Westlock Splash Park



To give our kids the fun they deserve in our community. Why should Athabasca or St Albert have all the fun? This is a no brainer.

(Pickardville, 2018-05-31)


We need this for our kids and to draw families to town.

(Busby, 2018-05-31)


I have 4 kids that would LOVE one!!!

(Westlock, 2018-05-31)


We need one

(Westlock, 2018-05-31)


This would be an amazing addition to our town that is lacking family outdoor activities.

(Westlock, 2018-05-31)


Great place for kids

(Westlock, 2018-05-31)


My kids and families kids would love it

(Westlock, 2018-05-31)


Aside from the obvious engagement this would facilitate among community members and the physical activity it would promote among our youth, I believe a splash park would add significant curb appeal to Westlock. Young families who are considering moving to our area are looking for these types of family oriented opportunities.

(Pickardville, 2018-05-31)


This would be a great draw for young families in the community. I would bring my children into westlock rather than barrhead for an asset like this

(Tawatinaw, 2018-06-01)


All the reasons above and there should also be place low income families children can spend a hot summer day cooling off together at no cost. The pool is expensive.

(Flatbush, 2018-06-02)


I have a neice, nephew, and two grand children who would love this.

(Westlock, 2018-06-03)


I’m signing cause I think it will be great for everyone on a nice hot day and I know that if I had spray park when my kids were younger we would of been there lots and not inside playing games

(Westlock, 2018-06-03)


I think it would be enjoyed by all. Especially for low income families. Some place to help beat the heat and enjoy some summer fun for the little ones. Not everyone can afford to go to the pool or drive to another town.

(Westlock, 2018-06-04)


We need young families in this town and they need this for their families

(Westlock, 2018-06-04)


Westlock needs this asap

(Westlock, 2018-06-04)


Hometown needs this!!!!

(Westlock, 2018-06-04)


Our kids need this!!

(clyde, 2018-06-05)


we need things for kids and families to do around town, this is a great idea!

(Westlock, 2018-06-05)


Good for the kids and town

(Westlock, 2018-06-05)


Keep Westlock business in Westlock. If citizen s have to go outside the community for an activity then they are taking their spending with them. Also how about something free for once.

(WESTLOCK, 2018-06-05)


I would love a splash park** OUTSIDE !

(Westlock, 2018-06-05)


I have two nephews who enjoy splash parks as well as a friend with a 2 year old who often visits. We have spent much time in the city looking for splash parks and have gone to Barrhead specifically to use theirs. I always thought we could use one here.

(Westlock, 2018-06-05)


I agree that Westlock needs an outdoor splash park. As I'm always travelling to Barrhead when my child wants to go to a splash park, and while there spending money in another town that I could be spending in my own community.

(Westlock, 2018-06-05)


I’m signing because I have 4 younger children an they love the out doors an love the water

(Busby, 2018-06-06)


I care about the children of Westlock. They need this play area.

(Westlock, Ab, 2018-06-06)


This needs something for kids desperately

(Westlock, 2018-06-06)


I'm signing cuz we need a spray park for the kids.

(Westlock, 2018-06-07)


Westlock needs more activities for families and kids.

(Westlock, 2018-06-07)


Enjoyed having the use of a public splash park in other communities we've lived in - or used even as we travel through a town on holidays. As a grandparent this would be a great activity I'd like for us to use with our grandchildren

(Westlock, 2018-06-07)


Im signing because i have grsndkids who love splash parks. & were always going out of town for this acticity.

(Westlock, 2018-06-13)


I am signing this petition because we are the very few communities that do not have a splash park and I think it would be a great thing.

(Westlock, 2018-06-14)


The kids need more summer activities in Westlock to get them outside more. I also feel that a water park would encourage more young families to come to Westlock.

(Westlock AB, 2018-06-14)


The kids need more.

(Westlock AB, 2018-06-14)


Im siging because i would like to see westlock get a spay park to build our community and to give another facility for our children to enjoy.

(Westlock, 2018-06-19)


I drive to St Albert, Barrhead, Spruce Grove to use splash parks all the time. Let's invest in our own community and raise the standard for Westlock!!

(Westlock, 2018-06-24)


I think a splash park would be an amazing asset to our town!

(Westlock, 2018-07-14)


As part of the disabled community, We need more accessible recreational sites. It’s unfair we have to go 1hr into the city to get recreational activities for our kids/ ourselves ( not everyone has a car, and this community doesn’t have transportation for these people).The pool isn’t for everyone, my daughter is scared of the pool, but would be more open to play in the splash park( she has gone to barhead splash park and really enjoys/ feels safe in it). There is no activities here for the disabled ( wheelchair sports/ goal ball or anything, this place ignores/ ostrisizes its disabled community a lot, not all inclusive)

(Westlock, 2018-08-03)


I would love to see a spray park here I have a 4 year old who would love to use it

(Westlock, 2018-08-03)


My family deserves a great child and youth orientated outdoor area to keep cool during the hot summer days without having to travel outside of the Town of Westlock to do so.

(Westlock, 2018-08-10)


Growing up in westlock, I don't recall a lot for kids to do in town. Arcades came and went, the pool was ok. all the tractor dealerships in the world aren't going to make the town more attractive to young families.

(westlock, 2019-06-01)