Petition to extend JET beyond 2023



It is foolish to shut a centre of excellence without a replacement. All the important networks would be lost forever.

Russell Norton (Cardiff, 2023-11-01)


the importance of cheap energy

MCP Braat (Muiderberg, 2023-11-01)


I've grown up around this facility, and even studying in an entirely different field am astounded that it's closing with what it has left to offer.

Alisa Newton (Southampton, 2023-11-01)


Essential to maintain training and knowledge

Damian Bonsall (Manchester, 2023-11-02)


Fusion is the future of power generation

Denis Bednyagin (Zurich, 2023-11-02)


I believe jet represents a unique skillset that would be a disgrace to waste

Tony Pedley (Derby, 2023-11-02)


I believe more science can be made at JeT

Michael Richardson (Madison, 2023-11-02)


I'm signing because I support all fusion efforts.

Kunal Sanwalka (Madison, 2023-11-02)


I care deeply about fusion and the worldwide effort to bring this project to fruition. I and many others believe that JET contributes immensely to this effort.

Carli Smith (East Garrison, 2023-11-02)


Rod Dalitz

Rod Dalitz (Edinburgh, 2023-11-02)


David Burman

David Burman (Stockholm, 2023-11-02)


Signing because I see the shortage of nuclear-trained staff for new power stations due to the premature winding down of current/past operational facilities, and don't want to see the same thing happen to staff knowledgeable in fusion technology and research.

Tim Glover (Lichfield, 2023-11-02)


Because this type of research is important for the survival of the human race

Fern Lindsay (London, 2023-11-02)


I believe that it is vitally important that the continuity of fusion reaction experiments are maintained at the JET facilities to accelerate the momentum towards future fusion power plant design until more advanced facilities come on line. It is also necessary not only to maintain, but to expand nuclear fusion experience and expertise in the UK and Europe. I believe that refurbishment and upgrading of the JET facilities would assist greatly with these goals.

John Cartwright (Doncaster, 2023-11-02)


I'm signing because of the importance of this project and its distinguished record of achievement.

Monty Giles (NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, 2023-11-02)


Solving the energy needs of our future population is vital to the survival of the human race and all possible solutions should be investigated. Closing JET without ITER being operational will set back fusion research by years.

Hilary Byrne (Sydney, 2023-11-03)


JET still had a lot of important research it can contribute towards

Nicholas Allen (Auburn, 2023-11-03)


There are many reasons for keeping JET operational. Critical questions related to plasma-boundary interactions, materials, operation of diagnostics in a neutron-rich environment, D-T plasma dynamics, etc, can ONLY be addressed in this facility. JET is a unique and valuable training centre for young fusion scientists. Loss of this flagship facility (and personnel) would be a huge mistake and devastating loss to the world-wide fusion science effort given the time scale for ITER operation.

Richard Sydora (Edmonton, 2023-11-03)


We have no other option.

Andrew Rankine (Glasgow, 2023-11-03)


Importance of nuclear fusion studies to continue until ITER and other facilities are operational

Paul Indelicato (Paris, 2023-11-03)


I think the premature closing down of the JET facility would be a huge mistake and inconsistent with the governments claim that it would fund domestic fusion research in the wake of leaving Euratom. JET has a very significant role to play in future developments as outlined in the petition text. It's closure would be a huge loss not only to the UK fusion research but also to the worldwide effort to finally fulfill the fusion promise.

Stephen Maxfield (Manchester, 2023-11-03)


This issue affects not just fusion research but the whole energy industry and UK’s energy and carbon neutral strategy. Although not explicitly art of the Advanced Nuclear Power initiatives, it has obvious links to both this and the Green Innovation parts on the 2020 10 point plan. Keeping the skills and experience fresh until Iter is ready seems an obvious and necessary thing to do.

Andrew Foakes (Chichester, 2023-11-03)


We shouldn't loose the expertise that we have already invested so much in. The UK needs to keep its hand "in the game" ready for future developments given our problems with climate change.

