

This area is already very congested and over crowded. Local schools are bursting at the seams!!! Traffic is already horrendous and a complete nightmare! Stop the madness

Brenda Caba (Buford, 2023-07-26)


Overdevelopment without planning for better infrastructure. Our roads are too crowded

Ana Cardona (Buford, 2023-07-26)


I oppose this apartment complex.

Jeni Houser (Dacula, 2023-07-26)



Colleen Holland (Buford, 2023-07-26)


It will increase traffic in an area that is already heavily traveled.

Gail Solsona (Buford, 2023-07-26)


No way that should be built with the inadequate roads in the Area. I have been on Hamilton Mill Rd for over 30 years and it still has only 2 lanes in front of our subdivision with 4 schools close in the area and tractor trucks all over. That area also at I-85 has terrible traffic now and long delays.

RON ZELLNER (Buford, 2023-07-26)


Traffic is a nightmare! I have to plan my trips when traffic is the lightest

Inga Giacini (Dacula, 2023-07-26)


This area simply can't handle more people & traffic that this development would bring.

Don Hoppe (Dacula, 2023-07-26)


This area is too congested as it is. We do not need any more apartment complexes or developments.

Kim Haynes (Buford, 2023-07-26)


This area is already very busy, with traffic backing up regularly at the interstate off-ramps, and at the intersection of Hamilton Mill and Sardis Church. A new apartment complex and more commercial space is not what this community wants and needs.

Andrew Wright (Buford, 2023-07-26)


This area is too congested as is. We don’t need this added.

Carla Murrath (Buford, 2023-07-26)


We don’t need anymore apartments in this area.

Rick Aul (Buford, 2023-07-26)


I’m signing because of all the reasons in the petition!4U6Y

Ginny Cofer (Hoschton, 2023-07-26)


i dont NOT want any more Rental properties/ apartments in Hamilton Mill Area

Vicki Dominick (Dacula, 2023-07-26)


Hamilton Mill and Braselton roads need to be widened completely before additional construction approved. Roads near Mall of Georgia and Hamilton Mill very congested and no roadway projects currently underway that will correct the problems. Many subdivisions already only have entrances and exits on Hamilton Mill road and emergency vehicles, mail carriers, and garbage trucks need to be able to get through. Much too congested

Melinda Cline (Buford, 2023-07-27)


i don’t want to

Diana Macarie (Dacula, 2023-07-27)


This development will be a traffic and accident nightmare! The area is extremely condensed and congested. There is simply not enough room for this type of expansion.

Julie Daigle (Dacula, 2023-07-27)


I agreed with the petition.

Bao Duong (Buford, 2023-07-27)


Please stop the over development of this area. It is already over crowded.

David Wilhoit (Dacula, 2023-07-27)


I’m against all the values of our properties, school are at full capacity, crime is getting worse by the day, traffic is out of control and more.

Mike Abramov (Buford, 2023-07-27)


I live here and see the traffic issues we have currently. I see this as way past the issue of overburdening the current infrastructure! This would need about 1.3 billion to modify I-85 exit and Hamilton Mill Rd.

Joshua Nixon (Buford, 2023-07-27)


We are already overgrown and it’s already dangerous and impossible to get out of our neighborhood

Lauren Livesay (Buford, 2023-07-27)


Overcrowding, traffic

Angie Hutson (Dacula, 2023-07-27)


I do not want apartment complex to come in town.

Hoyoung Kim (Buford, 2023-07-27)


This is crazy!! No roads, no restaurant's.
Poor judgment on the planning.
We have enough people passing others off I guess gun violence is coming to Hamilton mill and Flowery Branch:(

Christina Lenyk (Flowery Branch, 2023-07-27)


The impact on the schools alone would be negative. They are at capacity already. It is an hour's commute just to get down Braselton Hwy to the middle & high school. The roads have too much traffic & Hamilton Mill Rd. narrows down to 1 lane! Sardis Church is 1 lane! It just makes no sense. The roads around that entire area cannot handle that type of infrastructure.

Kathryn Burton (Dacula, 2023-07-27)


I completely disagree with this development. This intersection cannot handle the traffic, it poses a direct problem to my community in terms of congestion and overdevelopment, therefore having an affect on my home valuation.

Laura C Sharpe (Buford, 2023-07-27)


Hamilton Mill is already over crowded, please reconsider your proposal in another location. Perhaps south of Lawrenceville.

Renzo Gavino (Dacula, 2023-07-27)


Too much traffic in this area

Kate Wood (Sugar Hill, 2023-07-27)


Traffic on Hamilton Mill Rd is already outrageous!!!

Nicole Jankowski (Dacula, 2023-07-27)


No infrastructure to support too much traffic already.

