Stop the Salvation Army Shelter from moving to Vanier



333 Montreal Road is a Main St of the city and has no place for a SA, stop trying to ghetoize Vanier, the community has been working hard to clean it up and the good people of Vanier deserve to live in a safe environment. Find another place that's more suited for this 350 bed shelter.

(Ottawa/Rockcliffe, 2017-07-24)


It is a plan that is against current research and only targets portion of the community that requires assistance.

(Ottawa, 2017-07-24)


I'm utterly opposed to a 350-bed mega-shelter on a traditional main street in Vanier. This is a bad idea and it will harm the neighborhood, which is already quite affected by social issues. This is not the solution to homelessness in Ottawa and not aligned with the development of Vanier. Ottawa Jim Watson have to withdraw its support to the SA's proposal.

(Ottawa, 2017-07-24)


I don't think a shelter this big belongs in any community

(Ottawa, 2017-07-25)


Shocking situation that will not only impact Vanier negatively but also shows a total lack of respect for its citizens and their voice. TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE ! !!

(Ottawa, 2017-07-25)


As a resident and business owner in Vanier, I truly believe that this vibrant but fragile community cannot sustain the proposed site, and I beg the rest of Ottawa to help us continue to grow as a neighbourhood.

(Ottawa, 2017-07-25)


As a resident of the immediate neighbourhood I feel that Vanier already shares in the load and it is time for the rest of Ottawa to step up. Putting this mega shelter in Vanier will set the community back years.

(Vanier, 2017-07-25)


This isn't the solution to have yhis mega structure in Vanier and on a main street road

(Ottawa, 2017-07-25)


VANIER est ma ville natale. Cette cause me porte à coeur. Je signe cette pétition pour mes parents, ma famille et mes très chèrs amis qui demeurent présentement à Vanier. NON À SA.

(Ottawa, 2017-07-25)


Born and raised in Vanier until I left home at 21. My mother lives in a condo across the street from the proposed shelter location. She is already a prisoner in her own home due to Montreal Rd being unsafe. Where is her protection. Everyday she sees a prostitute walking up and down her street. This shelter will have a negative effect on this already fragile community. A big no to this proposal.

(Casselman, 2017-07-25)


Vanier va appauvrir sa communauté et la criminalité va augmenter. Les impacts sur la communauté et sur les commerces sont négatifs.
Non au déménagement !
Un autre quartier plus riche devrait les acceuillir.

(158B McArthur unité 1201, Ottawa (Vanier) k1l8c9, 2017-07-25)


This is the last thing vanier needs. This will set us back 15 or more years... things are on an upward swing in our neighbourhood, we don't need he added headaches from something like this.
If there was ONE lot that a condo building, with retail space on the street level should be, this is the spot. Let's think about improving our neighbourhood, rather than detracting from it

(Vanier, 2017-07-26)


Montreal Road and Vanier cannot absorb the impact of this proposed shelter. Homelessness and addictions are city-wide problems. Why burden an already vulnerable community with this ill advised concept. No one denies the need to improve services to this part of the population but Vanier will not recover from this. Our hopes for a revived main street and a viable community will be impossible to achieve.

(Vanier, 2017-07-26)


Moving the Salvation Army to this location will only make all the work done to enhance and attract good businesses to the area, a waste of time?

(Vanier, 2017-07-26)


We need to support our local businesses and keep vanier safe and encourage growth. We have worked hard to make vanier safe and prosperous and this will send us back many years. Local politicians have to wake up and help us save our community and keep vanier strong and honest!

(Vanier, 2017-07-27)


and this would decrease all the property value even more.we have enough problems how would you guys feel if yhis would be in your area? Wondering if you would like it.we have raised our family in Vanier and we wish to keep it the way it is not to many problems and kind of quiet please re-consider we beg you Vanier is only 1 mile please please keep it like this at least for the older residents

(vanier, 2017-07-27)


I am strongly against the proposed move of the Salvation Army to Vanier. The city of Ottawa needs to implement programs and initiatives to reduce poverty, loitering and crime in the Vanier area. Although we can see some social improvements in parts of Vanier, the situation remains unacceptable and much is left to done in the area of the proposed move. The Salvation Amry must be moved to an area that can provide a sense of hope and ambition. The move to Vanier will not provide the clientele with anything but further despair and will exacerbate the existing social problem in that area.

