The People's Petition to Demand Direct Cash Payment Stimulus
We the people are suffering unemployed not enough jobs for people starving becoming homeless and the fact things are so expensive and behind people can not catch up ir keep up so congress and senate we the people demand direct payments to be able to help usLinda Call (Hendersonville, 2020-12-11)
As a Healthcare worker in Ohio I have struggled to pay bills through out this whole pandemic and I will no longer support my current leaders if they don't make recurring stimulus payments for the people happen now! I work hard everyday and put myself in harms way just so you so called leaders can play politics with my life. No more! Make this happen or be forgotten yes you Latta!RICARDO MARTINEZ (Findlay, 2020-12-11)
No one I know has made enough money to pay their bills over the past eight months. Our savings are running out. We need help.Erica Delaplaine (Thornton, 2020-12-11)
I'm signing this petition because covid has made our 2 income family of 5 a 1 income family of 5. There has been no relief for those of us owing motgages. Our homeownership is in jeopardy of foreclosure.Robert Miller (Baltimore, 2020-12-11)
I'm signing because I'm brokeJason Solis (GAITHERSBURG, 2020-12-11)
I was fired from my job and have been waiting 6 months to find out if I was even approved for unemployment benefits from the state of VA. Since not collecting, and not getting income due to fitness industry being shut down and destroyed I had to move back to florida. I just now got a job but I have still not received any notification of my unemployment status with VA. I’m afraid I won’t see any money from them and I will continue to live on my credit cards until my new income stabilizes.Robert Janofsky (Boca Raton, 2020-12-11)
IHelen Williams (Denton, 2020-12-11)
I am signing this because my family needs help.Joseph Delisi (Chicago, 2020-12-11)
People NEED HELPAlexander Hall (Scotch Plains, 2020-12-11)
Women and children are the groups suffering from hunger and at risk of homelessness. It’s shameful. The “richest” country in the world lies to itself when so many suffer. It needs to stop. We have a duty to each other.Emily Stromness (Salt Lake City, 2020-12-11)
I'm signing because the American people are hurting and cash relief would help us out in a time when we are being told to stay homeMarvin Mondragon (Littlerock, 2020-12-11)
Congress has failed us.The biggest set back that hurt millions of Americans is Mitch McConnell and he must be remove by electing Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock for the Georgia Senate Race.
Georgian’s, please vote for them.
We desperately need the Senate to get a Cash relief bill to the American people.
Francisco Farias (Los Angeles, 2020-12-11)
I believe direct payment to the American people are crucialAndrea Cox (2 Crestline Ave., 2020-12-11)
I’m Signing because UBI would be pivotal to helping poor families to be able to live in America.Santiago Osuna (Inglewood, 2020-12-11)
I'm signing because, it's not right to stand by in the richest country in the world and watch your fellow Americans, starve, get evicted and struggle just to survive in the middle of a pandemic. Giving businesses help isn't going to feed the millions of children we have in this nation who are starving due to their parents losing income because of restrictions. This is ridiculous that we have to even make a petition to beg the government of the U.S.A. to allow it's citizens to continue to live. Universal basic income will be implemented one day, stop stalling and just pay the people who make this nation what it is.Ricky Thomas (McAdoo, 2020-12-11)
I am concerned about the poverty rate and shrinking number of jobs with automation rising.Patricia Hayes (New Orleans, 2020-12-11)
I lost my job due to covid and at the end of the month I’m going to lose my apartment I’m 3 months behind! This could help me!Ceasar Garza (La Feria, 2020-12-11)
I'm signing because people are standing in food lines for hours. I'm signing because we spend $750B on military spending...but the average American can't pay their bills? Ridiculous and an outrage.Ann Glenn (Florence, 2020-12-11)
UBI is the future.Lorina Garcia (92840, 2020-12-11)
People need the money to live especially during the time that they have lost jobs and can’t pay the rent and other billsRobert Hayes (Néw Orleans, 2020-12-11)
Americans are suffering through no fault of their own.Dani Leis (Portland, 2020-12-11)
A monthly stimulus would help my husband and I greatly. Yes we may be working during this time but my husbands job supplies food to restaurants so with them being closed it has cut his pay in half. His work has limited his hours, has been paying him less due to loss of revenue and has taken away his commission.Nicole Stanton (Mechanicsburg, 2020-12-11)
Americans need reliefMarco Chavez (San Diego, 2020-12-11)
Everyone including people that are working are suffering right now!!Beatriz Gonzalez (San fernando, 2020-12-11)
so many people are hurting financially. We need Congress to ACT.Kathleen Hutsell (Lees Summit, 2020-12-11)
I'm signing this because it has been a struggle for months with a government that has been absent for my family and the people.James Rouse (WHEELING, 2020-12-11)
We need help!Kyler Sowell (Mathis, 2020-12-11)
My hours were cut in half, I have student loans, rent, bills, and I am barely making it. Currently dipping into my savings to live. We need help.Adam Burney (Cleveland Ohio, 2020-12-11)
I am in so much need of this money.Victoria Kruser (Dubuque, 2020-12-11)
UBI is a humanitarian right and is needed now more than ever.Sierra Moses (Elkin, 2020-12-11)
All of the work I've done in the home has value and worth.Jodi Yerges (Watertown, 2020-12-11)
Father was recently Diagnosed with COVID. I work with him and I too have fallen ill. We both own a small business (5 years strong atm) but now have to close, temporarily. How else are we supposed to pay for our bills? our expenses?We need Direct UBI instead of Loans to Businesses.