Toni Pitt (Dacula, 2023-07-27)


We must preserve green areas, animal life, since traffic is heavy at rush hour, we must not overcrowd our neighborhood.

Dayaric Gutt (Buford, 2023-07-27)


I agree with everything stated on the petition.
The last thing we need in this area is more congestion of traffic.
Please, re-consider new re-location options.

Luba Parker (Dacula, 2023-07-27)


This is my community and it is going to be a nightmare with traffic already packed in our little area.

Susan Phillips (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


I am Replying NO
On this Poor Mgt & Planning for a Multi Unit Apartment in an area already Densely Populated & Possess an Overburdened Infrastructure
A big NO !

Chris DiMassimo (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


Over populated area. Hamilton Mill exit already packed

Huy Le (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Area is getting way over populated for current infrastructure

Matt Russell (Buford, 2023-07-28)


There will be too many people in a small amount of space. The traffic will be horrendous

Debbie Berndt (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Road ways need to be better developed before trying to add more people.

Megan Kennedy (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


I’m from South FL and know all too well the negative effects of overpopulation. I moved my family here to get away from over development. This is a beautiful area please don’t over congest it.

Jeannine McInerney (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Too much traffic already. This area is over built.

Jenny Evans (Hoschton, 2023-07-28)


The area does not need more congestion

Johnathan Hayden (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Traffic is terrible trying to enter Sardis Church Rd from Carlton @ Hamilton Mill subdivision. This would make it nearly impossible to even exit onto Sardis Church Rd . Traffic backs up terribly on Sardis Church Rd to make a left hand turn onto Hamilton Mill Rd.

Julie Thompson (Buford, 2023-07-28)


I oppose this

Keith Harris (Buford, 2023-07-28)


The traffic and congestion.
The current infrastructure doesn't support what we already have.6A9E

Wanda Buford (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Area already has overburdened infrastructure.

Jason Kriel (Buford, 2023-07-28)


We have too much traffic already and we have enough commercial.

Shawn Smith (Dacula, 2023-07-28)



Wayne DeLong (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


That area is too busy already and we don’t need to clog it up more

Stephanie Culpepper (Buford, 2023-07-28)


No to the apartments on Sardis behind the Goodwill

Karin Richman (Buford, 2023-07-28)


The traffic at Hamilton Mill is currently miserable. Getting from HM parkway and Braselton hey is terrible , then the lights at I-85 feed more traffic. Adding 700 apartments at HM road and Sardis Church will result in total gridlock. I’m sure another light will be required for these apartments.

Please consider the current residents and not make it more miserable for us by not approving this request.

Thank you

John Mayson (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


We moved here 7 years ago for the beauty, green spaces and low traffic. With all the development, our wildlife has been affected, our water has been affected and most of all the people that it all funnels into, those of us that live and invested here, are affected! DO NOT BUILD!

Michael Hernandez (Buford, 2023-07-28)


When I moved here with my family it was because this area still held true to low traffic and low commercial and business densities. Now, with all this unnecessary and ugly construction you are ruining why we moved! STOP this never ending expansion - we do NOT need it.

Maria Isabel Ponce (Buford, 2023-07-28)


The traffic on Hamilton Mill is already overly contested, adding 700 more apartments on top of all the houses and neighborhoods being build will cause it to be over bearing.

Jonathan Stegherr (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Over population and land devaluations

Ben Wilson (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


To much traffic causing to many accecidents. Traffic study is need and will show it would exceed capabilities or current roads there

Scott Siple (Buford, 2023-07-28)


I'm signing this because I do not feel that it is in the best interest of the high school to have that many new apartments built right beside it for security issues. I also do not think anything should be built there without a traffic study or an environmental study because of the creek that runs through that area.

Brenda Clark (Buford, 2023-07-28)


The schools and roads are too crowded already. Safety for our families and teenage drivers is important!

Rachael Hughes (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


I do not want more apartments in the area. We need a park for youth sports and the new Seckinger Athletic Association.

Catherine Rhynes (Buford, 2023-07-28)


The infrastructure is already suffocated by all the developments in the area. The new exit on I85 (exot 118) doesn't seem to have taken care of the extra influx of cars that already came with all the developments and new subdivisions.

Mari Stoicescu (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


Too many people already in the area

Susan Graham (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


Lived in same house almost 40 years. Watched growth in our area get out of control. No more. Please.

Sandra Duncan (Buford, 2023-07-28)


I’m signing to insure we as constituents aren’t over crowding and recklessly developing a high sought after area. Access and less traffic is what our area is proud of and we feel this would infringe that and negatively impact our area with the density ratio along with buffer suggestions.