(Ottawa, 2017-07-30)


This will be another ghetto like Ottawa ByWard Market and worst because of its size. SAS have not done their homework nor any study on the location. They are looking at short term fix and their revenue.
You need to look at long term programs that works for the community and the users - not the deep pocket of CEO of SAS who does not care about the community.
This will be worst then downtown Eastside Vancouver and downtown Seattle. Is the city of Ottawa willing to have free buses for all residents, tourists, walkers walking in front of the proposed shelter on Montreal Road like Seattle had to pay for over 10 years. I lived in both cities and I know how devasting this homeless situation is for everyone including all the 911 responders and the mayor of the cities. They need to address it with a long term plan and stop lobbying with the city council members, the mayor and the builders.
SAS needs to be a community activism and work with the residences of Vanier, the councillors, the businesses and Ottawa.

(Vancouver, 2017-07-31)


I was a monthly donor of the Salvation Army but I just cancelled my donations. I have a 3.5 year old daughter and she does not need to see these guys selling dope, shooting up and smoking all in plain sight as they do at their current location in the Market. We have enough challenges. Why aren't they building the complex in Rockcliffe? Oh let me guess, the residents would oppose it, but it's okay for us? NO to the massive Salvation Army shelter in Vanier for me!

(Vanier, 2017-07-31)


I am signing this petition because Vanier needs to continue improving. A mega shelter will turn Vanier into a ghetto.

(Nepean, 2017-08-08)


Because I do not believe that this the right location for shelter clients or the local community

(Ottawa, 2017-08-08)


I am signing because I live in vanier. It's not fair for the community to have a mega shelter here.

(Vanier, 2017-08-09)


I live in Overbrook, a community next to Vanier and closely linked to Vanier. Montreal Rd is my "Main Street". I do not think this mega shelter/ residence is a good option for the population it is intended to serve and it will cause HARM on many levels to the surrounding community. I would support a smaller residence and services. The current models of service ARE NOT WORKING. I have a relative that used the Salvation Army shelters in Toronto and in Ottawa. The social problems that exist will not be served by ghettoizing Vanier and turning homelessness into a big business.

(Ottawa, 2017-08-09)


I am supporting the petition because there is enough trouble with drugs, crimes, prostitution, homeless people, "hang-outs". Did you know that Vanier has a symphony? The Vanier Police Academy Symphony. Adding the Salvation Army to a riding of the city that is already bombarded with problems is void of common sense! I guess Tourism is calling the shots now. My mother lives in Vanier and I want her safe. Find another location for Salvation Army....or just keep it where it is!!!

(Ottawa, 2017-08-11)


I am signing because this project or the size of this project will have a negative impact to our community who has been struggling to change its image over the years. I am signing because the community was never consulted from the beginning. A project of this magnitude does not work; smaller homeless shelters on the other hand work. We have issues in Vanier with crime, gangs, drugs, arson & poverty; this project will make things worse and then we will have a bigger problem.

(Vanier, 2017-08-14)


Vanier continues to make successful efforts to become a vibrant business and pleasant community. Adding the Salvation Army shelter will just defeat these efforts.

(Ottawa, 2017-08-15)


Being so close to where the SA would be, I would have to sell my home. I would like to continue to own my home without the negative issues the SA may bring to our community.

(Vanier, 2017-08-15)


I feel that this proposal is not a good fit for the community.

(Ottawa, 2017-08-16)


I am signing this petition since I agree that a mega shelter on Montreal Road would not benefit its users for the reasons outlined succinctly by the creator of this petition.

(Ottawa, 2017-08-18)


I do not agree with large 300 bed shelters located at one address in the City. Research shows smaller homes that can properly monitor individuals improvement and progress are much more successful.

(Ottawa, 2017-08-22)


Nous avons fait notre part. Nous voulons continuer la revitalisation du chemin Montréal, améliorer la qualité de vie, assurer la sécurité des gens et leur tranquillité dans leur résidence...
Denise Beauchamp

(Ottawa, 2017-08-22)


I live in Vanier

(Ottawa, 2017-08-22)


It is a totally inappropriate location; no parking for one thing. I drive through this neighbourhood daily and see the effort people are maknig on Montreal Road and nearby streets. Let's support them and their community.

