Keep the YMCA Point St Charles in its original building
If only everyone can come on nov 30 5:30 At YProtest for this cause it’s important
(Montreal, 2019-11-27)
Everyone should go on sat 5:30 to y to protest no excuse(Montreal, 2019-11-27)
Pointe St Charles needs the Y desperately. It’s a very important place for the people of this community to gather.(Montreal, Quebec, 2019-11-27)
I was born and raised in Point St.Charles I actually lived right beside the Y.M.C.A at 355 Ash in the apartment building. The building should stay the same! So many changes all over Montreal. Please preserve this building it means a lot to people. For many of us it was a second home. A place where kids stayed out of trouble. It’s a landmark in Montreal.(Montreal, 2019-11-27)
I will definitely be at the protest on sat nov 30 5:30(Montreal, 2019-11-27)
Le YMCA de Pointe-St-Charles accueille des personnes de tout âge et de divers horizons. Il procure des services auxquels nous ne pourrions pas accéder autrement. Préservons la justice sociale au cœur de notre quartier !!(Montréal, 2019-11-27)
I am a member of the Y and I'm so grateful for the convenient access in my neighbourhood and all of the services it provides to the community across all ages. I frequently see the elderly gathering there and having a chance to socialize, and I also see kids and teenagers developing their minds and bodies after school. Removing this space and these activities from these people will remove a part of their lives- the elderly will be at a higher risk of social isolation and kids will start looking for other places to gather that may not be as supportive or educational as the YMCA. The Y offers essential services to the community, and PSC is a community tightly linked together that depends on organizations like the Y to support its members and their development throughout their lives. Personally, I benefit from the fitness facilities at the YMCA, which is important to me as it's easily accessible and convenient. However, although the loss of the Y would make minimal impact for me personally, I recognize that it will have a huge impact on the people who depend on its spaces and activities to foster their social and personal development. It's for them that I am signing this petition, because we all need a place in our community where we can feel supported and encouraged to continue to grow. This is my point of view as a healthcare professional as well: that organizations like the Y are the backbone of communities and are essential in supporting the psychosocial health of our population, and our populations at risk will lose an important community resource in managing their psychosocial wellbeing if organizations like the YMCA begin to close.There are a lot of words here to say just one thing: keeping the YMCA Pointe St Charles open and fully functioning is essential to the continued wellbeing of our community. It is unacceptable to take it away from the people of Pointe St Charles, especially without giving a proper and reasonable justification for it.
(Montreal, 2019-11-27)
NOV 30 5:30pmprotest everyone please come
(ndg, 2019-11-28)
yes everyone should go and tell people to come along NOV 30 5:30 very important(montreal, 2019-11-28)
The YMCA is more than a gym to me - I believe it contributes to the mental and physical health of residents of all ages of Point St Charles. It has for me. I have been a member for 12 years.(Montréal, 2019-11-29)
I am a senior and participate in group activity classes at Y. Absolutely essential for my health and well being.(Montréal, 2019-11-29)
I hope the protest helps the kids and centre to stay open nov 30 5:30 is very important date(Montreal Quebec, 2019-11-29)
Je signe car je suis une mère qui veut voir son enfant s'intégrer à la communauté de P-S-C, avoir un sentiment d'appartenance et des passions qui la rendront heureuse et en santé mentale et physique. Au sens plus large, je souhaite des services communautaires offerts à tous les citoyen-nes afin que la pauvreté ne soit pas une barrière au bien-être personnel et social.(Montréal, 2019-11-29)
I just spoke to my friend and senior program at Y PSC might close as of dec not June 2020 I'm disgusted CEO promised that community stuff stays open till June and now they are fighting to have something for new yearWHAT LIARS DONT BELIEVE HIGHTER UP
(montreal, 2019-11-29)
my aunt from the seniors program at Y and she was crying about this situation I'm not happy and Y is Really cold hearted I wish I can tell the CEO what I really think in his *** FaceMaking seniors crying and stress nowhere to go :(
why LIE ?
closing in dec not june 2020 cold very cold keep lying good job YMCA
(montreal, 2019-11-29)
I heard as well I cant believe they do this to seniors program one day of week come on CHEAP ASS CEO cant keep a promise till june 2020 how about the kids will they be next since HE LIES !!!!(montreal, 2019-11-29)
STEP DOWN CEOu really are ruining the Y name and image that it represents
(montreal, 2019-11-29)
VERY SAD to read this I hope everyone go on SAT NOV 30 5:30 pmProtest !!!!!!!!!!! poor seniors really
(NDG, 2019-11-29)
I will be at protest on SATthis need to stop the lying needs to stop
(montreal East, 2019-11-29)
really everyone needs to help kids and seniors programs community needs(Montreal, 2019-11-29)
The MEDIA needs to know about the lying they are making a fool of community(montreal, 2019-11-29)
Lies all Lies they are just trying to keep us quite they better be finding a solution to all this problems with community programsSAY GOOD BYE CEO TIME TO RESIGN !!!!!!!
