Stop the Salvation Army Shelter from moving to Vanier



I am concerned the the Vanier area will suffer as a result of this move.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-22)


Im signing because I work on Montreal road and dont believe it would be beneficial for businesses in the surrounding area especially bars with patios where people go to for a good time out and dont want to be bothered by people asking them for cigarettes or money

(ottawa, 2017-06-22)


A lot of business around Montreal Road, will be forced to either move or close. I have been a Vanier resident for years, and know how rough it is. Buiding this will only aument the crime rate and the drug transactions plus making Vanier not the history with pride and honor. But a city filled with crime. Granville, Lafontaine, Levis, Lacasse , Altha, Lajoie , all of these will be affected. Please relocate them or buy the beacon hill motel

(Vanier, 2017-06-22)


I am signing because there has been no consultation with City planners or councillors and consideration of other more appropriate sites.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-22)


I am concerned that the improvements that have recently been made in this community will be in vain.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-22)


Basically there are enough troubles in Vanier, a homeless shelter will only add to these troubles! I have lived in Vanier for 42 out of 53yrs of my life, I have lived in a rooming house on Montreal Rd in recent yrs and it was unhealthy and unsafe! Adding a homeless shelter amongst these rooming houses will hurt Vanier!!! PLEASE SAY NO!!!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-22)


Another City of Ottawa idiotic move!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-22)


I have lived in Vanier for over 25 years and have seen it changed for the better. Moving the Salvation Army from a commercial location to an area where many young lower income families choose to move out of necessity, is a ridiculously horrible idea. Even though the area has vastly improved from 20 years ago, it still remains a hotbed for prostitution, drugs and gang activity and would only prove to compound these issues. This will undoubtedly affect the residents of Vanier in a very negative, dark way. My question to the people who are making this decision is: would you approve such a decision if it were next to your home?

(Vanier, 2017-06-22)


I had lived in Ottawa and Gatineau for 11 years. There has to be another location that can support this shelter.

(Toronto, 2017-06-22)


I do not believe it is our best interest to make this move. To many people will ne effected in to negative a way.

(Vanier, 2017-06-22)


I'm signing because I live very close to here and Vanier is just starting to clean up and change. Many have invested in properties and condos, I moved away from the market to no longer be near the shelters. I agree that there are too many shelters in the market as I work there however people who have bought and or rent there knew they were there all along. I do not feel this will be any good for the changing neighbourhood and those who have young families.

(Vanier, 2017-06-22)


I live in Vanier...we have enough violence..drugs..prostitution. ..

(Vanier, 2017-06-22)


I live in vanier and fear that the relocation of a homeless shelter would reverse all of the work done to clean up the area.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-22)


The shelter should be in a business park or in the old Rocliffe base. This type of shelter brings trouble and needs to be in a wide open space to rehabilitate these homeless people.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-22)


I'm a senior living 2 blocks away from the thrift store and planned shelter site. I worked in the Market area on York street for 20 years and dreaded walking home past the existing site because of the drunks, druggies and criminals hanging around its entrance. I don't believe this new "Save our addicts and mentally disturbed criminals" will work in an area that is already challenged with trying to keep our homes and streets safe. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS!

(Vanier, 2017-06-22)


I grew up in vanier and moved away for 20 years . I moved back 4 years ago and was really dissapointed in the violence and prostitution along Montreal Rd. I feel that this proposal will only encourage more violence and hinder any beautification that we as a community so desperately long for .

(Ottawa, 2017-06-22)


Because I think if you this type of service in vanier you are making a bad area worst. This not good for homeowners and this is the most affordable area so you are segregating problems in all the same area.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


We don't need more trouble in the vanier area we got enough already

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


We have to many problems in vanier, maybe a move to the Gleb would be a better fit .