(Ottawa, 2017-08-22)


For my nana and for the Belanger family.

(Ottawa, 2017-08-23)


Nothing good will come out of this.

(Vanier, 2017-08-26)


I'm signing because the city has been working hard to clean up vanier. It's a very family oriented neighborhood now, and this will only cause a back slide.

(Ottawa, 2017-08-26)


1. J'ai déjà demeuré à Vanier en 1979 (Château Janeville tout neuf alors). Ma belle-mère demeure à Vanier. Mon défunt père était hospitalisé à l'Hôpital Montfort, aujourd'hui l'hôpital officiel de la Défense nationale parce que seul hôpital bilingue de l'Ontario. À chaque visite je vois les progrès incroyables pour contrer la criminalité et de plus en plus un endroit où il fait bon vivre, certainement grâce aux 29 quelques organisations communautaires actuelles qui oeuvrent pour contrer la pauvreté et les injustices sociales bien ancrées dans leurs milieux.

2. Non à un méga complexe avec plus de lits qui rapporteraient plus d’argent qu’un hôtel privé. Non à cette unification des services qui justifiera des coupes budgétaires aux 29 autres organisations à but non lucratif qui viennent déjà en aide au maximum. Non à une concentration de crimininalité latente à proximité d’écoles, de résidences pour ainées et autres endroits où il fait bon vivre. Enfin, toute personne qui a un vécu difficile ou criminel, aux prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale et judiciaire a besoin d’un encadrement sécuritaire, respectueux et non exposé aux jugements faciles des biens-nantis. En plus, ce mégacomplexe « hôtelier » pour déshérités de la société ne répond à aucun autre besoin que de rapporter de l’argent supplémentaire à l’organisation et la ville. Tout plein d’organismes bien intégrés dans leurs milieux font déjà la job. Pourquoi détruire ce qui va bien ?

Serge du Yukon

(Whitehorse, 2017-08-27)


Vanier already does much more than it's share to help the disadvantaged.
Residents of Vanier have been working diligently over so many years to improve their neighbourhood; this project goes against all of their efforts - it is grossly unfair and disrespectful of these residents - not to mention of all residents who call Vanier home.
The project controvents stated municipal plans for Montreal Road.
Creating a large institution to respond to the needs of the SA clientele does not conform to best practices.

(Vanier, 2017-08-28)


J'adore Vanier.

(Ottawa, 2017-08-31)


Vanier is doing its share already, and is in fact willing to do even more. However centralization, to Vanier is both il conceived and unfair. This is just pushing a problem a few km away to a less visible area to help the image of the downtown. This is NOT community building.

(Ottawa, 2017-08-31)


This project would not be fair to the good people of Vanier who have already done so much to bring up its already large population of disadvantage people.

(Vanier, 2017-08-31)


This project is much too large and will overwhelm the community.

(ottawa, 2017-09-01)


Having lived in the area and watching it go up ,to now put such a large building on the Main Street is unfair to the working people who invested time ,money into their homes. These tax payers deserve to be heard and their concerns validated.

(Long Reach, 2017-09-07)


as an single woman in vanier....will not be safe with an shelter of 350 man with mental heath problems , addictions....etc...i am mobility restricted ... i have no transportation. so i walk with my walker...whent down Montreal Rd and got attack by prostites and homeless man...

(Ottawa, ON, 2017-09-07)


I don't want shelter in our community, so many drug and pandhandling problem downtown now they want to bring this to our community ? Now we'll be face with pandlander at all our street corners and store, and how will we feel about our kids going to Paris now, will it be safe ?

(Ottawa, 2017-09-07)


The model proposed by the SA is outdated and has been shown to not be as successful as a model where services are decentralized.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-07)


I live in Vanier

(Ottawa, 2017-09-07)


I believe council has used Vanier as a convenient way to hide social problems without taking into consideration the needs of ghe residents of this historic community.

