Set Raaths FREE



Set Abri free

Yolandi Joubert (North west, 2022-05-24)


I am signing because I know Abrie is innocent. Please let justice be served and set him free.

Karin Meyer (Centurion, 2022-05-24)


Abrie is innocent as his daughter was taught to say the terrible things she did she was taught by the CMR! ABRIE RAATHS MUST BE FREED FROM PRISON NOW!

Stanley Kirton (Hartbeespoort, 2022-05-24)


Maryna van Rensburg (Cape Town, 2022-05-25)


His not quilty

Martin Nel (Centurion, 2022-05-26)


The South African justice system is designed to keep fathers out of their kids' lives. As a man in this country, you are guilty in the eyes of the courts, no matter what evidence is before the court. This is not a country for men. Our innocent brothers, across all races are in jail for crimes they didnt commit. A revolution of fathers is gona come one day, and when it comes, they will not be able to stop us...

Tumelo Mokoena (Johannesburg, 2022-05-26)


I believe in his innocence

Marie Hay (Pretoria, 2022-05-28)


I'm signing because I'm fed up with this lands "justice " system. Sending the wrong people to jail!!!!

Kruger Zelda (Jacobsdal, 2022-05-28)


Want die man is onskuldig en ons welsyn sisteem is useless

prinsloo Jaco (Vereeniging, 2022-05-29)


It is very unfair and sad

Charley PIETERSEN (Centurion, 2022-05-30)


It is the right thing to do.

Gina Dickson (George, 2022-05-31)


Justice for Fathers who continually suffer at the hands of others. The childrens act should define strict protocols when investigating matters and interviewing children. The first initial interview should be recorded via video and reported as evidence even though they are minors. Children are continuously brainwashed by parents and the truth and justice will not prevail if we continue to allow others to condition children. Socio-emotional assessments should be conducted however it is vital that these are recorded every step of the way as many professionals out there tend to support Mothers and also are more empathetic to Mothers even though they are manipulative in many cases.

Catherine Potgieter (Gauteng, 2022-05-31)


Why do innocent people have to pay, when real monster have more life and just laugh at our system.

Barbara Botha (Boksburg, 2022-06-01)


For him to be set free bc of the accusing against him is not true he deserves to be free and out

Tania Agu (Johannesburg, 2022-06-01)


Not fair that an innocent man sit in jail

diane knell (Potchefstroom, 2022-06-01)


He must be in jail they must investigate further and really how can the social worker be like that they have to protect our children.

Melanie Nel (Germiston, 2022-06-01)


I am signing because raath must be set free

jacqui brink (Pretoria, 2022-06-01)


Its not fair. He had disadvantage because his daughter was trained to NOT tell the truth

Annet Willemse (Brits Noord wes, 2022-06-01)


I believe justice must prevail and Mr RaathsRaaths must be set free. To be in prison unjustly is unhuman and nobody deserves it.

Ann Strydom (Boksburg, 2022-06-01)


CMR needs to be stopped and closed down!
The have destroyed the lives of many innocent victims and will continue doing so until such time that someone speaks out and takes a stand

Shante Hunter (Pretoria, 2022-06-01)


Justice must be served.

Geraldine Venter (Rustenburg, 2022-06-01)


I'm signing here because I too have been a victim of false accusations and understand how the system can be manipulated and social workers, parents and children present lies as facts.

Olga Kleynhans (Boksburg, 2022-06-02)


I believe that abrie raaths is innocent. I know the raath's family for 42years. MAY GOD HELP HIM.🙏

Sina van der Merwe (Polokwane, 2022-06-02)


Justice must be served.

Erik Vorster (malmesbury, 2022-06-03)


Because a huge injustice has been done to Abrie Raaths and his entire family.An innocent man is sitting in jail because his daughter was groomed by the CMR to testify against him.Im a victim of the CMR in Pretoria North, and so are my three daughters who have been kidnapped by the maternal grandmother 5 years ago, she was helped, assisted and aided by the CMR in Pretoria North, and various other roleplayers.They also submitted highly corrupt, ambushed reports, and justice needs to be served.SHUT DOWN THE CMR!

Carol Pretorius (Ladysmith, 2022-06-03)


I believe he is not guilty and was framed.

