The People's Petition to Demand Direct Cash Payment Stimulus



As a member of the Yang Gang, I've been calling for this much-needed origami for quite some time!

John Thompson (Wyncote, 2020-12-13)


If one person, Mitch McConnell, can hold up aid to millions of people in dire circumstances, then we need to show him who's paying his salary. Because I believe he's either forgotten or just plain doesn't care.

Billie Cole (Kingsport, 2020-12-13)


I'm signing because I believe that this stimulus will make an immediate positive impact on communities at large and will help provide the resources for families to secure the basic necessities of life (food, shelter etc.).

Renee Jones Paskell (Detroit, 2020-12-13)


I'm signing because I know that I am not strong enough to withstand this pandemic alone. We need a solution that can reach millions of Americans, and one that ensures that we can get thru this together. We can't do it alone.

John O'Connell (West Linn, 2020-12-13)


This is greatly needed by many Americans.

Cassandra Black (Charlotte, 2020-12-14)


I believe everyone needs help to get through the pandemic.

Lisa Anne Rasmussen (Walla Walla, 2020-12-14)


Its only right to step in to help Americans SURVIVE DURING A PANDEMIC. This shouldn't be something we have to fight for when its our tax dollars WE PAY.

Audrey Bair (Seattle, 2020-12-14)


People need money to live.

But money should not define your way of life.

Raul Hernandez (Miami, 2020-12-14)


I can’t get a job and my husbands hours have been cut back.

Rebecca Raymond (Montgomery, 2020-12-14)


People are hurting. A one time check of $1200 is not enough for people to catch up on their rent or mortgage and other bills. Every other country has made continuous payments to their citizens. America can too.

Eve Laettner (Buffalo, 2020-12-14)


Unemployed because of pandemic

Jeffrey Fredo (Buffalo, 2020-12-14)


I'm signing this because, I too agree with this petition. This pandemic has happened to all American people and it was not a choice it was forced.

Tia Wright (Pompano Beach, 2020-12-14)


We all need this.

Michael Belanger (new orleans, 2020-12-14)


Simply because the people are struggling look at the food lines look at how many people out of work we are desperate and the people who were supposed to be representing don’t give a damn about us

Irving Sanchez (Inverness, FL, 2020-12-14)


My husband and I are both unemployed. We have children and a father with dementia who we support. We live in Los Angeles and we are in lockdown. Their are not enough jobs in our fields. My husband was a supervisor in the airport rental car agency and I worked in the hospitality industry. So that money would help our family stay at home and help slow the spread of the virus.

Mercedes HUNT-GRANT (Los Angeles, 2020-12-14)


Because like so many others, I need the surplus check to survive.

Whitney Todd (Akron, 2020-12-14)


Neighbors in our community have been hurting. The hospitality industry, tourism, folks who work in restaurants have been adversely effected. Our church is sponsoring homeless families. This is an unprecedented emergency.

Roberta Gunn (Hobe Sound, 2020-12-14)


People need help not talk & this government has done little to nothing for its Citizens.

Andrew Ventra (Roslindale, 2020-12-15)


This is a once in 100 years event. We need to support the people so they can maintain health and home through this challenging time.

Raylene Rhem (Renton, 2020-12-15)


My dad's social security check is all we have and its not really enough to get by. Getting work will be hard for a while longer yet, I don't know when I'll be able to help change our households situation.

Kelly Tenorio (San Diego, 2020-12-15)


I'm signing because this is the aid we should have received as soon as shut downs started happening.

Natana Inzar (Silver Spring, 2020-12-15)


We need help!

Mia Moseley (Las Vegas, 2020-12-16)


People need help!!