(Vanier, 2017-09-07)


Vanier is the last place that needs this added challenge.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-07)


I am a resident of Vanier. The idea of the Salvation Army moving here is insane. The community does so much already to help those in mental health, drug addiction Ect. We see needles on our streets, people sleeping in park and building entrances. Ladies selling themselves. Enough is enough.

(Vanier, 2017-09-07)


The shelter will contribute further to Montreal Road's current seedy character and will stunt Vanier's slow but steady efforts to revitalize a long-stagnant and economically depressed neighbourhood.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-07)


I am a concerned citizen of the Vanier neighbourhood. I strongly oppose the proposed shelter and the incredibly negative impact it will have on our community.

(Vanier, 2017-09-08)


I strongly disagree with building this shelter in a neighbourhood that has finally been making progress.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-08)


Because this area is becoming a well area, being built up and beautiful. I don't want it to be ruined by this.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-08)


I'm signing because I've invested in 4 rental properties in the area and rent to professionals because Vanier is an affordable area to buy by young professionals and make a return on investments. The image of Vanier has been changing over the last few years a a alternative to downtown or westboro in terms of the prices and location. If the Salvation Army were to move in I'm afraid my investments wouldn't thrive and you would loose out on a lot of young professionals changing the face of Vanier.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-08)


I'm concerned with the influx and concentration of Sally Ann's customers in such a small area. What Vanier has been fixing for years will be undone in one fell swoop!

(Orléans, ON, 2017-09-08)


I want to see vanier stay safe and continue improving.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-08)


I lived in Vanier from 1966-2009 All my family still lives in Vanier. The shelter has been there for 100 + years why move it now. So far over the last 30 years we have been donated the Hookers & John's, The Inuit's, The Natives & now you want to give us The homeless as well. You Idiots will destroy my BEAUTIFUL CITY

(Wendover, 2017-09-09)


It is the worst idea ever!!!!

(limoges, 2017-09-09)


We have properties in both the market and Vanier. But we do NOT feel Vanier is the right place for this new SA shelter...Vanier already has it's share of social services and has worked hard at cleaning up the Montreal Rd area...this will increase crime and we are afraid the city wants to turn Montreal Road to a "Hastings" BC ghetto like corridor. ENOUGH!!! Stop dumping on Vanier!! Mathieu Fleury you better get this stopped or bye bye votes.

(Vanier, 2017-09-10)


I strongly believe that Montreal Rd is not the place to build this SA Shelter.

(Gloucester Ontario, 2017-09-11)


I am in complete agreement with the criticisms of the project as they are laid out by SOS Vanier. There is no place in Ottawa or Vanier for a facility of the proposed size; smaller, distributed shelters, on the other hand, would be welcomed, I believe, by citizens concerned about homelessness and its associated challenges. Furthermore, the loss of the Thrift Store at the proposed location, one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Ottawa, would be a slap in the face to those who have come to rely on it.

(Vanier, 2017-09-11)


The Vanier area already has issues with crime, gangs, drugs, arson, poverty, prostitution, graffiti and panhandling and does not need the added stress of a massive Salvation Army shelter.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-11)


I have been living in this area since 2001. I have witnessed all the work that has been done to make it safer, more peaceful, to make it a neigborhood that is enjoyable & quaint. Everyone has worked & are still working hand in hand to encourage individuals to be proud of Vanier. This being said there are still many issues that need to be dealt with. We are progressing & we need not stop now. We must stand together & continue towards creating a community that is inviting, pleasant & were we stand proud. I love my *French Quarter* & refuse to live in fear. I firmly believe that we cannot go back to the past. It would be detrimental to all. SoS, Vanier! ..This is a political decision not one based on the needs of the residents.

(Ottawa (vanier), 2017-09-11)


I fear the negative implications for a community that has taken great strides to become more "friendly" in the past. The folks who hang out in front of the SA location in Byward are sadly not the positive addition to our community that is needed. I'm loathe to use the "not in my backyard" argument, but alas, I am!

(Ottawa, 2017-09-11)


Social services should be spread throughout the city and not concentrated in one area - Vanier!

(Ottawa, 2017-09-12)


I think it should be relocated some where else because it took many years to get montreal rd. cleaned up and now they wanna destroy the progress we've made.