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


As a vanier homeowner, I am very concerned that this move will not benefit the much needed makeover of Montreal rd as a viable "main street"

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


I agree we don't need more headache and stress

(Otttawa, 2017-06-23)


I'm signing this petition because I am opposed to the move of the shelter to Vanier and because I feel that the move does not resolve the problem.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


I've been living in Vanier for 18 years and this move will make me feel unsafe in my own neighborhood. Surely there's a better place in the city for this shelter. I'm worried this will increase problems in the Vanier area.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


I live across the street from the proposed sight. I realize that the Salvation army is there to help people who are in trouble, but I also realize that this will be bringing more people into our community with all types of issues. I feel very uneasy going in front of the current Salvation Army and avoid it as much as possible. This new centre would be across from my home and I don't believe that I would ever feel comfortable taking a walk in front of my home again. There are many issues in Vanier as it is and I don't believe that having this centre in this community will help any issues that are currently happening in the community. I always hoped that Vanier would eventually become a desirable place to live in Ottawa such as Westboro or Hintonburg, but I doubt that this move will ever make this possible.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


Because we have enough of violence and that we don't need violence or any more bad things to happen

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


I know from personal experience how this can negatively affect a neighborhood since both my wife and I worked for almost twenty years across the street from their current location on George Street and saw first hand all the problems that were encountered because of their presence. Loitering, public urinating, drug consumption, foul language, panhandling and even murder were the lot that we had endure while working in that area. Now they want to bring this into the neighborhood where we live after all the work that was put into cleaning up our streets? The answer is a resounding no!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


I do not want the shelter in vanier. There is enough issues here already!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


I'm originally from Vanier and I still have family and friends who live there and I know how Vanier already has a lot of drugs, alchool and prostitution problems. Moving the shelter there will definitely aggravate the situation. Its already scary to walk down Montreal Rd. at night. It would be sad to see additional homeless addicted people in the streets of Vanier when there are already more than enough.

(Orleans, 2017-06-23)


There is already a lot of vulnerable people in Vanier. This is going to set back any efforts that have been made to clean up this area. The site chosen sits amongst an area already known for prostitution. On almost any given night you can see them on Lafontaine, Mona, Lacasse and St Anne. A suitable site needs to be found. A real solution needs to be found. Not further cripple an area that already struggles with low income, drugs and crime.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


There is enough drinks and people on drugs on Montreal. See them all the time and I am sick of it. And now the thought of bringing more like those in Vanier is wrong and disgusting and a shame.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


safety reasons. crime rate is beginning to come under control. public was not consulted I wont live /shop in a area where I dont feel safe

(ottawa, 2017-06-23)


This doesn't make sense at all. We need to continue efforts to clean up Montreal Rd. I understood the plan was to revitalize this area into something more family friendly and safe with better more diverse merchants. We already have a huge problem with drugs, alcohol and prostitution as well as far too many weed, pawn and payday loan shops. We need to fix these problems not add to them. Please DO NOT move the Salvation Army to Vanier!

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


Not the right location for this- leave it downtown so that the people who need it can reach it- it's not like they have cars and bus passes let alone money or an uber app on their smart phone

(Gatineau, 2017-06-23)


It would Be Just a pure disaster...we have enough crimes and violence...and just endangering our children...i absolutely don't think it would be safe and fair to to our community...move them some where else please.

(vanier, 2017-06-23)


There is currently a drug and alcohol problem in vanier. We certainly don't need to add to this huge problem.

(ottawa, 2017-06-23)


I live in the area. Vanier has improved over the last decade, parks are safe for kids to go, not as many 'working girls' or people walking around in a drug addled stupor. (which you do see still) Putting this shelter on Montreal Road, which is already saturated with business and a seniors residence across the street from the proposed site and right beside a bar is a recipe for disaster. We do not want, nor need this here.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


It adds nothing to the Salvation Army Services

(ottawa, 2017-06-23)


I am against having this shelter in Vanier, I live at the Corner of Lafontaine Street and I live in a highrise and I love my appartment but I hate the neighborhood. Everywhere you see drug addicts, drunks and hookers and I know Counselor Fleury is doing is very best to clean Vanier, I respect that man, he wants to clean up Vanier. It is enought upsetting to go to work every morning to earn your living honestly and see all those people on Montreal Road doing nothing all day. There is a lot of good honest people in Vanier but honestly those people are taking over Montreal Road, I can just imagine what it will look like if the Shelter is moving at this location next to Patty's pub, we are going to have a lot more trouble if we don't have enough already. We have marijuana shops all over, people drunk in mid afternoon on Montreal, people arguing and fighting.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


Like mentionned in the petition, i think that Vanier has done it's share in helping people with all types of problems. Prostitution use to be downtown (Murray By Ward market) and certain politicians have managed to push them back in Vanier. The way it's going, might as well put a big electrified fence around Vanier and build a new modern prison au Père Blancs, thennthe media could blame Vanier for everuthing and anyrhing. My wife has always lived in Vanier (65 years) and me for the last 45 years and have always been proud of saying so. We have started seing improvement in the past years and would it to continue.