Lindsay Paul (Auburn, 2023-07-28)


We do not need the added traffic as well as a flood of tenants. I’m afraid it would also affect the value of our properties. This area is already flooded with non-English speaking people that do not seem to not show any respect or have intentions to assimilate to this area.

Judy Michael (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Hamilton Mill is already too crowded and this would make things much worse.

Tina Smith (Buford, 2023-07-28)


This proposal is completely unreasonable. We live just down the road; we get stuck in traffic all the time already with the overcrowded roads. There is no room nor do apartments fit the current infrastructure! Y'all need to live and drive here for a week before making these decisions. You are ruining the the joy of living here for long-term residents, we are out-priced and crowded out of our home and town. Driving is getting dangerous on Hamilton Mill Rd!

Sarah Meyer (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Do not want apartments or high density housing in the area. Hamilton Mill Rd is already so overwhelmed we can't even exit our neighborhood

Greg Bachmann (Buford, 2023-07-28)


We are over diluting the area with new builds and traffic. Apartments by contrast is never a great outcome for any area. Stop the commercial building in this area!

chad Seefeldt (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


This is not what Hamilton Mill a hometown community is about. It will also bring more traffic congestion and it’s bad enough already.

Kyle Shields (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


The traffic on Hamilton Mill Rd makes turning out, particularly left, either dangerous or impossible throughout the day. Another subdivision is being built now that will further aggravate the situation.
Existing homeowners are frustrated and angry that commissioners do not seem to care about an inadequate infrastructure to handle this traffic.
Please recognize that these requests are based on public safety and as tax payers we deserve to be heard. Our concerns are valid. Where is the vehicle traffic study!

Jane Hatker (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Do not want the traffic and excessive amount of people for this little area.

kim smith (dacula, 2023-07-28)


Enough is enough. Way too much building going on. What about all those tree there cutting down. The birds and squirrels are out of a home. Plus the trees filter our air we breath. This will be disasters for all!

Linda Greene (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


I am signing because the new motto for Gwinnett seems to be #PaveGwinnett. You have not got the infrastructure set up to handle more buildings. For the love of all that is holy...stop building and add more roads and schools!!!!

Lisa Campbell (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


No apartments!

BONNIE EHMANN (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


The high school and traffic do not need an apartment complex near it.

Amanda Setchel (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Traffic is awful already

Holly Abbey (Buford, 2023-07-28)


I think this development is a terrible idea for our area. The schools and roads are already too crowded!

Melanie Goolsby (LAWRENCEVILLE, 2023-07-28)


I live in the area and the roads cannot support anymore traffic in an already crowded area.

Matt Alexander (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


No more apartment complexes in Buford. The Hamilton Mill area can not take anymore people and/or traffic. I am 100% against this.

tim robitaille (Buford, 2023-07-28)


I’m signing because of traffic, safety, and over abundance of commercial buildings. We already have a building that’s been boarded up for a year with nothing to it by the road and the Hardee’s that’s also now closed and empty. Not to mention it issues it could cause for the new high school students skipping school traffic issues for school hours.

Joanna Davis (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


Traffic is already a huge issue and a traffic study should be required. The local schools also can't support as they are already full even with Seckinger HS being brand new. The entire county needs infrastructure upgrades, but instead, you are just creating more of the same problems by moving north.

David Williams (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Marlon Moore

Marlon Moore (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Area is over developing and road infrastructure as well as school can not support the growth

Paul Hanken (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Apartment complex will cause too much congestion in an area already becoming too congested. Also in about 5 years the clientele of apartments becomes questionable

Amanda Vasquez (Auburn, 2023-07-28)


This area is already overcrowded

Susan Smith (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


Hamilton Mill Road is WAY TOO CONGESTED already! There’s subdivisions going in on both sides really near this location already!!! This is a terrible idea in every way!

Mary Messer (Buford, 2023-07-28)


way overpriced apartments,Hamilton Mill road is way overloaded with traffic.

Alex Downs (Buford, 2023-07-28)



Brooke Haynes Haynes (Lawrenceville, 2023-07-28)


I moved out here to be free of the traffic and living congestion. This will be comparable to Lawrenceville/Snellville's congestion. I know the builders do not care because it's all about money for them. They probably lives in a secluded area themselves. Traffic emerging onto on Sardis Church will be horrendously bad.

Domminique Bradford (Buford, 2023-07-28)


No more high density building! Our roads and schools are overcrowded as it is.