Joanne Price (Oceano, 2020-12-16)


So many people are suffering so much right now and this money would allow them to keep a roof over their head, food on the table, and clothes on their back!
Personally, I am thankful and blessed to be in a position where I still have my job so the additional stimulus money would allow me to support local small businesses. When I received the first stimulus check I spent it on local restaurant take out and retail shops to help keep them in business. Now, I'm more nervous about spending because I'm not sure what's going to happen with the economy and many people in my community are getting sick from COVID so I need to make sure I have money to cover my bills if I get sick and have to miss work or pay medical bills.

Heidi Heffron-Clark (Stoughton, 2020-12-17)


Everyone in my immediate family has faced wage loss in the service industry. There is no one left for me to ask for help

Steven Glynn (Orlando, 2020-12-17)


I am so tired of elected representatives completely ignoring the suffering of their constituents. Enough already with the $$$$ to billionaires, millionaires, and corporations. I'm done funding yachts with the PPP program, it's time to help people who actually need it!

Gina Meronek (CLERMONT, 2020-12-17)


Survival for MILLIONS of Americans.

Georgia Brown (Jacksonville, 2020-12-17)


I’m tired of the needs of Americans being ignored!

Joanne Moran (North Plains, 2020-12-17)


As someone who has been working through covid hours have been fluctuating. Instead of getting my steady 40 hours I have went from 30,to 20, to 30 again and at some points hitting 15. The money i get i feel the need to save in case things don't go well at work and they have to lay someone off.

Cecil Pourner (Akron, 2020-12-17)


People are more deeply in the hole than they were back in the spring. The help will help them make it to the light. A small one time payment isn't enough.

Embry Russell (Roanoke Rapids, 2020-12-17)


The American people (myself included) desperately need this relief, especially after the non-existent leadership over the past four years.

Mike Harrison (Lakewood, 2020-12-17)


I’m signing because I believe the stimulus should cover at least the medium rent.

john mendez (orlando, 2020-12-17)


Because this should have been done months ago.

Karlis Musa (Ithaca, 2020-12-17)


I’m unemployed...

Beth Murphy (Trumbull, 2020-12-17)


We need direct cash payments now!!! $600 is not enough.

Natally Baker (Olympia, 2020-12-17)


Im signing because i was doing well financially. Better than any of my peers. And once coronavirus came through, then consukers energy gave me a shut off notice due to not sending me bills for 4 months, then a $900 bill all at once that had to be paid withinthe month, it wiped a lot of my savings out and i am now back to living in poverty and wondering if ill be able to pay rent in full.

Sydney Rhines (Okemos, 2020-12-17)


The economic relief so far, and proposed is sorely lacking. There is so much waste in the government. The money can be found. The deficit is not the fault of the people. It’s the fault of out of touch government representatives. $600 is laughable. Get real.

Cathy Thaler (Henderson, 2020-12-17)


I’m signing because six months of direct payments would change my life. It would mean that I would finally be able to get ahead and make something of my life it would mean that I would be able to get out of my parents house and get a place of my own, make payments on my car, Get myself out of debt, and breathe easier for the first time in my adult life.

Derek Weakley (Gordonsville, 2020-12-17)


I affix my name to this petiton in full support of the proposal and demand made by the Black Church Leadership of America to Congress and President-Elect Biden's administration for bottom-up stimulus in the form of Direct Cash Payments to all adults making less than $100,000 a year, of not less than $1200 per month for 6 consecutive months.

I personally attest that this stimulus will make an immediate positive impact on me, my family, my business and/or my community, and that I do not favor any stimulus package that does not include this form of stimulus for the people.

Amy Meredith (Amarillo, 2020-12-17)


I’m signing because I know a lot of people who are struggling to keep up with bills and can barely afford food as it is, hours have been cut at many jobs, people who go out to restaurants do not tip well anymore, we have to pass a bill that’ll benefit and help for more than just one payment, this pandemic is not going away anytime soon!

George Rosado (Labelle, 2020-12-17)


Congress, this is no time to be cheap. Do it so it will work much better. 1200 or more!

Bob Schmelter (Olympia, 2020-12-17)


Americans are in a desperate situation financially. We demand your help.

