Petition against City of San Antonio Plan for re-zoning Blanco and Wilderness Oak



The traffic in this area is bad enough...Blanco Rd needs to be widened before development of this scope is begun.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-20)


I don't want the rezone to happen

(San Antonio, 2017-02-20)


I do not want an apartment complex built behind my back yard. I will lose my privacy and security

(San Antonio, 2017-02-20)


I feel the development of apartments at this intersection will be a detriment to our community, property values and the tranquility we now enjoy.

(san antonio, 2017-02-23)


Traffic on blanco is already a nightmare.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


We cannot afford additional traffic on Blanco rd.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


Our family is opposed to the re-zone to urban tier, our main concern is air pollution, according to US Environmental Protection agency, one average car releases on average 4.75 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, I have personally counted 67 cars in just one traffic light cycle around 7am on a regular weekday and JUST coming down from north Blanco road, while I'm waiting the green light on wilderness oak, so how many metric tons are released each day already in this crossing? no idea but I'm positive it is way more than what it should be, if I could use a subway or metro system I would use it every day to get to work and as soon as I can afford a zero emissions car I will get one but for now, having this piece of undeveloped land, the city has an opportunity to invest in the health of nearby residents there is never too much of green-ways, or too many parks or too many green areas, I think there can be an opportunity for this crossing to be part of a solution than to add up to the problem San Antonio has with the huge increase in population, not to mention today but in the coming years.

(SAN ANTONIO, 2017-02-23)


I frequent businesses on Blanco Road and traffic is terrible!

(San Anonio, 2017-02-23)


My child attends RCHS and I am worried about crime.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


I live in a community that will negatively be impacted by the re-zoning.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


Traffic is already horrible and will be worse and I also work in Apts and know the negative effect it can have

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


Traffic is already out of control on wilderness to blanco every morning starting at 6:45 am. And with apartments it's going to get worse.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


Traffic is horrendous every morning from wilderness oak to blanco. It backs up in wilderness oak all the way up to wilderness oak elementary school. Apartments would further create a backup of traffic.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


My children attend Rolling Hills Catholic School and this possible development can be a concern for our children. The increase crime rate and the possibility of child predators is disturbing. Not to mention the increase in traffic, which is already very very congested.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


I am worried about the large number of accidents that already happen on Blanco Road. There have been way too many accidents and way too many fatalities on Blanco Road north of Huebner already. More traffic means more accidents. People who are in a rush because the traffic back up has made them crazy often mae poor decisions. Blanco Road is very dark and there are often deer on the road. There are a number of neighborhoods where pulling out to go south is hazardous already without adding extra traffic. And there are many housing developments going in to the north of us. So things are going to get much worse without any apartments going in. Please don't add to an already dangerous situation by adding a lot more traffic to the mix. Thank you. Susan Shaughnessy

(SAN ANTONIO, 2017-02-23)


Against the rezoning!

(SAN Antonio, 2017-02-23)


Traffic at the corner in the morning is already insane!!!

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


My family travels this intersection multiple times daily.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


This is just wrong and unsafe

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


I have 2 kids at Rolling Hills Academy and am concerned about having an apartment complex that close to the school (apartment complexes tend to to have more criminal activity). Additionally, I am concerned about the additional traffic an apartment complex would create. Traffic in this area is already congested in the mornings due to the schools.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


Morning and evening traffic congestion on Wilderness Oak and Blanco is a serious safety concern for EMS, police and fire vehicles.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


I'm concerned about crime and traffic from complex. My son attends RHCS.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


My son attends RHCS. I am concerned about crime from the complex.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


Because I love my kids and their safety!

(San Antonio, 2017-02-23)


I'm absolutely against rezoning. I'm against anything devaluing the property values in the area, traffic is terrible and will only get worse, school education quality will be affected, schools will be overcrowded, it will only encourage urban encroachment.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-24)


We are considering enrolling our children in the school there. This would definitely impact our decision to look for another school in a safer traffic area.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-24)


Parent of rhcs student

(San Antonio, 2017-02-24)


My child goes to this school and it will bring in more traffic

(San Antonio, 2017-02-24)


Traffic concerns

(San Antonio, 2017-02-24)


I hate the traffic at its current state and do not want any additional cars to the flow.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-24)


Im against the rezoning to creating an area of conflict in our neighborhood. There is already a lot of traffic and accidents in that area it will get even worse with an apartment complex.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-24)


Traffic congestion in the area is already bad. Adding a multi-family development will make it worse.

(San antonio, 2017-02-24)


Not interested in dealing with more traffic. Widen the road before building more communities.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-25)


I am against rezoning for apartments

(San Antono, 2017-02-25)


The traffic

(San Antonio, 2017-02-25)


traffic will increase

(san antonio, 2017-02-25)


Traffic is bad already! No need for more!

(San Antonio, 2017-02-25)


I do not want this development to be built. There's to much traffic already.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-25)


Safety due to high volume of traffic in area and existing infrastructure cannot support existing residence 2nd area already exceeds limits for roadways and foot traffic . Large volume of car accendents on that intersection .

(San antonio, 2017-02-25)



(San anotnio, 2017-02-27)


Too many schools for the increased population and traffic.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-27)


The traffic on Blanco is awful in the mornings and evening rush hour. Adding those additional drivers especially at the busy intersection of Blanco and Wilderness will make it a nightmare.

(San Antonio, 2017-03-01)


I do not want to be rezoned.

(San Antonio, 2017-03-02)


There is enough residential areas and business developments in this area. The roads can't take anymore.

(San Antonio, 2017-03-02)


I'm concerned about overdevelopment in the city which strains the infrastructure and environment.

(San Antonio, 2017-03-04)


There are many areas that have been overdeveloped in our city causing more issues with our city's water supply, infrastructure and resources. Allowing yet another multi-family development will increase this and cause even more issues with traffic and congestion in this already heavily congested areas.

(San Antonio, 2017-03-04)


We spend multiple days a week at that intersection and have many friends and family members who use it multiple times daily. It is irresponsible and dangerous that the city keeps allowing this to happen making our neighborhoods and roads even more overcrowded which is dangerous in emergencies.

(San Antonio, 2017-03-04)


No need for more apartments in this area. We need townhouses everywhere in SA.

(San Antonio, 2017-03-04)


Traffic issues are already an issue

(San Antonio, 2017-03-04)


too much traffic

(San Antonio, 2017-03-05)


I'm signing because of the additional congestion on Blanco Rd during peak hours.

(San Antonio, 2017-03-05)


Traffic on Blanco is already terrible!

(San Antonio, 2017-03-27)