The Individual is more important.
Jeremey Penaloza (Houston, 2020-12-11)
I’m signing because things are getting desperate.Anne Schleiden (Chicora, 2020-12-11)
Direct Cash relief is the best way to bolster Americans and their local businesses/communities. It's time to try the Trickle Up economy, Trickle Down has failed. The stock market is not a good indicator of the prosperity of the American people, this is clear by looking at who owns stock.Joseph Woodhall (Pittsburgh, 2020-12-11)
We are in dire need for financial assistance for our core necessities.Mollie Russell (Salisbury, 2020-12-11)
We the people need help. Congress is supposed to work for us not their own political or other self serving interests. People are suffering through this pandemic and no one is helping the people.Pamela Dean (Galloway Ohio, 2020-12-11)
I’m signing because no one should have to wait hours in line at a food pantry. People are about to be evicted.Grace Schneider (Essex Junction, 2020-12-11)
Americans are Hurting!!Diana Lynch (Quincy, 2020-12-11)
I need food rent I lost my job do to this pandamedicTroy Evans (Ventura, 2020-12-11)
We have a moral imperative to secure the economic freedom of struggling communities whose paths forward were already limited prior to the pandemic. People, and cash velocity they have the capacity to deploy, IS the economy. Congress- do your job.Calvin Vaughn (Bellingham, 2020-12-11)
Many of us need this help, me among themMarty Baum (Jensen Beach, 2020-12-11)
I can't afford food and prescriptions.Deborah Hobbs (Sheridan, 2020-12-11)
we need help!polly Landers (Pasadena, 2020-12-11)
is ******* time the government care for actual peopleTomas Arce-Gil (Austin, 2020-12-11)
Because my business has suffered and I have made the decision to close it. I’m now doing Uber to help sumplement my incomeKimberly Crawford (Rivervirw, 2020-12-11)
I'm signing this because. We the people voted them in. And they're getting paid. While the American people sit and wonder what's going to happen. We the people are paying them. Now they need to pay us and the Disabled. People are dying or in the hospital over this pandemic and can't afford the hospital bills. This has to end. Pay the people.Pamela Moore (Indianapolis, 2020-12-11)
Americans desperately need this!Andrea Picarelli (ORLANDO, 2020-12-11)
I am signing because I personal knew people in dire needs. History doesn't have to keep repeating itself when we can save lives and help the less fortunate.Fan Xia (Germantown, 2020-12-11)
There are so many families hurting right now financially through no fault of their own and they need relief NOW!!Nick Adams (Prior Lake, 2020-12-11)
Im a single mom who has to go on FMLA to do remote learning with my special needs son. I am lucky to have a job that accommodates me but I am still struggling financially.Crystal Butterfield (Rockford, 2020-12-11)
I would be directly impacted positively by this. Day in and day out, “leaders” with the actual potential to change the very fates of the disenfranchised with no more than a vote, consistently and consequently choose to do nothing. Not even the bare minimum. While a simple visit to the MANY impoverished, neglected and low income areas in our society throughout our country could give you all the evidence you need to substantiate UBI, stimulus checks and relief, those with the power to do something about it continue to choose ignorance and lack of concern. Helping people not suffer, starve or die should NOT be a political issue and its DISGUSTING and inherently evil to value cotton and linen (money) over the priceless value of a human life. My family has been suffering for many years, this one of course being the hardest as it has been for many, but to watch what could be positively life changing simply not come to fruition due to the arrogance, disrespect and inability of politicians/corporations to adequately do what needs to be done to not only save humanity but the very earth we live on, it’s a disservice on a planetary scale. I could go on forever about the inhumanity of essentially every aspect of the unnecessarily oppressive system we currently live in but, I digress. People NEED ongoing stimulus or UBI relief. There is no version of this at this point where a drastic change isn’t the solution. Whether that be economically, climate wise or the like. So why not start with finally, for once in the history of this wounded/dying country, people ACTUALLY doing what they need to do to help people. ALL people. Thank you for the time anyone may have given to read this. Much love.Dean Ross (Orlando, 2020-12-11)
I am signing because I lost everything during the pandemic and still have not received my unemployment and I don't even have a car anymore. I am homeless sleeping on my friends couches because of the lack of government in this country. Yang and Bernie and Biden will save this country. Thats why I'm signing this petition.Autumn Lewis (Lake placid, 2020-12-11)
This cash relief would be very helpful for meReed Pace (San Marcos, 2020-12-11)
I’m signing because I am beginning graduate school in public health, taking out massive loans to do so, to better my career, do my best to positively contribute to society, and I agree with a $1,200 payment for 6 months. I support universal basic income.Lauren Seaman (Metairie, 2020-12-11)
I am a single mother this would help greatlyMarie Delgado (Willits, 2020-12-11)
