Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I believe in freedom.

Martin Levy (Lowestoft, 2021-10-18)


The damage that has been caused is irreversible but we must stop this ASAP . I find this initiative very motivating and hopeful and support this completely

Glenn De Nauw (Groot-Bijgaarden , 2021-10-18)


Nech uz konecne skonci tento nezmysel!

Jan CAKLOS (Trencin, 2021-10-18)


Hrr na ně!

Jiří Novák (Praha, 2021-10-18)


These crimes can’t be unnoticed by the world any longer.

Brendan Keller (Brock, 2021-10-18)


I'm appealed by the pre-meditated murders & crimes against humanity being perpetuated by global goverments and their tyrannical health departments, which totally lack credible evidence for their criminal actions.

Mark Benkovic (Waterloo, 2021-10-18)


I dont want to take an experimental vaccine that has death as a side effect

Louise Simpson (Warrington , 2021-10-18)



Stephanie Marshall (Casper wyoming , 2021-10-18)


i want better world for my Family

Rafael Orrostieta (Atizapan de Zaragoza, 2021-10-18)


Emília Dobiašová

Emília Dobiašová (Borský Mikuláš, 2021-10-18)


i believe in God and freedom, not orwellian technology used to control and enslave the world population. a new world order is not necessary, let people live in peace

keith miller (santa ana, 2021-10-18)


I’m signing because I want the tyrannical assault on our freedoms to stop!

John Watts (Ottawa, 2021-10-18)


Governments and government agencies including Big Pharma and the likes of Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and all those associated with them promoting their view of the covid - 19 vaccines have lied to the world. Many scientists and doctors from around the globe that have revealed this and alerted the world to the dangers of the covid-19 injections that over time attack our bodies internally and slowly make us very sick and even kill us.

Gene Kotobalavu (Gymea, 2021-10-18)


It is and has been clear for many months that the globalists are engaged in a eugenics program. The carnage from their hubris will cost millions of lives. They must be brought to account. Yesterday is too late!!!

Emil Fachon (EAST GREENWICH, 2021-10-18)


Because mankind is under threat . Being killed off by a bio weapon and lied to about the real purpose of the covid-19 vaccine products.
Our lives have been turned upside down. our health under so much pressure. Our jobs under threat. Cures for the damage done to our bodies is still unclear and therefore we live in fear everyday about what could go wrong internally. My children are in junior school and I am not sure whether I should be sending to school to be among the children who have been doubly vaccinated. Food prices and fuel prices are on a steady climb. I'm praying that truth will prevail and all those responsible for the lies and cover-ups will be found out and held accountable.

Cynthia Nath (Sydney, 2021-10-18)


I believe I have a right to move freely about the globe, unhindered by political tyranny. I am a sovereign being and I do not consent.

Ingrid Perri (Warragul, 2021-10-19)


I’m supporting this action because the damages caused by what was done is substantial and needs to be brought to justice.

Gregory Chury (Calgary, 2021-10-19)


I am signing due to the overwhelming evidence of deliberate collusion amongst global elite players who have manufactured a virus and using media they also own to create a state of fear propaganda. They have falsified data for FDA approval of experimental vaccines, they have lied and people many people have died. They have used their media empire to hide and censor and outright slander and lie about information pertaining to safe and effective early prevention and treatment of sars cov19. Such as vitamin D C zinc and Nobel prize winning ivermectin and other drugs such as hydroxychloroquine.
In Australia where the corrupt government officials have been complicit with this cover up and deliberate banning of these safe and effective medicines. Tga banning of ivermectin.
I name
Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant C.
The TGA in Australia all board of directors.
Vic health minister Brett Sutton.
Vic premier Daniel Andrews.
Nsw health minister Brad hazzard
Fed health minister Greg hunt
Vic pol chief police minister Shane Patton and all high ranking officers.
for crimes against humanity whereby many people have died and been seriously injured so far from the emergency use authorisation vaccines. And as a result of harsh lockdowns that have driven many to despair and suicide. I also point the finger at the FDA in the USA and the manufacturers of these products and to the global media empires all owned by the same group.
I name Facebook and Instagram and google for censoring information that may have saved lives.
There are also those going into indigenous communities around Australia forcing these mRNA injections onto people with absolutely zero informed consent.
I pray this finds the light and those responsible and complicit face the full force of an international criminal trial.

Alex Bansemer (Melbourne , 2021-10-19)


This is crimes against Humanity and Absolutely 💯 not ok

Kimberly Hall (Portland, 2021-10-19)


The Covid Vaccine is poison and killing human life

Scot Alan (Beverly Hills , 2021-10-19)


My Husband was also a victim to crime in this country, he was HiJacked beaten, robbed, his vehicle is still missing and the Grassy Park SAPS did nothing.

Colette Khatib (Cape Town, 2021-10-19)


We are facing a serious problem. The people guilty of crimes against humanity need to be held accountable and pay the consequences.