Gherard Van der merwe (Tshwane, 2022-06-04)


I believe in justice and he has rights to....the whole case must be re investigated and no blacks must be involved because they are corrupt

Braam Van Niekerk (Polokwane, 2022-06-07)


SA has a broken Justice system

Bill Sin (Jhb, 2022-06-07)


This person has rights a me is innocent

EMMELINE DE MEILLON (Brakpan, 2022-06-07)


52% of all Domestic violence or orders of courts are based on false, fake or nine existing information, Justice department insiders say the false allegations can be as high as 90%

Ladies and gents please be absolutely clear about this - the insertion into the Domestic violence act of financial abuse as well as being able to go on line and lodge a DV case (52%of all DV orders are issued on false fake or none existent evidence , Justice minister insiders say this is as high as 90%), the ability for a woman to now claim against her ex hisbands estate if there was a no acrual clause and the ability of the courts to attach a portion of the fathers pension when he is unemployed. AS well as the DSD's further attack on fathers to NOT have to find, identify and tell the father when the children have been removed from the mothers care is a clear indication 1) The fatherlessness rate in south Africa is going to dramatically increase 2) mothers will now have their children removed from their care with impunity same or equal to that of fathers irrespective of whether there was just cause or not 3) married people will be the next target. 4) South Africa is about to become the largest orphanage in the world 5) The trafficking of children for the porn, podophile / sex slave trade industry is going to become absolutely out of control. PARENTS WILL HAVE ZERO RECOURSE!!!!!! just as fathers have experienced under the ANC regime. Gary Da Silva
The Official Fathers 4 Justice South Africa

Gary Da Silva (Johannesburg, 2022-06-10)


Abrie verdien om sy vryheid terug te kry (na hy reeds soveel jare van sy lewe verloor het) 😢

Liesl Theron (Mexico City, 2022-06-11)


I am Megans step sister and for the past 10 years, and she and my stepmom are fighting this case since then and I believe that hr is innocent . Free Abrie Raaths

Sunelle Kuhn (Rayton, 2022-06-11)


I believe he is innocent, Im married to his ex wife and since I met her and Megan in 2013, they were fighting to prove that Abrie is not guilty. I know all the ins and outs and he was framed by CMR, SAPD, and other profesionals. They distroyed so many lives, and the battle must end now. Free Abrie Raaths.

Jaco Kuhn (Rayton, 2022-06-11)


It is the right thing to do to stop the corrupt people of sa

Johan De Lange (Limpopo, 2022-06-11)


I have never agreed to the way social workers handle cases in SA or Childrens Court. They do not act in best interest of children.

Coba Greyling (Johannesburg, 2022-06-11)


I stand AGAINST corruption and abuse

Vivienne Chester (Pretoria, 2022-06-11)


It is in the interest of justice

Mervyn Edward Fanie (Oudtshoorn, 2022-06-11)


Justice need to go to the once who deserve it not to innocent people.

Natashia Du Plessis (Pretoria, 2022-06-11)


Abuse is a serious issue and should be investigated and handled by professionals who have no other motive than seeing justice prevail. In this case there is convincing evidence that the accuser was unduly influenced by an organization with a history of the same behavior.

Ricky Van Der Walt (Cape Town, 2022-06-11)


I want the innocent father to came out of jail and live his life. I personally feel that our justice system let us parents down and the cmr must pay for what they did

Nicolene Greyling (Pretoria, 2022-06-11)


Geregtigheid en die waarheid moet seevier

Jp Nel (Hartbeespoort, 2022-06-11)


Geregtigheid en die waarheid moet seevier

Pieter Van wyk (Brits, 2022-06-11)


Geregtigheid en die waarheid moet seevier

Jacques Van wyk (Hartbeespoort, 2022-06-11)


Abrie is innocent and it was such an injustice what the court allowed

Travis Green (Port elizabeth, 2022-06-11)


I'm signing because the person is innocent in jail.

John Bakkes (Oudtshoorn, 2022-06-11)


My family and I are victims ourselves of the CMR and hate what they do onto innocent people

Bertus Volschenk (Willowmore, 2022-06-12)


What is right should be so

Adriaan Deysel (Brits, 2022-06-13)


I am currently in a very similar situation. I'm being accused of a sexual crime I never committed. I'm horrified by the actions of courts and officials meant to uphold justice.

Jason Leamen (Cape Town, 2022-06-13)


This man was uccused of a serious offence which he never done. Jailed for nothing. Give him justice.

Charmaine Botha (Brits, 2022-06-17)


