It will be too congested and too close to the school. Buford does not need anymore apartment buildings, brings the value of the property down!!!TERRY ALSTON-NAGBE (Buford, 2023-09-21)
Don’t want traffic gridlockDamon Porter (Buford, 2023-09-21)
I live here and use this area daily. This area can't handle that amount of housing and development. It is already congested and a struggle at times to get through traffic.Stephanie Christian (Buford, 2023-09-21)
traffic and density concernsThomas Taylor (Dacula, 2023-09-21)
I don’t agree on this project.Arely Sorto (Buford, 2023-09-21)
I do not want anymore apartment complexes in this area that would not enrich the community but push it backwards.James Thomas (Buford, 2023-09-21)
This area already has to much for the space we have and will only make the traffic worstOliviero Scotto di carlo (Buford, 2023-09-21)
I want to stop over development of apartment on Hamilton Mill StGrace Om (Buford, 2023-09-21)
Traffic is already too heavy in that area and schools are overcrowded.Kelly Edgar (Hoschton, 2023-09-21)
Im sick of watching Atlanta become a place where contractors just build stuff wherever there is a empty spot and slowly become gentrified. Though Dacula’s history is not quite the same as Atlanta, im tired of these people thinking they can decide for everyone what we want/need in our area. The Mall of Georgia is also slowly becoming unrecognizable. Maybe we just need you to stop touching things! I’ve lived here my whole life and though Dacula seems quite normal i have come to find that this area has been home to many fine people for years, we care about our hometown💗Izabella Saucey (Dacula, 2023-09-21)
Stop buildingCristina ANDREWS (Hoschton, 2023-09-21)
The roads can't handle the traffic as is. 700 apartments it that location is absolutely crazy.Chris Barr (Buford, 2023-09-21)
I'm signing because I'm a resident and I think what you are trying to do to this area is disgusting. We don't want and don't need more traffic and I think it's a money grab fir all involved. You will be hearing from usSTEFANIE CATALANO (Dacula, 2023-09-21)
This area is so congested and traffic is a nightmare - there is no way it can handle any additional cars in this area without major road improvements which would take years!!! It would be nice for Gwinnett county to be more proactive with traffic improvements, better infrastructure, and more PROACTIVE to growth and planning THAN REACTIVE!!!Dianna Lueke (Buford, 2023-09-21)
There is not room for this apartment complex, the traffic is already beyond acceptable and not getting to 85 will be almost impossible.Bjorn Neider (Buford, 2023-09-21)
I'm signing this petition because I don't want the construction of another apartments complex in my area. I want to live in a place calm and quiet as we have right now. This is not a good fit for the families that live in this area.Dayanara Torres (Buford, 2023-09-21)
This will cause more traffic and over crowded schools.Zechondra Porter (Buford, 2023-09-21)
I don’t agree with this. We don’t need more trafficNatanael Corduneanu (Hoschton, 2023-09-21)
I OPPOSE this development. The area is already super busy.Nicoleta Uruc (Buford, 2023-09-21)
Because the community would much rather have a community or environmental heritage center dedicated to the community than more apartments for more people that we simply cannot fit.Mia Herrera (Buford, 2023-09-21)
The trees must be savedJason Nguyen (Buford, 2023-09-21)
I don’t want this next to my high school . I walk to school everyday and the traffic ia already bad/dangerous . I am worried about my safety and my peers. Also, the crime and devalue it will bring to my home/area . Go somewhere else ! Not in a residential family areaKayden Romero (Buford, 2023-09-21)
There is too much traffic already! I moved here for the peace and quiet 2 years ago. Cant even pull out of my subdivision without waiting ten minutes.Theresa Mauragas (Buford, 2023-09-21)
IM SAYING NO TO RZC2022-00045 & RZM2022-00047Tamara Johnson (Buford, 2023-09-21)
Too much traffic as it isLori Fenski (Buford, 2023-09-21)
That area is already super congested. Not the move in my opinion..Celia Medina (Buford, 2023-09-21)
The infrastructure in Gwinnett can not support all of the building projects surrounding our area.Linda Cochran (Dacula, 2023-09-21)
Overgrowth is not working.Regina Peevy (Auburn, 2023-09-21)
My children attend Seckinger high school, and the traffic in this area is already terrible. I want to keep the quality of the area intact.Marlis Nguyen (Lawrenceville, 2023-09-21)
As a new resident in the area I can honestly say the roads here are not capable of handling more traffic. Everyday on Hamilton Mill and Ridge road the traffic is backed up so bad and by adding 700 unit housing will only add to the congestion. In addition, adding more homes to the area will only impact the student to teacher ratio therefore hurting the quality of education the student get.Lia Vue (Buford, 2023-09-22)
I don’t believe that we need more housing development at that intersection. That area is overrun with traffic and cannot handle the additional influx of people and cars that this will bring to the area.The community would greatly benefit from green space or a park for the community.