Kelly MacGregor (REGENTVILLE, 2021-10-19)


The Covid-19 era is a giant scam perpetrated on humanity by big pharma [employing]. Guilt is well earned for previous health service agency leaders, previous legislative bodies, slack physicians, governments and their associated regulatory bodies, poor scientific review, unnecessary censorship and inability to openly discuss topics, failure to collect all associated health data, improperly demanding only specific protocol be utilized in treatment, failure to fully assess existing medications for prophylaxis or therapeutic use, corporate entities improperly getting involved with and discouraging doctors from being doctors, corporate entities blindly focusing on a few views and trashing open discussion of possibilities and potentials, globalist entities pushing evil anti-humanity agendas, freedom and liberty hating people who desire to force their own views on everyone else, and ALL WHO COMPLY WILLINGLY WITHOUT ANY FIGHT. THIS IS THE GREATEST OF BATTLES IN ALL OF HISTORY. IT WILL TAKE COURAGE IF WE ARE TO PRESERVE THE GREATNESS OF YESTERDAY AND TO FOREVER DEFINE OUR ETERNAL STAND FOR AND BELIEF IN LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.

Douglas Suttle Jr (Virginia Beach, 2021-10-19)


I sign this petition because coercion is not science. People are having to choose between a mandated experimental medical technology with unknown and potentially devastating side effects or having a job to feed their family. Mandated to risk one’s body’s integrity to prevent a flu with a 99% recovery rate.

Jody Eisemann (Fairfield, 2021-10-19)


I am standing on the right side of history.

Amber Beekmann (Sandton, 2021-10-19)


My patients suffer due to the corruption of medicine, science, government, banking, and education. Doctors cannot protect patients due to state-medicine. Prosecution is sorely needed.

MaryKelly Sutton MD (North Providence, 2021-10-19)


I am signing to support Dr R Fleming bring those accountable for mass murder to justice.

Darren Wright (Murdunna, 2021-10-19)


Para hacer historia y dalvar a la humanidad.

Jhonatan Juncal (Pando , 2021-10-19)


By withholding information regarding early treatment with potential medications and treatments that could avert serious illness and death from CV19 while focusing solely on vaccines that were never fully tested for adverse events and are causing undue harm, while not fully disclosing information on possible harm, thus forcing the general population to be test subjects, I support this document.

Sharon Hall (Lovell, 2021-10-19)


Zločiny proti ľudskosti sa týkajú každého človeka na planéte Zem. Nie je mi ľahostajné, keď sú ľudia týraní a zabíjaní, pre moc, bohatstvo a biznis ,,vyvolených"...

Peter Vojtek (Myjava, 2021-10-19)


Peter Kvanďúch

Peter Kvanďúch (Kyjov, 2021-10-19)



Hugh Colins (Perth, 2021-10-19)


I am nôt agree with testing and vaccination

Gabika EPERJESSYOVA (Michalová , 2021-10-19)


It's Hitler all over again, we have to stop this

Leanne Rissman (Bridgetown, 2021-10-19)


I’m signing this because the people responsible for the current state of affairs need to be held accountable for their actions and what they have done to humanity.

Angela McElroen (Elk Grove , 2021-10-19)


The government are corrupt and are trying to force people to have an experimental injection that will kill them

Sandra Bradford (Margaret River, 2021-10-19)


I don´t will medical and psychical experiment with people.

Magda Takácsová (Košice, 2021-10-19)


Mám toho dosť

Martin Zahurák (Spišská Belá , 2021-10-19)


Forced vaccination mandate by restricted worksite access causing loss of income. No option but to take something i dont want or starve.

Gavin McGowan (HEIDELBERG, 2021-10-19)


I am signing this petition with the knowledge that it is up to the people to stand against this criminal cabal that created this virus ,for this pandemic, as a subjugation and culling method of humanity. We stand up against this evil now or we lose everything.



Creo que es lo justo y necesario.

Sergio De Toro (Bolaños, 2021-10-19)


I want the truth about this virus and it's origin

Asemota Nigeria (Abuja, 2021-10-19)


Crimes against humanity have been committed.

Angelo Marotta (Oceanside, 2021-10-19)


I totaly agree with this Petition.

Darina MOLIKOVA (Žilina, 2021-10-19)


La justice DOIT passer !

Sabine RENAUX (Beauvallon, 2021-10-19)


I am love.

Vicki Davis (Corvallis , 2021-10-19)


I want these Crimes Against Humanity to stop. STOP FORCING THE PEOPLE TO HAVE AN EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE THAT DOES NOT EVEN WORK… The vaccine is damaging people’s health for life and killing people. STOP!!!

Lana Henry (Ballina, 2021-10-19)


Mandatory expiramemtal vaccination is against humans rights

Bernardete Curral (Queensland , 2021-10-19)


They should all be brought to justice for what they have done.

Jennifer Freebody (Harrington , 2021-10-19)

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