Bring Mount Alexander Shire Council to the Talking Table



I'm singing because I know Beck and Nathaniel to be terrific community minded, kind, caring, unique individuals and community members. They have wonderful hearts that share kindness, support, healing friendship to their friends, family and community. They are quiet peaceful living people who don't hurt a fly. This is to be true because I've been friends with them for numerous years and I have been out to the bush block many times where I know they live quietly, happily being themselves going about their own business and they do not bother anyone else, they do not interfere with anyone else, they do not produce noise that disrupts the peace and quiet in nature because they love the peace and quiet in nature on their bush block that's why they wish to live on theur bush block.

They are actually not really camping. Camping is for holidays. They are living in an alternative way than most people who choose to live in structures that are made of stone, brick, hemp, wood etc
Who has decided a law one can not stay on their own monetarily owned block of if land?? With the land title in their name!
They comply with waste management on different levels, they are fully self-sufficient and they cause no harm to themselves, eachother nor neighbours nor any other humans nor plants or animals in actual fact especially Nathaniel has worked hard on preserving the natural habitat and adding more growth to the land to enhance it's flora. I want them to be able to stay and live the life they choose in a time where housing made of bricks, stone, mudbrick, wood & plaster board is unavailable for many and even if that would be available i believe people have a right to choose how they wish to live.
There are people living on the street and in the local Castlemaine/Mount Alexander Shire. There is seriously as councul knows because you are saying you are looking at options to improve the housing situation, not many rentals available let alone AFFORDABLE rental properties.
So please let these peace Nature loving people go about their lives living quietly instead of disrupting theirs drastically and dramatically. Yours sincerely
Esther Barneveld

Esther Barneveld (Castlemaine, 2024-05-09)


I’m signing because I have known Nathaniel for many years and I can not understand why such a law should apply to them in these circumstances. When they are only improving the land, which is there’s, and it is so difficult and expensive to find alternative accommodation, I would not be able to understand such a stance by local authorities. Please re-consider for Nathaniel and his family and talk to them soon, and talk to anyone else who may be in similar circumstances. Thank you for your consideration.

Deborah Tokar (Rangeville, 2024-05-09)


It is so wrong, their land.

Marion Wilson (Chewton, 2024-05-09)


People should be allowed to camp, especially during a housing crisis.

Christina Curtain-Magee (Guildford, 2024-05-09)


I'm signing this because I am passionate about housing solutions.
Nathaniel and Beck are innovations for positive social change. Council, I call on you to look to them for insight and solutions. Do not seek to punish them with hardship. These people are part of the solution.

Dr Aqua Hastings (Bowral, 2024-05-09)


This is a no brainer. Let them live! Why can't we have more people living on the land, helping each other to survive and thrive in these difficult times? What would be achieved by evicting this family? And where is the heart in this council?

Ben Dean (Redfern, 2024-05-09)


I am signing because I believe that given the shortage of available, affordable housing, Councils should consider alternative options for people to live on their own land, especially in such circumstances where they are protecting the ecology of the land. More options like this should be available to people to allow them to live in situations that are warm and comfortable. I believe this goes some way to fighting homelessness in the region, and should be encouraged. It is vital we find workable solutions for everyone. Homelessness is the result of greed on the part of the landed wealthy, and all reasonable solutions like this one, should be encouraged and approved by Council.

Beverley Hope (Castlemaine, 2024-05-09)


There needs to be a human aspect of this. In these stressful times of housing particularly. These kind people have done everything to take care of land and themselves. Please have some insight and respect to different ways of living. Red tap is not considering all situations and is not viable in this circumstance I believe.

Cherie amor (Castlemaine, 2024-05-09)


I believe that these people should be permitted to live on this land and also be welcomed to the area. I think that again this council is displaying how they think they can bully people. I cannot see any reason why the council behaves so badly.

Robert Franze (Elphinstone, 2024-05-09)


I’m signing because these laws are now draconian and are contributing to the already ridiculous housing crisis in Mount Alexander shire! Why don’t you work with this family in a way that helps then to be able to stay on their land?

Fran Woodruff (Golden point, 2024-05-09)


Because there is a housing crisis and Beck and Nathan are doing no harm. At least talk to them please

Suzanne Donisthorpe (Castlemaine, 2024-05-09)


I totally support these guys living on their land and they're not trashing it I've known them long enough to be totally ethical .