(Vanier ontario, 2017-06-23)


The land was bought and architectural drawings drawn up without any consultation from the residents. Let's make sure the new owners don't get the requested zoning change.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


I live 3 blocks from the location. I already have problems in my area with homeless hookers and a crack house next door. This is going to cause alot of businesses to close and already 5 people who own their own homes on my streeet.(richelieu avenue) are going to sell and move. Bad idea bringing a shelter like that to vanier.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


The shelter will make Vanier even worst then it already is

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


je suis pas d accord ,pourquoi vanier ??

(ottawa, 2017-06-23)


Because I think this is not a good idea. It will add more problems to an area that has enough problems already. There are many families and children living in the area and this would make the area less safe for everyone.

(VANIER, 2017-06-23)


this is not a good place for that look around that place there is a bar on either side and just not a good ideal with all the drugs,hookers and not only that there is a tavern in the basement of this place thought you were there to help people get better not lead them in to temptation.

(ottawa, 2017-06-23)


a resident living very near the location and am concerned about safety if this move should occur.and the fact the location is near senior buildings and mostly family with children living in the area.

(VANIER, 2017-06-23)


Moving their problem from one location to another is not a solution, it might even be more challenging for their clients with the many weed shops on Montreal Rd already. Vanier has been getting better in past few years and this will be a major setback to our community and to the older residents living in a nearby highrise and to the local businesses

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


I don't want it in my back yard!!

(VANIER, 2017-06-23)


We were NOT consulted and have enough issues in Vanier that other areas do not have to deal with.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


I want to feel safe to walk the streets with my grandkids ..I love my Vanier home so I say No

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


Vanier residents don't need a shelter in our back yards .

(vanier, 2017-06-23)


Vanier is due its turn for urban renewal. The present efforts of the Vanier community towards this goal will be undermined by the introduction of the problems the city is attempting relocate from the downtown core. It is seen as an effort to increase property value and desirability in Lowertown and the Byward market at the expense of Vanier residents.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


Vanier cannot take on this social responsibility. Maybe Westboro or Hintonburg can better service this.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


Vanier is a great family community.
And everyone is working so hard to keep it that way. It doesn't need this just because some want it gone from market area.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


This area is already bad enough. Moving this to Vanier with all the guns and gangs will be the final wound before death.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


I do not want this in my neighborhood! All the work we've put into our area to make it better and safer would be flushed down the drain!

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


Vanier is full of children. Sad enough shelters are full of addictions of all forms . Trying to clean up vanier who already has a bad reputation. Don't need to add more stigmas to the area .

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


Vanier has enough problems with guns, gangs, drugs and prostitution. We don't need homeless & drugged out men & women sleeping in our doorways.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


Vanier is already struggling enough. Help us make Vanier be a better place for our children.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


Who's idea is it to put the SA in a drug infested area....dah! I though we were trying to clean Vanier up not make it worse. Move the SA to an isolated area or industrial area where things go very quiet after working hours. This is the move idiotic idea, come on Mayor are not using your brain on this one!!!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


There is enough crime, drugs, criminals living in Vanier....we have a methodone clinic that we certainly did not need on montreal road...we have that men shelter on ste anne for ex offenders...we don't need anymore shit in Vanier.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


I live in vanier and I want it to be safer.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


Je suis consciente des efforts des dernières années pour améliorer la qualité de vie à Vanier. Serait tout un défi de les déménager à Vanier sur une rue aussi passante (et avec des influences négatives). Serait un gros défi pour ces personnes. Ils ont besoin d'un endroit avec des espaces sécuritaires, etc

(Ottawa-Vanier, 2017-06-23)


Why add to Vanier's vulnerable state? There are better programs than temporary shelter. Let the Salvation Army with other orgs, gov, ... pay rents to these people throughout city.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


I'm signing because I think they are better places to relocate the SA then the Montreal Rd location, it's to close to the Pubs/Bars, the LCBO and among other businesses that will create more issues in the area.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


This is the absolute worst idea ever!!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


There are too many drug dealers in Vanier. I recommend that new SALVATION Army Location be located in area like old Rockcliff Base was.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


Vanier is a nice place right now but moving the mission will make it less enjoyable to the residents

