Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media Group
Support the investigation, justice will prevail.Tusa Walter (Washington, 2024-09-25)
法轮功就是圈钱的组织Joseph Elizabeth (旧金山, 2024-09-25)
支持调查帝都这破 订不到 (鼎诺, 2024-09-25)
Falun Gong is a complete fraudulent organization.Mark Crouse (Irvine, 2024-09-25)
大力调查法轮功组织的真面目Alexander Ashley (旧金山, 2024-09-25)
法轮功是害人的,李洪志早升天,Jonathan Taylor (纽约, 2024-09-25)
呼吁政府向人们揭露法轮功组织的丑恶行径Karau Salles (纽约, 2024-09-25)
Support the investigation, justice will prevail.Jamon Steen (Washington, 2024-09-25)
支持调查塔 吴 (冰岛, 2024-09-25)
支持调查肖 晓 (日本, 2024-09-25)
支持调查霖 雾 (日本, 2024-09-25)
支持调查婉儿 上官 (日本, 2024-09-25)
支持调查月 海 (日本, 2024-09-25)
支持调查丽 玛 (冰岛, 2024-09-25)
Looking at a bunch of hateful guys.Li Lin (hk, 2024-09-25)
Resolutely fight against these evil people.Liu Wen (HK.O, 2024-09-25)
It is strongly recommended that these companies be investigated immediately.Liu Qing (hk, 2024-09-25)
Support the investigation!Hua Wen (Tyokyo, 2024-09-25)
对新唐人电视台及大纪元媒体集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为展开调查敏 周 (芝加哥, 2024-09-25)
为了正义凌凌 张 (Houston, 2024-09-25)
反对法轮功多思 戈 (九龙, 2024-09-25)
反对法轮功修洁 宦 (Little Rock, 2024-09-25)
Support a public inquiry.Selvin Nycz (Ontario, California, 2024-09-25)
反对法轮功,反对洗钱笑笑 蒙 (Denver, 2024-09-25)
Support a public inquiry.Skee Currie (Ontario, California, 2024-09-25)
抵制洗钱乐松 巴 (Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 2024-09-25)
反对洗钱寻芳 韩 (Evansville, 2024-09-25)
Support a public inquiry.Shondell Spellman (Ontario, California, 2024-09-25)
支持调查声 超 (安道尔, 2024-09-25)
支持调查启明 王 (日本, 2024-09-25)
支持调查明 张 (日本, 2024-09-25)
支持调查于 黄 (日本, 2024-09-25)
支持调查欧 李 (日本, 2024-09-25)
支持调查石 头 (日本, 2024-09-26)
Support investigationjack Don Quixote (纽约, 2024-09-26)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupWarren Heck (Colorado, 2024-09-26)
支持调查草 莓 (日本, 2024-09-26)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupJohn Lennox (New Jersey, 2024-09-26)
資金來源不透明翠英 陈 (Los Angeles, 2024-09-26)
Support a public inquiry.Junub Blum (Ontario, California, 2024-09-26)
支持调查山 海 (日本, 2024-09-26)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupMike Auzenne (Bensenville, 2024-09-26)
支持调查奥特 曼 (日本, 2024-09-26)
我签名是因为新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为Olivia ava (洛杉矶, 2024-09-26)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupShare on Facebook (8)
MI QIN (HK, 2024-09-26)
曝光法轮功丑恶面目金 陈 (中, 2024-09-26)
Support a public inquiry.Dewayne Thordarson (Ontario, California, 2024-09-26)
支持调查王 伟 (日本, 2024-09-26)
支持调查小 小 (日本, 2024-09-26)
The New Tang Dynasty Television and era media group are suspected of fraud and money launderingLinda Tomas (Washington, 2024-09-26)
因为有可信的指控称其存在金融欺诈和洗钱行为,希望可以让更多的人知道真相!丽 许 (蒙特梭利, 2024-09-26)
支持调查一 易 (日本, 2024-09-26)
支持调查云 山 (日本, 2024-09-26)
支持调查禹 凌 (日本, 2024-09-26)
支持调查李 云龙 (日本, 2024-09-26)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为Cassie Torp (New York, 2024-09-26)
Thorough investigationStephen Paul (旧金山, 2024-09-26)
支持调查琪 安 (日本, 2024-09-26)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为fremont Chp (New York, 2024-09-26)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为kolberg S (New York, 2024-09-26)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media GroupMartin 王 (芝加哥, 2024-09-26)
支持丽 王 (china, 2024-09-26)
Call for Investigation into Alleged Fraud and Money Laundering by New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Media Groupli weida (NewYork, 2024-09-26)
紧急呼吁对新唐人电视台(NTDTV)及其母公司大纪元传媒集团进行全面调查,因为有可信的指控称其存在金融欺诈和洗钱行为,特别是涉及财产收购、电影制作和捐款的使用。佳 吴 (纽约, 2024-09-26)
Support a public inquiry.Toki Quintanilla (Ontario, California, 2024-09-26)
欺诈、谎言以及可能用于违法的不当钱财,法轮功的新唐人电视台、大纪元报纸已经对我们社会造成了困扰,必须严查严惩兵 曹 (多伦多, 2024-09-26)
Strong support for the investigation into suspected fraud and money laundering by NTDTV and Epoch Times Media Group。charles medley (纽约, 2024-09-26)
支持调查法轮功浩然 高 (日本, 2024-09-26)
Support a public inquiry.Withey Postle (Ontario, California, 2024-09-26)
支持调查威 刘 (日本, 2024-09-26)
美國政府相關機構應從嚴調查處理此事件上上 林 (洛杉矶, 2024-09-26)
呼吁调查新唐人电视台和大纪元传媒集团涉嫌欺诈和洗钱行为lin li (NEWYORK, 2024-09-26)
严格彻查复兴 李 (台北, 2024-09-26)
I support an investigation into New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Times Media Group for suspected fraud and money laundering.Chen Edison (HK, 2024-09-26)
抵制Yi Wang (上海, 2024-09-27)
法轮功是彻头彻尾的邪教,新唐人、大纪元都是法轮功洗钱和骗钱的工具,呼吁能够全面调查!李 刚 (上海, 2024-09-27)
Support strict investigation of NTDTV and The Epoch Times, these are deceitful organizationsBell Kelly (Dallas, 2024-09-27)
Support strict investigation of NTDTV and The Epoch Times, these are deceitful organizationsCarnegie Edith (Honolulu, 2024-09-27)