Cassie McCormack (Buford, 2023-09-22)
I’m signing because I do not want the proposed development to lower our property values, increase the already congested traffic, and increase crime rate in our area. Our family has lived here for almost 20 years and want to do all we can to preserve and improve our beautiful community.Kristina Potra (Dacula, 2023-09-22)
I'm signing because I believe this complex will change the feel of our community. I believe traffic will be unbearable, crime will increase and it will decrease my home value.Cynthia Yedvab (Buford, 2023-09-22)
There is already too much traffic in this area. This will lead to even more congestion, traffic feasibility study needs to be done in this area before more unnecessary construction for developers who don't reside in this area.Maxine Forbes (Buford, 2023-09-22)
I used to live there, we left because of how crowded it got. We don’t need moreGaby Spencer (Whitesburg, 2023-09-22)
We have so much traffic in this area, i dont want it expand more on 700 apartments. Stop ITLeo Khan (Buford, 2023-09-22)
We are being over developed in this county. You do t have to build on every square inch. You will ruin our vibe and cause many to move out. We will not support overcrowding!!Millie Cruz (Dacula, 2023-09-22)
I think a development this dense will contribute to the traffic congestion that is already at this interchange. There is also no need for additional commercial in this area.Brian Ruggs (Buford, 2023-09-23)
These apartments will add too much traffic to an already congested area.Dawn Dunkin (Dacula, 2023-09-23)
This area is too congested to accommodate this kind of change. The traffic there is already a problem, being that close to the highway. Getting on and off the highway at 85 would be an unsolvable problem, if that area was built into apartments. This area should be left open for future growth for the long term and preserve the natural beauty that surrounds that area.Tino Romero (Hoschton, 2023-09-23)
Our community is full of traffic, overcrowded schools, and infrastructure is not suitableSebastian Espinal (Buford, 2023-09-23)
I'm tired of the over the building in Gwinnett county. Crowded roads, poor infrastructure and the cities and the county passing the buck to each other for resposibility..larry bender (Dacula, 2023-09-23)
I think it is a huge planning mistake to put so many more cars on the congested roads off exit 120. This is not a good area to put 700 more families.Maureen Petrillo (Dacula, 2023-09-23)
There is more that enough housing available in our community. This project adds incompatible housing, as we are and have always been an upscale area. Apartments will reduce our home values, increase crime, and ruin privacy.Margaret Woodruff (Dacula, 2023-09-23)
It’s extremely difficult to get out of our subdivision as is.ShaKeirra McKnight-Lewis (Buford, 2023-09-23)
Hamilton mill is not large enough to handle higher volume of people and there are already too many apartments and too little housesPeyton Aukland (Hoschton, 2023-09-23)
The plan for more apartments on this property is reckless. The traffic is already too dense for any sensible builder to ignore.A rec/aquatic center that would serve the needs of our Seckinger youth sports, as well as 4 other GCPS districts in a brand new aquatic center is far greater a service to Gwinnett County residents than making it more difficult to go ANYWHERE. This would enrich our community and children, and eliminate the threat of hundreds more new residents and cars, and would greatly burden our schools and infrastructure.