(Vanier, 2017-09-12)


I'm a resident and homeowner in Vanier.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-12)


I do not want this shelter built because it will attract problems to my area and we have had enough problems here.Vanier is starting to clean up its areas and this will not benefit anyone living here or someone with a business. We will not be donating anymore to this charity, for its lack of respect of our area and lack of respect for the people living here, or trying to run a business

(ottawa, 2017-09-13)


I'm not please with the move and have invested in a new home build that already sees enough crap in the area being next to a corner store with a pay phone.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-13)


I do not believe that more services as offered by the proposed shelter should be added to the Vanier community..

(Ottawa, 2017-09-13)


I agree that Vanier needs to see more revitalization and diversification to help make it an even better place to raise families and live.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-13)


I don't want the mega shelter built in vanier. Property values will drop and crime will increase I don't see anything positive for the residents and businesses around vanier

(Vanier, 2017-09-13)


I'm signing because I am opposed to the relocation of the shelter from the Byward Market to Vanier. The community of Vanier has a lot of Ottawa's unemployed, poor as well as, immigrants, aboriginal and Inuit peoples and many social issues that need to be addressed. This is more than enough for one community to absorb and to address. Please relocate the shelter to another area and let the community of Vanier get on its feet before adding a major social demand on its residents.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-14)


I think the size and services offered by the Salvation Army is too big, and it will be duplicating services already offered in the neighbourhood.

(Vanier, 2017-09-17)


I'm signing because I live nearby and I think the way it has come about is unfair and unjust. I also think it is downright elitist of the city to foist the Salvation Army shelter onto a lower income and marginalised community that has worked hard to build itself up and make it a liveable community. Another community in the city needs to do its part.


Suehila Elkateb

(Ottawa, 2017-09-17)


This project would endanger this vibrant working class and historically francophone community. It would not be anything resembling a "community hub", but would bring its own community with it. There is a need for the services that the project proposes to provide, but this is not the best way to deliver them. Smaller facilities are better for those that need the services, and work better in a community setting.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-20)


The proposed structure is enormous, would introduce a needy population much too big for the community to absorb, and flies in the face of 20 years of effort by the Vanier community to improve the neighbourhood.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-21)


I disagree with what the Salvation Army is proposing. We have been trying to cleanup our backyard and have been successful, slowly. I do not want to see such a large structure housing in my neighborhood - good people are scared and leaving. Please stop this nonsense right now!

(Vanier, 2017-09-26)


I am signing this petition as a concerned business person on Montreal Rd and Property owner in the Vanier area. I believe in the importance of helping those who live in poverty and homelessness in our community. I am very concerned that a Mega Shelter is not the long term answer to resolving homelessness .The size and location is a real issue for me. I am upset that this was planned to this point with little regard for the public and surrounding community's opinion. I am also concerned with the shelters negative impact on safety of our residents, local business on Montreal Rd and property values in our community. I hope the City and Salvation Army will listen to the community.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-27)


Grouping all the people in need under one roof will compound the problem, that much is obvious. More and smaller shelters spread around would have more impact and work better to help those in need. It is a big risk for everyone in need of those services, and everyone else in the community, to have one large shelter.

Second, it is a deterrent for young professionals and first time homeowners. My partner and I were about to make our first home purchase, in Vanier, just off of Montreal road. We are seriously reconsidering this now. We don't want to start a family in an area where security and safety gains are now compromised for business interest.

(Ottawa, 2017-09-27)


I want to see Vanier succeed! It is gentrifying and becoming a nice family neighborhood... Let's. Continue that trend! A shelter will take away from This

(Ottawa, 2017-09-28)


I am signing because I live across the street (390 Montreal Rd.) from the proposed site and I fear the influx of mentally ill, addicted and homeless people will negatively impact my neighbourhood. This area has been affected by prostitution being pushed out of downtown, I cannot walk half a block down my street without seeing these unfortunate women selling themselves, all day and all night. It sickens me that the small park beside my building has used needles and condoms in the sand that small children play in. So, the idea of even MORE addicts etc. moving in across the street is more than I intend to stick around for. If this happens, I am moving, period.

(Vanier, 2017-09-28)