David HEAD (Hampton, 2023-11-03)


A large number of scientists from around the the world have benefited in practice from JET in the past, in the present, and in the future, after its modernization.
Science needs evidence and practical verification of theoretical predictions in such an area as the creation of equipment for clean and inexhaustible fusion energy.
Examples from the practice of cooperation of the team of my Laboratory of Magnetic Sensors of Lviv National Polytechnic University with the scientific team of JET:
1. The semiconductor sensors for magnetic diagnostics of the DEMO fusion power plant prototype installed at JET in 2009 demonstrated their performance for 14 years without changing the parameters and measurement accuracy after irradiation with tens of thousands of plasma pulses, including D-T plasma conditions [1].
2. Metal sensors based on gold nanofilms have been proven to be efficient for diagnostics and control of DEMO plasma up to the limit values of neutron fluences of 1024 n∙m-2 for the entire (!) lifetime of DEMO [2].This is the first practical result in the world.
3. We also demonstrated for the first time in the world the operability of DEMO sensors based on a new revolutionary material graphene under radiation conditions [2].
This material is promising for fusion energy and requires further research. The planned modernization of JET will help to do this.

The sensors for monitoring and controlling DEMO plasma are components of a measurement system that will reliably provide magnetic diagnostics in various DEMO regions: from weak to strong magnetic fields.

And the DEMO fusion power plant will provide humanity with environmentally friendly and inexhaustible energy that can end wars over energy sources and help establish peace on Earth.

Inessa Bolshakova
Dr. of Science, prof.
Tel. +38050 317 57 27
+41 79 30 98 174

1. Long term operation of the radiation-hard Hall probes system and the path toward a high performance hybrid magnetic field sensor/A. Quercia1, A. Pironti, I. Bolshakova, R. Holyaka, I. Duran, A. Murari and JET Contributors /Nucl. Fusion 62 (2022) 106032 (14pp).

2. Methods and equipment for on-line testing of
Hall sensors based on semiconductor, metal and graphene
materials in the nuclear reactors’neutron fluxes /
I. Bolshakova, Ya. Kost, M. Radishevskiy, F. Shurigin,
O. Vasyliev / IEEE2-Sensors -2018 -(4pp)/.

Inessa Bolshakova (Lviv, 2023-11-03)


JET has been an invaluable source of reactor relevant tokamak research since its inception. It currently stands alone in necessary parameter regime for ITER preparation continued research would be critical for ITER success. (Signing in a personal capacity, not representative of my employer or program)

Samuel Stewart (Madison, 2023-11-03)


Silly political considerations should stop to interfere within highly strategic scientific endeavour.
The EU (European Union) is deeply loosing ground from the beginning of the XXIe c., let's adopt a brighter world profile !!!

Emile G. SIMON (Brussels, 2023-11-04)


JET has not exhausted its potential, and JET-ITER continuity is essential

James Conboy (Chesham, 2023-11-04)


I'm signing because, as a young researcher stepping into the fusion field, I recognize there is a strong need to have operating fusion machines on which people like me can study and get experience. Otherwise where else could I get practical experience on a large scale tokamak near europe?

Marco Bugatti (Milan, 2023-11-06)


It makes sense to keep JET running until ITER first plasma, at the very least.

Janet Hull (Rugby, 2023-11-06)


If the UK does not want to have cheap sustainable electrical power in the near to medium future, and wants to set back global efforts to get there, using that money for other pressing concerns, then sure close JET. A simple decision. After all, who needs a legacy?

David Siegwart (Eastleigh, 2023-11-07)


Ion Stamatelatos

ION EVANGELOS STAMATELATOS (Agia Paraskevi, 2023-11-07)


As a member of R&D at an investor-owned utility in the US, I am interested in maintaining JET's ability to support ITER and fusion research generally. Electric load is about to skyrocket due to decarbonization and electrification efforts worldwide. JET can continue to advance reseach into a safe, non-emitting source of enormous electrical generation. Now is not the time to shut it down.