Kerry Palomba (Hoschton, 2023-07-28)


I’m signing because our area can’t handle all the traffic. I live off of Thompson Mill Road and the traffic is horrible. Ridge Road is the same way. Also the traffic is already bad on Hamilton Mill adding this many apartments will be a nightmare where traffic is concerned. Sardis Church Road is bad too. It can hardly accommodate the traffic now especially when Seckinger is in session,

Marlene Reece (Buford, 2023-07-28)


This exit can in no-way support this number of additional living units. Hamilton Mill road is already backed up greatly and will soon be back to clogging I-85 during the evenings. This will only further aggravate this problem. Additionally this will overwhelm the new high school next door creating the need for an immediate new school plus making live unlivable with the school + apartment traffic. It's a terrible idea for this location.

Russell Petersen (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


Opposition due to traffic congestion that already exists in this area

Ann Dills (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


I think there's too much building going on. The roads are already over crowded!

Tara Brunson (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


This would create havoc in our neighborhood. We have a traffic issue after 23 years of living in Hamilton Mill. I've benefited from the development but 700 apartments is to much. Sardis Church Rd is hard to turn left & this would cause the newest school to become over crowded quickly.

Ruth M Thomas (Dacula, 2023-07-28)


I’ve seen what overdevelopment does to a community. It completely ruined Sandy Springs 😣

Sandra Culpepper (Buford, 2023-07-28)


My daughter and her family are currently residing in the area and the overbearing construction is disrupting the peaceful livelihood of the community.

Maria Sandival (Winder, 2023-07-28)


Gwinnett County is already overcrowded and congested. Our schools cannot handle the influx of kids. It’s destroying the environment as well.

Heather Farhy (Buford, 2023-07-28)


This area is growing too rapidly. The current roads cannot handle the influx of neighborhoods being built. The current schools are over crowded. Adding this high rise community would only hurt the area. Please help preserve our suburban feel.

Lucy Smith (Buford, 2023-07-28)


This is NOT well planned out. We already have gridlock in this area. Infrastructure needs to be fixed first.

Abernethy Robin (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Strongly oppose DEVELOPMENT IN HAMILTON MILL STOP RZC2022-00045 STOP RZM2022-00047.

Mayra Ortiz (Buford, 2023-07-28)


As a resident of this county and neighborhood for over 14 years, I am strongly opposed to these proposed developments. Our infrastructure and schools cannot support this amount of growth at this pace! Please do not ruin our community!!

Emily Main (Buford, 2023-07-28)


Too much development in this area and inconsistent with the surrounding area.

Tim Sullivan (Buford, 2023-07-28)


This area is being over developed ! Tax dollars just built Seckinger to take some of the burden off of Mill Creek. Now you are going to overload this new school ! Traffic in this area is horrible. You are going to cause property values to plummet and many good citizens to move away. STOP this nonsense NOW !!!! I am ready to get start working on getting ALL commissioners voted out !

Donna Wall (Dacula, 2023-07-29)


I’m tired of all the apartments and rental coming to Gwinnett county. Traffic is horrendous.

Michael Roberts (Dacula, 2023-07-29)


Too much traffic and wrecks already. Will lead to more traffic wrecks and crim

Jessica Teca (Dacula, 2023-07-29)


Traffic is already bad enough. We cannot support this huge addition to our society. It is ridiculous and greedy to continue to build infrastructure where there is already too much!

Richie Hervig (Buford, 2023-07-29)


This area is over crowded now. If you develop anymore we won't be able to go anywhere without more traffic than we already have!!

Donna Cash (Buford, 2023-07-29)


Already too much congestion!

David Bacchus (BUFORD, 2023-07-29)


Our streets are overcrowded already especially since the opening of Seckinger HS. There is no possible way that our roads, in their current configurations, can handle the additional load from the more retail and 700 apartment units. And of greater concern is the additional load for all of the area schools!
Currently, our area is over-saturated with retail and 17,000 square feet is not large enough for even a medium-box store so, we will be inundated with several small, shops.
Lastly, at today's elevated costs and availability of construction products, the cost for rent will be higher than is norm for this area and moderate-income families will not be able to afford renting there.
Thank you, Dennis

Dennis Duncan (Buford, 2023-07-29)


I’m signing this petition because I previously lived in North Gwinnett Estates there on Hamilton Mill Rd. I resided there from 1996 until 2020. One reason I moved to Elbert County is because of the traffic and all the problems they are on Hamilton Mill. My parents still live on Kilgore Road. They are 87 and 82 years old. Stanley and Sybil pruett. They have the hardest time with traffic in the Gwinnett area. It is totally ridiculous to continue to build condos, apartments, etc. and not do traffic studies. Gwinnett County is ridiculous. I grew up there from 1960. I just can’t believe what it’s turned into. There really needs to be infrastructure in that area before any more houses townhomes condos anything is built.

Cynthia Richey (Bowman, 2023-07-29)

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