(Gloucester, 2017-06-23)


This is the community i grew up in for 31 yrs and it doesnt need to have a shelter on the main street that goes through it after all the effort and work that has been done to clean up the community. Thanks

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


We are try5 to clean up Montreal rd and Beechwood and what will this do they don't want them down town send them to vanier ,,,let's put them in rockliff or Sussex drive bet that's not an option

(vanier, 2017-06-23)


1) for the SA moving it's clients from one location to another solves no issue
2) find a location near office building or large retails away from residentials
3) have several smaller locations like the Mayor does for low income housing
4) NO because of lack of (no) consultations
5) how about in the west end... for once...
6) improve and/or renovate the actual location

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


I'm a concerned property owner. There's no good reason to move the shelter. Our neighbourhood struggles as it is. More professionals are moving into the area which should attract new entrepreneurs and there is a real opportunity in the next few years for the neighbourhood to thrive. This would be a devastating set back.

I would actually probably move.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


Moving the homeless to vanier will cause a variety of issues in that already troubled community. More violence. Decreased housing value.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-23)


I am a current resident of Vanier, and I think, like many others, that moving the Salvation Army Shelter to Montreal Rd will be extremely detrimental to a community that is trying to better their reputation. I thought we wanted to make Montreal Rd better. It's a giant step back for our community.

(Vanier, 2017-06-23)


I don't want it close to where I live.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


This cant happen!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


PLEASE don't allow the Salvation Army to move this shelter here. Vanier has been changing for the better. It is not a perfect place but we sure are trying. I worked on the market and sorry to say the homeless were a problem in the business I was working at.
They need to find a place that is not near business and housing. MONTREAL Road is the worst place for them to move.NO NO NO

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


We have many residential properties with young families in the area. Things here are already bad enough; prostitution, drugs, crime. Please do not put this extra burden on our community.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


This is a major step backwards in improving Vanier and Montreal Road. This would be absolutely devastating to this community and all the efforts residents out in on a daily basis to improve our neighbourhood.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


I am a Vanier resident And I dont believe oir community can deal with this. Initiative

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


You cannot concentrate the underprivileged in one area. Vanier has enough shelters and drug injection sites, not to mention prostition and weed shops. This is not good for the community at all.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


Vanier already faces many challenges and for lack of a better way of putting it, it's a sensitive ecosystem that's just beginning to see improvement. I think if this plan goes forward it will set the area back and compound the already present problems and difficulties Vanier faces.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


I am signing because Vanier already has their hands full with crime, prostitution, drug trafficking etc. There are many familoes livong in the area who are working hard to improve Vanier and make it a safer place and more vibrant.
Maybe another neighborhood can take this on as we should spread the vulnerable sector out more, not saturate one area and burden them with all of these struggles.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


As a millenial, first time home owner I am very worried that my investment will be affected by this move. Young families have recently started moving into this neighbourhood as it slowly gentrifies and improves its reputation. This causes great for these families and the safety of their children. The City of Ottawa and the Salvation Army should strongly consider other locations.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


Vanier is cleaning up & I wish for it to stay that way.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


I'm signing this because I believe this will negatively effect the Vanier area. I don't believe it is a right decision to add a large shelter to an already fragile neighborhood. Condensing poverty into one area has proven to be very negative to an entire city. I believe we should spread shelters and low income housing as equally as possible throughout the city.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


I think such a facility would be disastrous for Vander and undo the incredible good work that has taken place in Vander this past decade

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


I live in vanier & my thoughts align with the above

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


I just bought a house in the neighborhood and want to improve the quality of living, not reduce it.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


I realize that this shelter has to go somewhere but why hamper the recent efforts to make the neighborhood safe. This will be a major step back to a community that was turning the corner. If this move goes through I will probably be looking to move elsewhere after eight years of living here.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


It's not okay when we are trying to beautify and clean up vaniet that the city continues to push the problem our way

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


I think it's the wrong site. There are too many issues already on Montreal Road and this would just add to the problems. Vanderbilt has always had a bad name and is ust starting to improve, why would you add more issues.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


I've been a property owner in Vanier for 25 years the news about moving the Salvation Army shelter a few block away is totally ridiculous! Our property value will go down drastically, our area as seen many changes in the past several years, mostly good. Now they want to build a shelter, we've dealt with more than our share of crime & prostitution enough to last us a lifetime. Find somewhere else to build this.

