Halvempi koronavirustesti omiin kotimaihinsa matkustaville! Affordable Covid19-test for travelers reaching their own home countries!
Koronavirus testi on aivan liian kallis, pelkkää rahastusta.Jari Lehikoinen (Bray, 2021-05-16)
My daughter lives abroad and wishes to visit Finland with her family but cannot afford due to high testing costs.Kari Halmela (Tampere, 2021-05-16)
I haven't seen my father of 93 years for almost 1,5 yearsMarjo Makkonen (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2021-05-16)
Because I am against to too high covid-19 testing prices.Sari Sormunen (Lørenskog, 2021-05-16)
Haluan että mehiläisen ja terveystalon yms. ryöstö loppuu. Ihan törkeää rahastustaTina Jylhä (Barcelona, 2021-05-16)
Hinnat Suomessa on ihan älyttömätJanne Kinnunen (Doha, 2021-05-16)
I need to travel to Lithuania visit my familyTatiana Heikkinen (Helsinki, 2021-05-16)
My whole Family are Finns and we have a house in Finland and we have to keep worry to themAnneli Gerber-Sainio (Zürich, 2021-05-16)
Allekirjoitan, koska jokaisella (ulko)suomalaisella tai Suomessa asuvalla ulkomaalaisella tulisi olla mahdollisuus tavata läheisiään ilman, että koronatestin hinta tulee esteeksi.Sanna Merikallio-Tepponen (Copenhagen, 2021-05-17)
I want to go to see my elderly parents in Finland who are all vaccinated but since start of the pandemic 2020 I haven’t been able to afford such a trip.Kaisa Pohjola (Amsterdam, 2021-05-17)
I am signing because I want To see My daughter and her family finally. They are living In Denmark and I miss them. But 270 euros is too much. They are 4 people.Eija Hjelt (Eura, 2021-05-17)
Pcr testin hinta suomessa on järkyttävä, ilman mitään syytä. Dubaissa testi maksaa 35 euroa.Anni Timonen (Dubai, 2021-05-17)
I am signing because the prices are unreasonable - whether my kids can see their grandparents this summer shouldn’t be dependent on whether I can pay such expensive test prices in addition to expensive plane tickets.Mirva Lempiäinen (Le Gosier, 2021-05-17)
We want to be able to come and voisit home more often but it’s so expensive because of Covid tests and it’s unfair!!Julia Johansen (Paris, 2021-05-17)
I'm signing because I'd like to meet my parents, sibling and friends in Finland after such a long time (due to covid) again, without paying so much for the PCR tests. Especially, because I have been vaccinated against the corona virus.Outi Tuppurainen (Budapest, 2021-05-17)
Pitäisi olla halvempi myös ulkosuomalaisille, jotka matkustavat Suomeen perhettä tapaamaan ja joutuvat takaisin asuinmaahansa lähtiessä maksamaan testit.Riikka Kivinen (Angers, 2021-05-17)
The pricing should be reasonable. It costs 10 euro but it might reach 20 times more.Khalil Manasra (Amman, 2021-05-17)
Minun on matkustettava Suomeen perhesyistä ( kuten monen ulkosuomalaisen) ja koen kohtuuttomana kalliin testin.Laura Tanttu (Paris, 2021-05-17)
Im signing because I think that it should not be allowed in the misery of this epidemic to let health companies or air carrier such as Finnair (offering so called "discounts" to passengers ) to speculate and make huge profits on the skin of individuals that are in need to travel.Giorgio Visetti (Rome, 2021-05-17)
The Godmother of my son and my God son lives abroad. We haven't seen each other for over a year due to travel regulations.Petra Piirto (Helsinki, 2021-05-18)
Hei, mielestani Suomessa testit ovat rahastusta.Anne Hirvonen (Alpharetta, 2021-05-18)
I hope Finland change system and price for this testLorella Pari (Rimini, 2021-05-18)
Haluan että tyttäreni perhe voisi tulla tulevana kesänä Suomeen!Testit nyt niin kalliita ettei se ole mahdollista!Raili Tukiainen-Kekki (Espoo, 2021-05-18)