Andrew Ingram (Birmingham, 2023-11-07)


I am signing simply because JET is still one of the most valuable fusion machine in the world. Also I will miss it because I am one of a few active fusion researcher witnessed first DT experiment of JET. I support JET continues to work if it will have sufficient funding and resources without affecting other attractive new fusion projects planned or already launched. Anyway to make fusion energy real as soon as possible is our common target.

satoshi konishi (kyoto, 2023-11-08)


I'm signing because JET is an important tool for testing of ICRH and ECRH plasma heating antennas. Belgium has played a primary role in ICRH development and further ECRH testing in JET is crucial for ITER-like experiments

christian dierick (Halle, 2023-11-09)


I care

Vladimir Melnikov (Konstanz, 2023-11-10)


Concern that things are headed in the wrong direction.

Michael Jefferson (Melchbourne, 2023-11-12)


i am signing because ECRH auxiliary heating system. it will induce high energitic electrons which would damage machine.

Xiang Gu (Lang Fang, 2023-11-13)


I am signing because JET is only masgine for nuclear fusion before ITER is completed.

Zhengmao Sheng (Hangzhou, 2023-11-13)


JET is specialIy important fusion device, and it can still solve lots of tokamak fusion physics and engineer problems.

Tengfei Sun (Chengdu, 2023-11-13)


I hope the JET program will continue running.

Shaocheng Liu (Hefei, 2023-11-13)


I hope there will be more experiments on JET.

Jiaxing Liu (Wuhan, 2023-11-13)


It is crucial work for plasma science. It should last!!!

Jungmi Hong (Sydney, 2023-11-13)


JET is an important test device for ITER and MCF field.

Ding Li (beijing, 2023-11-13)


I saw the petition at AAPPS-DPP 2023

Daniel Crews (Seattle, 2023-11-14)


I am signing because that JET currently is the bigest tokamak in the world and reduce the gap between the current tokamak experiment and ITER.

YONGLIANG LI (HEFEI, 2023-11-14)


As the only DT tokamak in operation, JET remains well suited to help accelerate the multi-facetted effort required for expanding the skill base, technical capabilities, industry engagement and predictive capabilities to the level required for the timely preparation and exploitation of fusion power plants. JET provides: the experience of machine and plasma operation of a large, high current, D-T tokamak; test of materials and tokamak systems in a D-T tokamak environment; core and edge plasma conditions closest to those of future power plants as can be currently achieved, in the presence of W and in the absence of C. JET is at the forefront of fusion research and can remain so with modest investment for refurbishment and enhancements, compared to the cost of a new machine of similar size.

Joelle Mailloux (Abingdon, 2023-11-14)



Shabbir Khan (Islamabad, 2023-11-14)


I am an ex employee that worked at UKAEA and extensively on the JET device.

Mark Woollard (Landevieille, 2023-11-14)


We need to continue to explore and develop fusion energy due to the imperative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the likelihood that an "all-renewables" approach will not work by itself. We also need base-load nuclear power, including kfussion nad fusion power.

Carmine Difiglio (Sarasota, 2023-11-14)


Limiting energy clean supply options in view of climate mitigation challenges reduces flexibility (where is little to speak of) and increases long-term costs

H-Holger Rogner (Vienna, 2023-11-14)


Jet is a very valuable device in the world.

Chaofeng Sang (Dalian, 2023-11-15)


Given the recent rebasing of the ITER research plan, it would be very valuable to study the impact of a full tungsten wall on DT plasmas ahead of ITER operation. JET is the only machine currently in a position to conduct such studies and should therefore be kept operational to reduce the risk associated with ITER operation. This will further retain unique DT operation expertise which is vital for the step from present magnetic confinement fusion devices to future burning plasma devices.

Søren Kjer Hansen (Greifswald, 2023-11-15)


ITER will not produce scientific results for at least 10 years. In the meantime JET’s continuation is essential to advance the field and maintain expertise.

Robert Dewar (Canberra, 2023-11-16)


I support the continued operations and physics studies of the JET tokamak, and encourage its extension if further funding can be secured.

Joshua Doak (Canberra, 2023-11-16)

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