Debra Reuter (Martinez, 2020-12-17)


I support UBI.

Ronnie Ledford (Booneville, 2020-12-17)


Direct cash relief is the most effective form of stimulus our government can give. It will make a direct impact on people’s physical and mental health.

Patrick Flynn (Cambridge, MA, 2020-12-17)


$600 is NOT enough! People are hurting - job loss, medical bills, food costs skyrocketing. Direct payments to individuals NOW!

Lyda Kiser (DeLand, 2020-12-17)


I am a pastor in Iowa and I meet so many people in need of help. Churches couldn’t meet all their needs even BEFORE the Covid-19 pandemic. I support $1200/month for six months because it would give people safety and confidence to support their families and the economy. AND it will help people to see that a Universal Basic Income would change their lives forever!

Steven Broers (Fontanelle, 2020-12-17)


We need to help people to save this country from disaster. $600 doesn’t do enough to prevent a crash that effects everyone.

Dona Wuthnow (Friday Harbor, 2020-12-17)


We are dying and government officials are doing nothing to help and it's our money

Alexander Jackson (Orlando, 2020-12-17)


I prefer for my kids to learn about the Great Depression in a history book, not through a reenactment of it.

ANGELA DOLL (LIMA, 2020-12-17)


I'm signing because the people need help. PPP does not pay our bills. Liability protections do not pay our bills. Our lives have value, much more than our government is currently valuing them. We want to survive this pandemic, currently we aren't being afford this chance.
Millions are about to be put out onto the street with their families in the middle of winter. Millions are already starving. Congress needs to represent us, not corporations.

Anna Keeton (Memphis, 2020-12-17)


We Americans need help. It's been 9 months and the people of our country are starving, losing homes, and jobs. It's long overdue but it's time to make a change.

Ren Amamiya (Santa Ana, 2020-12-17)


Our current administration has failed us on many accounts, and $1200/mo for 6 months will do so much good for relieving the stress of everyday life during the pandemic.

David Woo (Austin, 2020-12-17)


I am in dire financial shape

Carol Bradwell (Albany, 2020-12-17)


My family is struggling, my husband had to stop working because of covid, we went today to get food from a school near our house and when we got there they had run out of food, we have 2 kids... please we all need help!

Maria Martin Del Campo (Los angeles, 2020-12-17)


I'm tired of politicians taking us for granted. Let's give them the same finances they want us to live on and see how long it takes to get things changed. I am on disability and I'm 61 yrs young. They give us a cost of living increase and then raise our part B premiums, how is this supposed to help the elderly? I am fed up with all of them. Those that have been in for 30 plus yrs need to go, they have done nothing to this date and they aren't likely to in the future.

Violet Riley (Seymour, 2020-12-17)


The people are the heart of this country. This country is having a heart attack! Can a country be great without heart?


Rommel Haynes (Aubrey, 2020-12-17)


I’m signing because I need our reps to get a better deal

Tyrone Flores (San Mateo, 2020-12-17)


We the American people are hurting and 1,200 dollars to last us 8 months was a slap in the face and to even try to offer this 600 dollars is spitting in our faces. Do the right thing help the American people out and do 1,200 for 6 months!

Britney Soria (Nampa, 2020-12-17)


I work in the hospitality industry and we have been hit the hardest. I’m behind on so many bills and just to keep paying rent I’ve had to take out payday loans and I feel like I’m never gonna get my head above water. We desperately need this help.

jennifer marin (San Antonio, 2020-12-17)


We are suffering and need direct stimulus. These are now SURVIVAL CHECKS! People are going to die without MONTHLY direct cash payments.