Im signing because the CMR in Pretoria took my 3 kids 6 years ago unlawfully from me with.false allegations against me which they could not proof and after 3 years going through court case in the Pta North Magistrate court I was proven not guilty and a court order was issued by Magistrate Venter that time that re unification between kids and mom must start immediately the file with.tbe court order was given to Bernadine Human Social worker from CMR Wonderboom since that day ive got numerous problems with visitation rights i did not had contact with my kids for 2 years where i tried from Carletonville NGPO to make contact etc with my kids in that 2 years and the CMR Wonderboom with tbe Jakaranda Children Home social workers blocked me the whole time November 2020 ive movef back to pta tried to make contact the whole time last year april eventually we had a meeting at the children home where they decided i can phone my kids and we arrange visit at the children home for one hour after two years that i couldnt see my kids there was a distance and i felt pariental allienation is busy happening between my kuds and myself caused by all the social workers of the children home and CMR but the.visit was awesome and my kids did not want me to leave.The following week i got a email from the child home visits has bern stopped again cause the kids reacted bad at there oumas house that weekend and fingers was pounted to me again i had telephonically contact with my two sons until end september last year.I phoned my sons the monday night ask for my sons and the house mother told me visiration rights has been stopped again.Since that time till two months ago my daughter started to contact me on her cell phone on week ends.The results is three if my kids had suicidle ideas my daughter tried 3 times already to escape from tbr.child home.

Where is justice in South.Africa you guilty untill you proven not guilty and the people tbat is the causef of it get away with it.No they must be dealt with.

This well went to jail for nothing went tbrough hell and proven unguilty.The people that cause these situations and that destroy happy families must be dealt for like the CMR and NGPO organusations must pay for children that lifes been destroyed unnecessarily.

Caroline Van niekerk (Pretoria, 2022-06-22)


I am singing this petition. As we as fathers get exploited. The law needs to listes tothe So called victim bere and put things right that was done wrong against her Father

Roelof Van der merwe (Centurion, 2022-06-25)


I have seen how the NPA and the lawyers and the Magistrate are two faced and threatened me that I will not see my children (8 years later) and still have no contact with 2 of my children. They have never admitted to me being raped but Rapport and News24 have articles spoken to Social Worker stating the children's mother knew. I have never even met the Social Worker. They keep the children away from me and my whole family total alienated.

Anja Jordaan (Vredefort, 2022-06-27)


I'm signing because I also have issues with cmr pretoria north and Gracia child care centre in pretoria north regarding my children that I have took there in 2012 for help they were not taken away from me and since 2015 when I got on my feet I have been struggling to get my children back it's been a fight and struggle for almost 10years now. Today I was contacted the 8th of July 2022 by head office regarding my case and that they took over all pretoria north cmr's case's because they are under investigation I have been told that my file has not been properly record and they are going to come do a house visit on Monday I also told them I have many emails voicenotes and phone recordings how my whole case has been a joke to cmr pretoria north and Gracia child care centre. It has drained me emotionally and also my children because there is no grounds for my children to even be there and kept away from me thru withholding visits like they want and making rules like they want to how it benefits them the Gracia child care centre and CMR pretoria north its a very long and complicated case to write everything down here So hopefully this can come to an end with the head office taking over so i hope that they are going to do an investigation. So that my children can be were they are suppose to be at home where they belong it's been a long and very sad ongoing battle.

Angelique Lamb (Pretoria, 2022-07-08)


It is better for 10 guilty persons to go free than one innocent person wrongly convicted.

Rudi du Toit (Pretoria, 2022-07-09)


Because I think he is innocent

Whitney Armitage (Riyadh, 2022-07-17)


It is so sad for someone to sit in jail for years for something he did not do. Release him ASAP.

Strydom Frans (Eldoraigne, 2022-07-21)


Abrie Raaths is innocent

Janett Venter (Pretoria, 2022-07-21)



Yahn Zonkete (Gcebehla, 2022-09-02)


I know Abrie since high school and he has always been a gentleman with a good upbringing
My heart breaks for him.
I can not believe the injustice he has endured

Yolanda Friedenthal (Nelspruit, 2022-09-11)


According to the victim the rape it didn't happen which need to be reexamine

Howard Smith (Walvis Bay, 2023-01-31)


I believe he is innocent

Christine Van Taak (Windhoek, 2023-01-31)


I've been the director of a Non Profit Company for 10 years, and was forced to work closely with the CMR. I know how they operate , and I have seen with my own eyes how biased they are, and how they never investigate cases properly. Unfortenately they have a lot of power, and courts bona fide believe that social workers indeed did thorough investigations, thus they mostly accept the recommendations of the social workers. I believe that Abrie Raaths is innocent and that Megan is telling the truth.

Ezelle Jordaan (Pretoria, 2023-02-01)


I am a victim of these same crimes and false acusations.

J Paul Kuypers (Pretoria, 2023-02-20)


I believe that the daughter's testimony should be re-evaluated now that she is an adult, instead the courts are taking the testimony of an impressionable 8 year old girl at the time.

Dirk Strauss (PE, 2023-04-05)


Hy is onskuldig

Marlene Grace (Kimberley, 2023-04-09)


Although not accused of rape, my daughter was molested, i reported it the molester is free and i have lost my children with the same tactics.

Kim Stange (johannesburg, 2023-05-11)

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