Gary James (Castlemaine, 2024-05-09)


At a time when there is a housing shortage, to evict people from their own land is narrow minded, short sighted and shows no compassion. Council should be encouraging, not discouraging, alternative ways for people to find shelter.

John Lewis (Castlemaine, 2024-05-09)


I've visited this land and can confirm that the custodians are regenerating the land in such a way that it would be detrimental for them to be forced to reside elsewhere. This kind of caretaking custodianship requires deep connection to the land that would not be achieved otherwise. It is the lore of the land rather than councils by-laws that are most needed during these times, when children, future custodians of earth and land, are calling for this, the right thing, to be done. So if Council by-laws do not support those supporting future generations, is it not the responsibility of Council to have a good hard look at the reality of the situation and take all steps in their power to support those doing the work that is needed for future generations? This is such work, and it is work that supports their ability to live (in harmony with the land) and not become displaced as so many are, and Council by-laws are not addressing. I would also add that the legal definition of a dwelling in Australia is "A dwelling is anything that is used wholly or mainly for residential accommodation." And draw attention to the word "anything" and point out that the dwellings resided in are in fact better than many falling under the umbrella of "anything" and allow for the land to be fully experienced whilst also providing abundant shelter and all the facilities of a traditional dwelling.

Zoe Ryan (Castlemaine, 2024-05-09)


Councillors keep making costly, cruel decisions. Look at the way Australia is killing more wildlife, cats, and people, with costly ineffective cat curfews, against the scientific evidence from the Australian Pet Welfare Foundation, and international studies. Why cost Victorians much more and harm health and lives? Could we cull Councillors and Council staff, to save money and lives? (Knox AdvoCats)

Ashlley Morgan - Shae (Melbourne, 2024-05-10)


I am signing this petition as I would like To live in a place that has a heart and can be flexible when necessary. The Shire Social Support helps older residents such as me to stay active and connected. What about extending some understanding to this group as well.

Liz Stayner (Castlemaine, 2024-05-10)


People should be having a long hard look at what Nathaniel and Beck are doing out there because what they are doing is inspirational.

They aren't the problem. They are the solution.

Council should be doing whatever they can to support them. Learn what they are doing right and help identify what they could do better. Then share it far and wide as a real solution for the housing crisis.

Eric Doriean (Castlemaine, 2024-05-10)


With the housing crisis and growing occurrence of homelessness locally, we need more nuanced laws around property ownership and housing. The alternative is alowing a health and safety crisis.

Floria Maschek (Castlemaine, 2024-05-10)


The utter absurdity of not being able to live on YOUR OWN LAND when you are clearly more land conscious than the bulk of people who are legally able to. The unacceptable level of housing and prohibitive rental costs makes this action doubly repugnant.
Let these people live here, and dismantle such officious bureaucratic garbage.

Richard Baxter (Harcourt, 2024-05-10)


I’m signing because there are too many homeless and these people are trying to do the right thing

Rebecca Inwards (Castlemaine, 2024-05-10)


With homelessness on the increase I am shocked that my local council are forcing these people of their land. Where is their compassion and a willingness to engage in dialogue. Very disappointing and alarming.

Siobhan Robb (Elphinstone, 2024-05-10)


Housing is a basic human right. They seem genuine stewards of their land. Removing them baselessly is immoral an cruel.

Jacob Douglas (Guildford, 2024-05-10)


In this time of housing crisis it would be unfathonable to evict a family of their own land. Ridiculous management of community.

Peta Brady (Emu Creek, 2024-05-10)


Stability for the children is needed and affordable housing is difficult to source

Kirsten Agius (Chewton, 2024-05-10)


Laws need to change to allow for more flexible housing arrangements such as Tiny Houses being on properties regardless of a dwelling being present

Andrew Wapling (Castlemaine, 2024-05-11)


I have seen how Nathaniel and Beck have created amazing environmental improvements on their property, enhancing the habitat not just for themselves but for all local living creatures. Rather than being made homeless, it is my view that they should be thanked and rewarded for their wonderful efforts. in my opinion they should be held up widely in the shire as a model of how to live completely in harmony with, care for and love of the local environment.