Adam Vizier (Cut Off, 2020-12-17)



Mary Nzeribe (Atlanta, 2020-12-17)


UBI should be a right

Michael Bartell (San Antonio, 2020-12-17)


we need reoccuring cash relief to keep people alive

Christine Pontecorvo (Havertown, 2020-12-18)


I'm signing because 10,000 COVID deaths were attributed to homelessness from eviction suffered by the most economically fragile citizens, and another 20 million are in rent arrearage or mortgage or utility arrearage of about $5850, and evictions are slated to begin in January. This, in the middle of a deadly cold winter, in the middle of a deadly pandemic unseen since in severity since the 1918 Spanish flu. People need a basic level of economic stability, housing, and access to resources in order to be employable. That won't happen if this gov't fails to put a floor underneath the American people's feet, especially since the economy for average ordinary people is not expected to recover until 2023 or beyond, and between now and then many working age people (especially those in their 40s and 50s) will NOT get rehired by anyone for anything once this pandemic is over. To deliberately condemn those permanently pushed out of the economy to preventable suffering and death from poverty, homelessness, utility shut-offs, and hunger is monstrous - it is nothing short of a genocide.

Jacqueline Homan (Erie, 2020-12-18)


I believe this is the right thing to do to address the damage the pandemic has wreaked on the economy and the people.

Miguel Angelo Neri (Lutz, 2020-12-18)


We need to protect people from despair and death by giving the people what will actually help, DIRECT cash relief, as well as prepare for the coming economic changes.

Alyssa Rogo (Ironwood, 2020-12-18)


The only way to stimulate the economy is to give low income and struggling people money. Without a stimulus, I'll be forced to focus on cutting spending and saving my money. With one I can continue to put money back into the economy effectively and help others that are struggling more than I am without fear of putting my own financial stability at risk.

Adam Miller (Tucker, 2020-12-18)


It is the right thing to do

Daniel Delivuk (McKeesport, 2020-12-18)


Americans need help. Pandemic is killing Americans and many have no jobs.

Mary Palermo (Venice, 2020-12-18)


I've been laid off since March 17

Susan Hall (Lexington, 2020-12-18)


It’s the second Great Depression and people can’t pay their rent or buy food.

Barbara Tholfsen (Croton on Hudson, 2020-12-18)


My kids need food and my bills paid or we won't have a home

Anna k hogan Hogan (Albany ky, 2020-12-18)


I want to work at a full-time job but I can only get part-time work. It is nearly enough to keep afloat at all. All my utility bills are unpaid for months. My property tax has not been paid, either. I will probably be sent to a collections agency. I hate this.

Ursula Constellation (Pittsburgh, 2020-12-18)


I am signing this petition because the sign of a good government is how it cares for the weak and vulnerable

Gary English (Phoenixville, 2020-12-18)


People need income NOW to avoid disaster later...Unemployment is not enough for people struggling with rent/mortgage, food, medicine, stimulating small business, etc.

Adam prince (Philadelphia, PA 19127, 2020-12-18)


When people have money and are willing to spend, businesses do well and the whole economy does well.

Oluwapelumi Fafowora (Fort Wayne, 2020-12-19)


I really feel like this is the right thing to do to help our country and our economy.

Troy Lee (Lima, 2020-12-20)


The Republican House & Senate are amoral, anti-ethical sycophants and they American public is dying because of them!

Kathi Smith (Macungie, 2020-12-20)


I work in food service. Used to work two jobs. But now I can only work two days a week due to my restaurant going curbside only.

Dominick DeLattre (Jackson, 2020-12-21)


I am one who is desperate need myself of stimulus money and see how it would help so many people.

Camille Montoya (Palm Springs, 2020-12-21)


it just makes no sense on how you all in your seats and here it is 6 months out at Christmas and you all hold the key and Mitch and Nancy playing the Blame game which if the people come together to release something but youall refuse it....and got kids but you all are refusing to release anything nooooo it is not right..people are losing there homes cars lights in the cold losing insurance..but you don't Even care unemployment ....if you can't or don't care to help move back and let someone that will do so.....

Evelyn Silar (Elba, 2020-12-22)

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