Geri Taran (Lawrenceville, 2023-09-23)
density is too high for the space slottedPoses traffic issues
It’s not single family homes
Height of the development is too much for the area
Kina Ruggs (Buford, 2023-09-23)
I travel that area multiple times daily and the traffic is already a serious problem. I’ve seen so many accidents at the cross street at Sardis Chirch Rd coming out of the CVS/CFA/Goodwill side and the Dollar Tree shopping center/gated community side.Teresa Duffy (Buford, 2023-09-23)
No more commercial buildingsNatasha Jones (Buford, 2023-09-23)
Taxes are high enough not to mention the area is conjested enough. Along with the number of people living in each apartment multiplied by 700 also comes other problems in our neighborhood.Dyna McFerren (Buford, 2023-09-23)
Ivy Mill DrBill Black (Buford, 2023-09-23)
Stop over developmentjimmy joseph (Auburn, 2023-09-24)
I want to stop the over excessive build already in a crowded area near my home of these apartment buildings in my area .Mercita Flippen (Buford, 2023-09-24)
I’m signing because we don’t have the roads for more traffic. There are already too many people on the roads and Wes like the keep what trees we have left. Too much development in a small space.Lana Thompson (Auburn, 2023-09-24)
Traffic in the area is already unbearable. This would only make it much worse.John Englert (Dacula, 2023-09-24)
Increase crime, traffic and increasing the number of kids on our overpopulated schools.John Sutu (Buford, 2023-09-24)
We don’t need anymore apartments or housing in this areaRobert Patton (Buford, 2023-09-24)
I do not want 700 additional apartments on Sardis Chuch Road.Don Davis (Buford, 2023-09-24)
I have grave concerns regarding the apartments that are slated for our area. There are already an over abundance of apartments and rental homes in the area, that are empty. Why do we need more?Mike Prock (Dacula, 2023-09-24)
This would be devastating to the area. There is not a much room on the roads at peak hours and still too crowded during non peak hours.It will be dangerous… very dangerous. Especially for kids leaving the school.
Derek Schroll (Dacula, 2023-09-24)
I'm signing because the traffic and accidents in this corridor near Hamilton Mill is already astronomical. A high density 700 unit apartment complex should not be considered for this area which is already overgrownRyan Morse (Dacula, 2023-09-24)
I DO NOT want the new construction given the infrastructure.Jenolee Muschette Lindsay (Buford, 2023-09-24)
I'm signing because it is already crowded. We need a park or recreation center not 700 apartments.Zelda Abrams (Buford, 2023-09-24)
Traffic is already too bad in the 85- Hamilton Mill area.Mary Johnson (Buford, 2023-09-24)
No more overdevelopmentViorel Lupu (Buford, 2023-09-24)
The traffic is already too heavy in this area. We can’t accommodate this level of increase at once.Joseph Price (Dacula, 2023-09-24)
Im signing because I do not want to see the development of a multi apartment community built in the area.Luis Rodríguez (Auburn, 2023-09-24)
As a Gwinnett County resident and an educator in Gwinnett for 25 years I want my tax dollars to be spent to help our youth.Kathy Kelley (Dacula, 2023-09-24)
Hamilton Mill Road is way overcrowded, apartments would not bring in property-owner tax dollars, and crime would come with the project. It is better to use the land for the school and community.Mary Kirkaldy (Buford, 2023-09-24)
I have been visiting my boyfriend for 7 years who stays in Hamilton Mill, so I have seen the constant development of roads, the high school, and new homes. This area is very beautiful and peaceful compared to where I reside but Hamilton Mill is my second home, I am familiar with the layout and businesses. What bothers me the most, is the constant road kill I see everyday when I drive up and down Sardis Church road. There is a lot of wildlife in this part of Georgia, there’s deer, possums, raccoons, turtles, rabbits, as there is everywhere else. But it was not this bad until the newer homes and high school were built recently since 2020. I sign this petition so that less animals have to die for the sake of our carelessness and influx of new residents who do not take care of the natural life or keep the cleanliness of the environment.Jazmin Umana (Lawrenceville, 2023-09-24)
The land should be used for school or county related facilities.Joe Martin (Buford, 2023-09-24)
Too much development in the area already. Traffic bad as it is. Mark Johnson’s alternative plan is the best use of the land.William Beskas (Buford, 2023-09-24)
Overdevelopment; lack of infrastructure; over density of population; negative impact on traffic flow.William Salinski (Buford, 2023-09-24)
I am against the apartment/proposed plans.Kristen Cardinal (Buford, 2023-09-25)
Give us a park for youth sportsMichael Rhynes (Dacula, 2023-09-25)