Miriam Solomon (Castlemaine, 2024-05-11)


Councils have to be dynamic and flexible as the housing crisis (as well as the financial & climate crisis) continues to worsen.
The ability to house one's self and family, in a way suitable to those individuals, must be supported not penalised. I applaud the resilience and care this family has shown to find a way to support themselves and their needs. All love and support to them ❤️

Mo Drew (Daylesford, 2024-05-12)


Low impact sustainable living is a very much needed lifestyle that will not only help preserve, nurture and regenerate our severely damaged environment but also help build true and long lasting community resilience, all aspects which are currently being promoted by Mount Alexander Shire Council themselves.
Beck and Nathaniel are only helping unburden the current housing crisis and taking care of their own needs.
There is an important need to deal with each others as humans if we truly want to build resilient communities. I am therefore disappointed to see that when members of our communities are in vulnerable situations, they are the ones being picked on.
Beck and Nathaniel have acted human very many times and showed up for the members of their community in various ways to help them get though and over life’s hardships while they themselves have been challenged.
Offering an open discussion and leniency as an acknowledgment of the importance of their continuous involvement in the community would solidify the trust we put in our dedicated councillors and council team.
In the hope that you will consider an open discussion with our appreciated friends Beck and Nathaniel,
Emma Ruhlmann-Bleicher

Emma Ruhlmann (Bendigo, 2024-05-12)


There is a massive housing crisis, the Council need to approach this situation with compassion and flexibility. Beck and Hamish are doing all they can to ensure there dwellings meet the required conditions.

Tim Read (Campbells Creek, 2024-05-12)


Beck and Nathaniel are core members of our community and they should be permitted to camp on their own property for as long as they wish.

Cesar Pinochet (Campbells Creek, 2024-05-13)


I’m signing because this family needs the security and stability afforded them by camping on their own land. Our housing shortages and the affordability situation are so dire that they should be allowed to stay. They’ve shown they are caring for their land and the greater environment, let them stay.

Jennifer Pryor (Maldon, 2024-05-13)


Face to face conversation where all needs are on the table and the best result that can be found for all parties is critical in our lives. When housing is at stake this approach is essential as we all need somewhere to call home.
Beck is hard working, honest and extraordinarily kind, she is also a creative thinker and I fully trust her capacity to consider all concerns in finding a solution to her housing needs. I look forward to hearing that the working together of Council and these land owner/caretakers will allay our concern for her basic human need to house herself, her friend and her children.

Cath South (Fryerstown, 2024-05-13)


I can see there is an unfairness here as Nathaniel and Beck are trying to do their best to stay with a roof over their heads and the Council keeps steps to achieve their goal obscure.
People like Beck and Nathaniel are those to be encouraged as they have little impact on the land and part of our community, as opposed to big developers.

Delphine Laboureau-Ormancey (Guildford, 2024-05-14)


I’m signing because people living respectfully on their land shouldn’t be an issue.

Emilia Vellacott (Castlemaine, 2024-05-14)


I was shocked to read this petition and would sign it a thousand times if I could. It is intolerable, outrageous, obscene and unacceptable that a mother with two young children, along with her unwell partner, are being cruelly threatened to vacate their own property and face homelessness, due to some bureaucratic stupidity from a brainless and heartless council. This is criminal and the stress of this process has already caused them enough damage. I urge the council to stop this nonsense and leave Nathaneal, Beck and her children alone. It’s their land and if they wish to sleep in a tent, a yurt, a house or a hammock it is their problem. Beck is a dear friend and I’ve known her for years. On top of all I’ve already said, I can also attest that these people would be the best, most loving and caring guardians any land could have.

Olaia Melo (Hobart, 2024-05-14)


Having somewhere to live is a basic human right - the same as food, water, safety, dignity and respect. Everyone deserves to have a place to call home. This family is part of our community, living on their own land in a way that they chose which is not harming or imposing on anyone else. At a time of significant housing crisis alternate housing solutions need to be considered by council as viable and sustainable options.

Melinda Jane (Castlemaine, 2024-05-14)


How can the council possibly say they are evicting a family for their protection when there is nowhere for them to go? This is crazy...the family have camped there on their own land without any trouble until the rules changed.

Lynne Waddington (CASTLEMAINE (VIC), 2024-05-14)


I believe if you own property, the council has no right to take your property away from you. I stand with you Beck and Nathaniel.