If members of Congress were losing their income and potentially their homes and health insurance, they would pass a stimulus bill immediately.Cory Linstrum (San Jose, California, 2020-12-11)
I fully support UBI and this is a step in the right direction at a desperate time of need.Matthew Gay (Saint Simons, 2020-12-11)
Because I want to keep Democracy safe.Milo Miers (Tuckasegee, 2020-12-11)
We all need the assistance thank you for your efforts to do the right thingBilly Powell (Houston, 2020-12-11)
Now more than ever, we need our government to provide assistance to its people. With an extra $1,200 per month for six months, people won’t have to fear evictions, providing food for their families, or staying afloat. We can stimulate our economy more and make quality of life better by giving cash into people’s hands as we navigate this pandemic.Katie Faithe (Yorba Linda, 2020-12-11)
People are losing their homes and children are starving while jobs stay closed and rent becomea due. Help the people survive this pandemic!Jessica Venegas (Lancaster, 2020-12-11)
To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity. No more crony corporatism! Invoke UBI! Bail out we the people! Not Wall Street!Shane Powell (Sonora, Ca, 2020-12-11)
I'm signing because....of course this is what we must do.Frank Campbell (Spokane, 2020-12-11)
I am struggling so bad right now. I know millions of people are as well. We need this! Americans need help now! I would like to not have my electric bill cut off or run out of food. We need help!!Corin Donaldson (Shreveport, 2020-12-11)
We need monthly payments and rent and mortgage payments.Amanda Stacey (Portland, 2020-12-11)
Our government has ignored us.Guy Campbell (Warrensburg, 2020-12-11)
I'm one of millions struggling. It's been awful. The stress and anxiety overwhelming.Camila Kline (Mount Pleasant, 2020-12-11)
I see people who need help every day, I hear stories about what people are going through and all I can think is how did this happen in America.Joshua Spurgin (Gainesville, 2020-12-11)
I'm signing because I believe in the The people's petition. I also believe in the concept and idea of UBI (universal basic income). It will help so many families struggling to get by and make ends meat. Behind because of being laided off or lost of their jobs. Having to steady be harassed by landlords because of backrent or bills passed due. I feel their pain and am so glad we have folks like Andrew yang and others out their speaking for the lower class.Daron Stephens (Paterson, 2020-12-11)
We need to stand up for the people.Melvin T Baker (Sharon, PA, 2020-12-11)
We’ve suffered long enough due to a government that works for us. We suffer. They continue to get paid vacations smhStacey Lampkin (Oklahoma City, 2020-12-11)
It is the right thing for American people.Amanda Carrithers (Athens, 2020-12-11)
I believe universal basic income is crucial to develop social stability, develop trust with the government, and grow the economy.Andrew Padjen (Arlington Heights, IL, 2020-12-11)
I’m signing because i lost my job due to the pandemic. i work at a suny college in my hometown making food for students. they’re on extended break due to covid-19 and unemployment insurance isn’t enough to keep me alive. new york state ended the $600 pandemic unemployment assistance 4 days after i lost my job again. i’m only 19 with no financial help from my family and i’m struggling so badly.isabel thompson (new paltz, 2020-12-11)
Because I believe in this country and and I believe that that we are a great nation of tax payers who's government, though flawed, May just be a little bit out of touch and need to be reminded that they are "of, for, and by the PEOPLE".God bless America, and us all.
Roland Booher (Austin, tx, 2020-12-11)
Im signing this because I believe in itQuashan Stephens (Paterson, 2020-12-11)
I’m signing because UBI SHOULD be a real thing. We are the richest, most powerful country in the world. If we have trillions of dollars for war and can bail out giant corporations, then we have enough money for we, the average but proud and hopeful Americans, to benefit.Rebecca VanDyke (Grand Rapidd, 2020-12-11)
It’s an embarrassment that we are the richest country in the world and the working class isn’t getting the same support as corporations.Brianda Cabrera (Fresno, 2020-12-11)
The Government is FAILING the People they supposedly represent...We the People need monthly cash relief not the multi-billion dollar corporations (the so-called trickle down economy) We the People are the ones who help make those companies money so why not give the People what we need to survive this economic and health Pandemic.Jeffrey Ruiz (San Jose, 2020-12-11)
I believe we should take care of the American people and the federal government is the only entity with the means and power to do so.Kameron Moeller (Brooklyn, 2020-12-11)
I am a proponent of UBI and people need help now and ongoing.Marta Franklin (Vancouver, 2020-12-11)
Cash relief is needed for all Americans nowCristian Franco (Mountain House, 2020-12-11)
We need stability in this society.Timothy Conerson (New York, 2020-12-12)
My family is one of the ones behind on everything, and set to go hungry again at the end of the month because there just isn't enough to go around.Jason Simpson (Bradenton, 2020-12-12)
Signing because it’s ridiculous to ask people to stay home from work and not provide relief.Pamela Guaicochea (Arleta, 2020-12-12)
The people need a stimulus for once. Small business is the future.Justin Watkins (Moapa, 2020-12-12)