Against detaching the National Observatory of Athens from Greece's network of research centers



A first reason for signing this petition is that I do believe that research institutions, being funded by the taxpayer, must provide a return to the public. But it must be able to do it by performing its task: doing fundamental research. Service provision is a consequence of that. Making a research institution part of an operational agency is an upside-down organizational setup, that ultimately will hinder the science - and the quality of service provision on a longer time scale.

Being active in the management of a scientific institution myself, I know that even only the threat of a drastic reform can have detrimental effects on the motivation of scientists. Indeed, many scientists' careers are already in a precarious situation as they depend on soft money, and any change is rapidly preceived as a threat.

Johan De Keyser (Lubbeek, 2023-11-21)


Υπογράφω υπέρ της διατήρησης του χαρακτήρα του ως ερευνητικού ινστιτούτου.

Διονύσιος Γουβιάς (ΡΟΔΟΣ, 2023-11-21)


I think the NOA is a renowned institute that should be supported in its current situation, without making major changes to its funding/management situation.

Tom Van Doorsselaere (Herent (Belgium), 2023-11-21)


The National Observatory of Athens is a well respected institute that deserves to be its own entity, in particular as it is the first research institute of the country.

Kalliopi Dasyra (Athens, 2023-11-21)


I am signing because I believe that the decision of teh Greek government to move NOA from the General Secretariat of Research & Innovation (GSRI) to the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection (MCCCP), is fundamentaly wrong. It is one thing to ask from the NOA (and other similar Institutes) to support operations, setting requirements and ensuring appropriate cooperation with the operational agencies and the necessary funding, and a completely different thing to bring it into a routine that is certain to impede its research vision and remove the flexibility and motivation of its researchers. The well known saying "if it ain't broken don't fix it" applies here one hundred percent!



Ντροπή στην κυβέρνηση που θέλει να τα κυβερνάει όλα πια, ακόμη και ανεξάρτητους οργανισμούς και ιδρύματα που έχουν αφήσει ιστορία

Christina M (Cork, 2023-11-21)


The problem seems to be the government's choice to construct a distinction between "General Secretariat of Research & Innovation" and "Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection", then require each publicly funded activity to be one but not the other. This is obviously misguided, as is shown by the NOA organization's inability to fit nicely into either of the two square holes the government has tried to make. Science is science. Create a fund to support climate research if that's what you wish to promote, but trying to tell scientists they can be climate scientists, or something else, but not both, will harm Greek led research in the long run.

Kipp Cannon (Tokyo, 2023-11-21)


The NOA makes an internationally recognised contribution to astronomy and astrophysics. This capacity would be jeopardised under the proposed reorganisation and is irreplaceable.

Frederick Gent (Helsinki, 2023-11-21)


"I am endorsing this cause because I strongly believe in the principle that science should serve the greater good of all humanity. It holds the power to educate, unite, and address the global challenges we face collectively. It is crucial that science is wielded responsibly and ethically, ensuring it is never misused to harm human life or disrupt the peace of our world."

Yin Chen (Amsterdam, 2023-11-21)


Science needs independence and encouragement from the policymakers.

Sivakandan Mani (Kühlunsborn, 2023-11-21)


In order to help preserve the National Observatory of Athens as a vital research center in Greece, ensuring its continued contributions to scientific advancement within its rightful home, the General Secretariat of Research & Innovation

Daniele Bertacca (Padua, 2023-11-21)



Nikos Votsoglou (Rethymnon, 2023-11-21)


Operational innovation cannot happen without carefully planned and sufficiently funded long-term research. Prioritizing short-term operational needs over long-term research roadmaps is a mistake from a scientific perspective.

Mario Miguel Valero Pérez (Barcelona, 2023-11-21)


Υπογράφω, επειδή τα ερευνητικά κέντρα, προκειμένου να λειτουργούν προς όφελος της επιστημονικής κοινότητας και των πολιτών εν γένει, πρέπει να εποπτεύονται από την Γενική Γραμματεία Ερευνας και Καινοτομίας, που είναι και ο μόνος αρμόδιος φορέας.

Καλλιρρόη-Ανδριανή Θωμά (Πάτρα, 2023-11-21)


I believe that all Research Centers belong to the General Secretariat of Research and Innovation

Maria Vasilaki (HALANDRI, 2023-11-21)


Agree with petition

Raphael Hirschi (Keele, 2023-11-21)


What the government is trying to do will hinder the ability of NOA to serve as a public body

Michael Pikridas (Nicosia, 2023-11-21)


Υπογράφω διότι διαφωνώ πλήρως με την υπαγωγή του ΕΑΑ Υπ.ΚΚΠΠ κυρίως γιατί:
1. κατακερματίζεται και αποδυναμώνεται ο εθνικός ερευνητικός ιστός που εποπτεύεται μέχρι σήμερα από την ΓΓΕΚ
2. με την κίνηση αυτή φαίνεται ότι η κυβέρνηση ρίχνει το βάρος μόνο σε κάποιες υπηρεσίες που παρέχει το ερευνητικό κέντρο και όχι στο βασικό κορμό των ερευνητικών του δραστηριοτήτων
(3) η συνεργασία και ο ελεύθερος διάλογος για θέματα που αφορούν το υπουργείο δεν είναι ζητούμενο αλλά είναι γεγονός
(4) απομονωμένο τον Εθνικό Ερευνητικό Ιστό ΕΑΑ δύσκολα θα μπορέσει να αποτρέψει την απώλεια του Ακαδημαϊκού και Ερευνητικού του χαρακτήρα και τον κίνδυνο μετατροπής του σε υπηρεσία του Υπ. ΚΚΠΠ (βλ. παλαιότερη εμπειρία με το ΙΓΜΕ)

Μαρία Παραωατού (Αθήνα, 2023-11-21)


The National Observatory of Athens, one of the most historical scientific centres in Greece, must not lose its research character by moving it to the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection.
The research hypostasis must be maintained in any case. It would be a pity to, even more, constrain and downgrade research and science in Greece.

Sotiris Sboras (Athens, 2023-11-21)

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