Esther Cumming (Brisbane, 2024-05-15)


Where is this family supposed to go? The council seems determined to be pedantic rather than pragmatic and actually helping this family into alternative accommodation.

Steve Ritchie (Campbell's Creek, 2024-05-15)


I'm signing because people should be allowed to live responsibly and maintain a lifestyle of their own choosing without undue interference. This state has a serious problem with homelessness and a rental crisis which unfairly affects people on low or restricted incomes the most. Avoiding becoming part of that problem should be supported, not attacked.

Peter Norsen (Castle, 2024-05-15)


No-one should be made homeless. Everyone deserves a home. If it is a simple structure and they are content with that, that's okay.

Anitra Nelson (Castlemaine, 2024-05-15)


I'm signing because this is unjust.

Penelope Glass (Campbell's Creek, 2024-05-15)


There is not nearly enough housing, let alone affordable housing in the area.
I’m currently homeless/living in a tent and have been for 4 months.
It is unacceptable that council is not even wanting to come to the table and discuss solutions with this family. Council’s job is to look after the people in the shire not drive them to homelessness.
Please please please give these people a chance.

Puranen Audet (Castlemaine, 2024-05-15)


People should be able to camp on their land longterm. To have a blanket prohibition is to limit the housing options of people in a challenging housing era and to unnecessarily proscribe how people live. It's the approach of colonisers given that First Nations people lived on country, either in a variety of temporary and semi permanent material structures or under the stars.

Bree McKilligan (Castlemaine, 2024-05-15)


Their case sounds entirely reasonable to me. Much better they live on their own land than on Barkers Rd near the train overpass or somewhere else with other campers they don't know.

Jane Dunstan (campbell's creek, 2024-05-15)


Just outrageous that this and other councils prevent families like this from utilizing land productively and caringly. Sums up why we have a housing crisis and an even worse decade upcoming. State government needs to take over the decision making. Good luck folks.

Simon Waters (Tamleugh, 2024-05-15)


I’m signing this because mt Alexander give planning permission to monstrous houses on land zoned farming, yet won’t let Beck live in a yurt on her land. It’s disgusting and all about money.

Jessica Swaffer (Castlemaine, 2024-05-15)


This family are living on their own land, they are disrupting anyone or any creature. Let them be.

Giselle Maurice (Harcourt, 2024-05-15)


I know this block of land and I know the camp dwellings that Nathaniel and Bec have built.

It is clean, ecologically sound, and a perfect example of a simple, non-destructive way to live. It harms no one.

To force them to leave and possibly by homeless is destructive, very destructive.

The reason given in today’s news - that the dwelling are not built to specs that can withstand bushfire - is ridiculous. Of course they’re not bushfire proof. They are tents for God’s sake!

And what’s wrong with living in a tent, by choice?

This is a misuse of council power, time and money.

They are doing nothing wrong.

Council should wisely leave them be.

This is wrong.

Jan WOSITZKY (Campbell’s Creek, 2024-05-15)


These people are just trying to live out their lives with their kids in a peaceful, happy and healthy non impactful way disturbing no one and harming nothing, on land that they own. How does the council come to decide that the risk of bushfire or some other nonsense is a greater risk to them or the community than Beck and Nathaniel and her kids imminent homelessness? Isn't it time as citizens we seriously question what it means to live in our supposed 'free' society. It seems we are enslaved at birth destined to obey an endless list of state imposed rules, pay endless taxes and have to abide by ridiculous laws that keep us from pursuing whatever life purpose each of us chooses.

Simon Jonas (Vic, 2024-05-16)


There is no explicit harm being done. There must be a discussion about other ways forward when there is a cost of living crisis and affordable housing shortage.

Tegan Kop (Shepparton, 2024-05-16)


I’m signing because you won’t let a young family live gently and sustainably on the land but you’ll let large developers come in and clear swathes of forests to build cookie cutter environmentally irresponsible houses with poor energy efficiency and black roofs! Get a grip you corrupt bunch of muppets.

Jonathan Rashleigh (Wellsford, 2024-05-16)


This is a disgraceful act by the council, they would rather have a single mother and children on the streets or in a halfway house full of gross individuals than on a beautiful peice of land that's they call home.