(Vanier, Ontario, 2017-06-24)


Vanier has slowly become a safer and better place to live. This shelter is a step in the wrong direction for this fragile, developing neighborhood.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


It will look awful for the community that is trying to make itself look better not worse

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


Vanier has lots of young families from mixed backgrounds and demographics whose children deserve better. Just because it is a low income neighbourhood does not mean it is a dumping ground for issues the city doesn't want to deal with properly. It will turn Vanier into a ghetto.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


First the city got rid of the prostitutes in the Market, and shipped them off to Vanier. Now it wants to ship us its homeless too. This is not a solution, this is passing the buck, and everyone living in Vanier will pay the price.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


This will only bring more crime and bigger problems to the Vanier area and I don't feel like having to chase drug addicts and thives off or away from my property as I live on Ste Anne Ave seconds away

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


I'm signing this petition because I live in this area. I am a young business proffesional who has lived in this area for approx. 7 years. My husband and I have seen alot of improvements made to the area since moving here. We have see the progress first hand. Vanier is not as bad as it once was and we need to continue to improve it's reputation. Becuase rent is lower than most areas, living here his has granted us the ability to save for the future. We haven't moved yet because of convenience and would not give a second thought about purchasing a home in this area due to its central location. As we speak, Vanier has had enough problems to contend with in the past and has been making strides in the last few years in cleaning up and reducing crime/violence. I don't think it's fair to move this facility, from the downtown core to Vanier, as Vanier may take steps back into decline. As a result, all of the good work that has been done over the years will go to waste. Vanier is not a dumping ground. Doing this will be further proof that politicans don't want to deal with and solve the real issues... out of sight/out of mind, right?

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


Im signing because the Salvation Army is not welcomed in my community because it has no community awareness nor do they take responsibility for their issues which is well documented and very obvious

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


We oppose this move

(Vanier, ON, 2017-06-24)


safety for others

(vanier, 2017-06-24)


The address of the proposed site is very close to my home. I have two small children and want to raise them in a space I feel is safe.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


Do I really have to explaid why, I will be writhing for days for why and why not if there's been anytime to stand together VANIER with all the beautiful group of VANIER THAT EXISIT NOW THE TIME MOB RULES PICK A DAY PEOPLE AND A HOUR AND WE ALL MEANT IN FRONT OF GABREL PIZZA AND JAM MONTREAL RD DONT FORGET THE TOMATOS

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


I live in Vanier and truly believe it is an extremely bad idea!!!!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


This will make our neighbourhood worse at a time when we have inroads to making it a better place to live. Adding a shelter to our community would be akin to adding a steady stream of gasoline on a fire that we are trying to put out.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


This is the LAST thing our neighbourhood needs...drunken encouragement...

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


I believe the Salvation Army should not move to vanier

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)



(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


I'm signing because they cleaned up Vanier, bringing it back isn't a great idea.. plus this is a calm community and you want to put bullsh*t back into it... put the salvation army somewhere where people don't live 3 min away please. Thanks !

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


Against this idea as it will only make vanier worse.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


Problem shifting isn't problem solving!

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


i dont want more problems in the neighborhood.

(vanier, 2017-06-24)


The move of the Salvation Army shelter to Vanier is illogical and will not improve the curb appeal of our neighbourhood.
To move this shelter in the hub of half way houses, women shelters, youth services, and a few doors from both the Lcbo, the beer store and marijuana dispensaries will not service the shelters client. It's the perfect storm.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


I live two blocks from the Salvation Army store and there's homes all around. There are young and old families living all around this potential site and this would put people in danger. I have a young daughter that shouldn't be exposed or put in danger because of this. There is already problems with vandalism, crime, prostitution, drugs. I don't see how putting this shelter beside a bar and weed shops up down Montreal road is going to help people. The media keeps saying that the community was involved. We were not ! We only found out over the past few days that this was in the works.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)


It's not the right place for that kind of business and clientele

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


Stop the senseless relocation to Vanier. Not only will it set Vanier back 30 years, but the rest of Ottawa from Finiggans Pub east past St Laurent Blvd will be affected by the downward spiral of homeless people roaming the streets. Not to mention drug, murders, and hookers.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


I'm a female retiree that lives alone and my backyard is directly connected.

(Vanier, 2017-06-24)