


Cause this do not represent Canada 🇨🇦

Anthony Brito (Toronto, 2022-02-23)


Freedom i want everything gone done with this

Melissa Dubé (Asbestos, 2022-02-23)


Car je veut retrouver la démocratie.

Caroline Tremblay (Saint-felix de valois, 2022-02-23)


Je veux la fin des mesures d'urgence

NATHALIE RODRIGUE (St-honore, 2022-02-23)


Je veux retrouver ma liberté et la démocratie

Lacroix Isabelle (Sherbrooke, 2022-02-23)


Je veux que notre liberté et nos droits veux que mes enfants puissent vivre une vie veux des gouvernements avec le peuple et non contre le peuple

Véronique Pruneau (Sherbrooke, 2022-02-23)


I Do not trust Libéral and 7province refuse si a nay for me

Jessy Chrétien côté (Saint martyrs canadien, 2022-02-23)


Pour la liberte

Michel Amyot (Forestville, 2022-02-23)


Je signe cette pétition car notre gouvernement ma clairement prouver dans les dernières semaines qu'il fonctionnait par dictature et aucunement pour ses citoyens je n'est plus confiance en mon gouvernement

Marianne Morel (Quebec, 2022-02-23)


Je n’ai plus confiance au gouvernement actuel, je suis pour la conservation de nos doits et nos libertés donc je suis contre la loi des mesures d’urgence.

Mario Brochu (Saint-Pie, 2022-02-23)


... dehors assez c'est assez ...

Isabelle Gallant (Lebel-sur-quévillon, 2022-02-23)


I dont beleave those emergency acts are appopriated to a peacefull canadien population that are fighting to be heard.

Jeremy Bockus (Bedford, 2022-02-23)


Je nais absolument aucune confiance en Justin Trudeau. Il es meme tres dangereux pour les canandien ! Je soutiens a 100/100 sa destitution

Julie Brouillette (Quebec, 2022-02-23)


Enough is enough

Stéphane Ricard (St-Jean sûr Richelieu, 2022-02-23)


We are a FREE Country and we intend to stay like that ! Trudeau has done more than enough so far to destroy our CANADA so he needs to stop his foolishness and stop his POWER TRIP !!!

Ginette Pelchat (Dunnville, 2022-02-23)


I am signing this petition because excessive mesures against peacefull protestors Should not need drastic mesures when our suppose to be leader dose not even have the currage to sit down and talk before turning to force!

Michel Fréchette (St Jean Sur Richelieu, 2022-02-23)


Je n’ai pas confiance en Justin trudresu.

Julie Douaire (Notre-dame-des-prairies, 2022-02-23)


It is not called for

Yvette Lamothe (Vanier, 2022-02-23)


I dont agree with Trudeau 's proceeds

Michel Perez Saavedra (Ste julie, 2022-02-23)


Il fais mal sa job ,depuis sa passe de letat durgence jai pas trouver sa fort faire briser les vitre de camion en plus quil avais des enfant labas

David Hurdle (Granby, 2022-02-23)

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