Melanie Vucicevic (Cranbourne North, 2024-05-16)


The council needs to consider alternative housing requirements to meet the cost of living crisis that shire residents are facing. This family is not alone in the challenges posed by limited and expensive housing stock. They have resourcefully made a home with burdening to the public housing system.
Surely permanent camping, possibly with minor facility upgrades, is better than forcing this family on to the streets. Council need to broaden their minds to meet the needs of our community.

Claire Reynolds (Castlemaine, 2024-05-16)


Shelter and warmth is a basic human right. We are caretakers of the land. When people live responsibly and respectfully on country, all is well. The land is cared for and nurtured as are the people. Beck and Nathaniel are caretakers and deserve to live in peace .

Madeline Hudson (Castlemaine, 2024-05-16)


This is clearly a law that needs to change, if a family cannot camp on land they own and risk homelessness. It infuriates me to see this happening to people living peacefully in harmony with the land.

MilI s De carteret (Melbourne, 2024-05-16)


It’s their land.. leave them alone.

Simon King (Chewton, 2024-05-16)


It is un fair to not allow someone to camp on their own land. Australia has a housing crisis and this is unnecessary red tape impacting their health and wellbeing.

Chi-uh Neylon (Longlea, 2024-05-16)


This is land they own. They have dealt with waste issues. They need support not punitive measures.

Susan Locke (Berry, 2024-05-16)


People facing homelessness should not be evicted from their own properties. Until affordable rentals are available in our shire, we need to change our by-laws. We are in a housing crisis and our council needs up respond with compassion and pragmatism.

Lucas Maddock (Barkers Creek, 2024-05-16)


I’m signing because I’ve known Beck as a former colleague and I know her to be a person of great kindness, intelligence, awareness and integrity. Whilst I understand council’s concern for their safety due to a lack of infrastructure, this does not apply in their case as they clearly have the skills, capacity and understanding of the land that is required to live off it. They are informed and thoughtful with their use of their own land, and have systems in place in order to live in a way that is sustainable, healthy and safe for themselves and the children. They are thriving in their self made bush home and to force them from their smart, self-made solution to housing is short-sighted, unethical and unjust. Many of us are wishing to return to a simpler way of life as they have. Not many can do what they have managed to achieve. I plead with you as a concerned citizen to reconsider and allow them to remain.

Dee Wong (Fairfield, 2024-05-16)


it shouldn’t be illegal to live in harmony with nature on your own land. There is an incomparable amount of damage done to the natural integrity of this land compared to modern housing estates.

mannix harrington (bendigo, 2024-05-16)


Government interference into private matters has gone too far.

Luke Parsons (Two Rocks, 2024-05-17)


I own land in Mt Alexander Shire and feel it is opportunity for the shire to lead the way in providing better solutions for those doing it very tough during these hard times. Please support them the option to discuss how they could continue to live on their land. Thanks Aaron

Aaron Bond (Reservoir, 2024-05-17)


Thecouncil needs to meet with Beck and discuss in person with her why she needs to move . Beck and her children need some certainty to live on their land and they are active members in the community.

Sally Carbines (Castlemiane, 2024-05-17)


Government departments desperately need to implement radical change to their archaic planning and development policies. The way the housing crisis in Australia is going, with no end in sight, their ignorance and inflexibility is denying citizens their basic human right to shelter. There are many forms of shelter/housing in the world that are infinitely more accessible and sustainable, yet Australian legislation insists upon only approving that which fits neatly into their capitalist, McMansion mould. Bushfire risk is a flimsy excuse, at best, for council threatening eviction from their own land, when we’ve all seen how many brick and mortar houses have been lost to fire in the past. As long as their home is structurally sound, with no health or safety hazards, leave them be!

Pamela Millington (Mount Barker, 2024-05-17)


I'm signing this petition because I believe a home and place to live is our birthright, and not just for the wealthy.

Meg Ulman (Daylesford, 2024-05-17)


I want the Council to find a win-win solution, and I know Beck and her family are going really well on the land so far.

Wendy Hopkins (Chewton, 2024-05-18)


Freedom to live unfettered.

‘Council’ has no jurisdiction

Jake Martin (I live in my body, 2024-05-18)


People that have purchased land under a certain ruling/legislation and have done the right thing by that ruling should not be penalised when that legalisation changes. It should only be in force for new land purchases, not existing land holders. It’s just not right to do this to people that have bought their land and set up infrastructure and then the government comes in and changes the rules.

Alison Gowers (Perth, 2024-05-18)

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