My children attend Harmony and want an athletic center for their sports!Lydia Lay (Buford, 2023-09-25)
I am part of this community and we are part of the Seckinger Athletic Association. Our sports teams have no fields or community property to play in and this could very used for our some 5000+ local students.David Rolax (Buford, 2023-09-25)
This is an area with more than enough traffic issues as it is. Vote no or you won't get reelectedMelissa Fortenbery (Buford, 2023-09-25)
Signing because our schools are already over crowded and no locate park for our recreation sports.Sadie Beck (Buford, 2023-09-25)
I do NOT want the 700 apartments and retail space. I want a community aquatic center or equivalent for our schools and kids to use! Do not congest our community any more with apartments and more retail space! We need a live/work/play community!!Laura Sharpe (Buford, 2023-09-25)
We need a park/aquatic center for our kids. Not an apartment that will just cause more over crowding and traffic in the area. Thank you volunteer SKG football and Seckinger athletics association for helping to support this cause and spearhead the dream for our kids future.Angie Munoz (Buford, 2023-09-25)
I feel that the development of these apartments will attract more crime, congestion and down grade to our schools in the area. This is a family friendly area which should maintain its reputation and appearance.Ingry Ortiz (Buford, 2023-09-25)
The impact to the overall quality of life in the area has diminished due to the massive increase in traffic and over developing the area already.Michael Serafin (Dacula, 2023-09-25)
I would love to see this land use as a community / aquatic center. Until you get a better handle on our already over crowed roads. Stop approving this type of developments.Kathy Schweiger (Lawrenceville, 2023-09-25)
Because my kids go to the school and I think it's a bad, bad idea. It will lead to overcrowding.Mary Conti (Buford, 2023-09-25)
There’s not enough infrastructure for this.David Heusel (Dacula, 2023-09-25)
This area of Hamilton Mill Pkway and 1-85 is already congested with traffic daily. Adding 700 residential units plus retail would contribute to further gridlock and hamper access to existing commercial properties.Jessica Wilson (Dacula, 2023-09-25)
This development is a terrible idea and will cause further overcrowding at Seckinger highschool.James Harless (Buford, 2023-09-25)
Poor use of space. We are already overcrowded and lacking needed infrastructure.Sherry Coffield (Dacula, 2023-09-25)
I’m signing because the proposal to add 700 more apartments to our community would be a disaster. My kids attend Seckinger HS and Ivy Creek Elmentary. The biggest concern I have is safety, the apartments would share a border with the High School and there is a way for strangers to be able to access the school without detection due to the proximity.Juan Torres (Buford, 2023-09-25)
My children go to Seckinger High School and I feel like it is a bad idea to have apartments backing into the school. There is also no park for the recreational program that feeds into the high school and this would be a better use for the land. Traffic at this light turning on to Sardis church is also a problem, adding a large community would create a bigger problem.Jeannette Nearing (Buford, 2023-09-25)
I’m signing because we do not need anymore apartments right around our school. We could use a pool/community center for our childrenAnonymous Anonymous (BUFORD, 2023-09-25)
There is already to much traffic and not enough infrastructure in place.Christine Nicholas (Dacula, 2023-09-25)
Our youth need a local park and our community doesn’t need more apartments.Joe Cox (Buford, 2023-09-26)
I have 3 children we are raising in the area - in the current world that we live in, having space to build a park for them to utilize will be a huge benefit to their physical, mental, and spiritual development - which will be an investment in their future and the future of our community. These kids deserve to disconnect and have the space to get stronger and develop team spirit. Success requires commitment - we ask that you commit to our children so they have an opportunity for success.Kimberly Brown (Buford, 2023-09-26)
As Buford resident and tax payer, this project would be affecting the safety of our children in the New high school. The high traffic to this already dense area. And the fact that renters do Not contribute to school tax paying dollars.Sophia Martinez (Buford, 2023-09-26)
I do not want this.Ithier Martinez (BUFORD, 2023-09-26)
I live nearby and already am having commute issues due to overburdened traffic issuesSarah Meyer (Buford, 2023-09-26)
Need aquatic centerNot apartments
Kristi Gorinas (Hoschton, 2023-09-26)
Too much congestion!Destiny Prezzano (Dacula, 2023-09-26)