(montreal, 2019-11-29)
This is a non sens!!!!(Montréal, 2019-11-29)
this is very disappointing to hear that seniors will not have a place to go even for one day a week come on that's stupidand why not till june 2020 that what is said for community programs
Lies Lies Lies
if this is done to seniors it can be done to the kids
(montreal quebec, 2019-11-29)
The CEO should come Nov 30 to the protest come talk to the community not behind TV or emails show ur face(montreal, 2019-11-29)
La population de Pointe-St-Charles ne peut perdre un lieu centrale tel que le YMCA. Il s'agit d'un lieu de socialisation, de prévention ouvert à tout le monde, et en particulier à une strate de la société moins nantis.(Montreal, 2019-11-29)
Let’s hope everyone comes tonight protest 5:30 !!!!!!! Tell people(Montreal, 2019-11-30)
Wow so all rich Ymca stay open and less fortunate Y closesWow sad I guess the Y doesn’t care about people and kids & community
Money hungry ceo
(Montreal ndg, 2019-11-30)
I just visited this YMCA and it was very busy and active. This is a growing area and it is strange that you are closing it now. Please dont(Montreal, 2019-12-01)
We want to keep our community services in our neighbordhood! The Y brings together so many folks from the Point, it deserves every population.The closure of the Y would accelerate the gentrification of the neighbordhood and would put low income parents in a very tough situation of finding services for their kids.
(Montréal, 2019-12-01)
Cet organisme a toujours répondu à des besoins essentiels exprimés par les citoyens du quartier. Actuellement, la gentrification fait que l'on voit, entre autre, pousser des gym pour les personnes fortunés, très peu pour les citoyens du quartier peu ou pas fortunés du tout. Et là ce n'est qu'une des offres du YMCA. Je pourrais partager pleins de ces gestes poser pour la population. Il fait partie de nous et vous devez tout faire pour le conserver. Il ne doit pas servir des désirs de promoteurs d'en faire encore une fois, de l'argent dans leurs poches et encore moins de services à la population!!! Il doit rester ou il est tel qu'il est.!(Montreal, 2019-12-01)
We need to fight to keep it open for kids and community(NDG, 2019-12-02)
I'm signing because the YMCA is one of the oldest and most useful institution of our neighbourhood. It should disappear like this(Montreal, 2019-12-05)
I'm signing because the YMCA in Pointe St. Charles is an important community resource, and should remain so.(Montreal, 2019-12-06)
I have been using the YMCA gym facilities for over 6 years on a regular basis along with my family. Without the Y, me and my fellow Point St-Charles residents will have no local option for indoor physical fitness, and instead will have to look for alternatives in Verdun, Griffintown or St-Henri - areas that are far less convenient to go to for workouts. A big result of this closure is that we will not maintain as healthy a life style, as we surely will not go to the gym as often anymore.In a neighborhood were access to common urban services is limited, losing the Y is a major blow. And all the residents of PSC know that there are not many other great building options currently for starting new gym services in other parts of the point.
We were all devastated when we learned of this sad news, as for many of us, the Y has been a a central area in our community that has helped us all get to know each other better. We do not want to lose this! Thank you.
(Montreal, 2019-12-08)
I am signing this petition because I feel that the YMCA is so needed in this particular neighbourhood,as is in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve,since so many children come from low income families,and the YMCA is a place where they can go for activities,at a reasonnable price,and sometimes for help..For some children the Y is a second home.It keeps them off the street.It would be traumatic for them if it wasn't there anymore.I am really hoping that the city will find a way to keep them open.
Francine Bergeron
(Montréal, 2019-12-08)
1- J'habite à Verdun et le YMCA PSC est le seul qui est accessible en voiture avec la chance de se stationner pas trop loin.2- Je ne peux plus aller au YMCA centre ville, car je n'ai plus de passe de métro et je n'ai pas le temps de faire un détour par le centre-ville.
3- Ma fille a suivit des cours de cirque et de bricolage au YMCA PSC depuis qu'elle a 3 ans, jusqu'au jour ou le YMCA a arrêté d'offrir ces acitivités à mon grand regret. Les cours étaient abordables et étaient populaires. Le Y aurait pu obtenir beaucoup plus d'inscription avec l'aide de publicité bouche à oreille de la part de ses clients. ********** Je crois qu'il est possible de remettre sur pied un programme de cirque tout le week end, avec un bon entraîneur et du matériel intéressant, et ainsi aller chercher beaucoup d'inscription/financement de cette façon. L'école de cirque de Verdun explose : elle n'a pas assez de place pour acceuillir toutes les inscriptions et leurs tarifs n'est pas abordable. C'est une clientèle facile à aller chercher!!! ****
(VERDUN, 2019-12-16)
We need to keep this invaluable community resource in its current location to continue to serve the neighbourhood.(Montreal, 2019-12-18)
Je viens de la Pointe ...!pis le YMCA fais partie de la communauté... comme la clinique et beaucoup d’autre service .(Sainte-Hedwidge, 2019-12-22)
Why close where will all the people go it’s not fair.(Lachine, 2020-08-30)