No mask mandate for Indian Hill Schools
Masks should be a choice and not mandated.Tom Wilson (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I am signing because masks and vaccines need to be banned from IH and the US. If you are masking of vaccinating your kids you are a communist and I would encourage anyone to call CPS if they see kids masked.Peter Floor (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I care about my grandchildren and I believe in parents having a vote when it comes to something this importantSue Mills (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
For starters, children don't transmit COVID-19. Anyone who wants a mask mandate pushed on children needs to get checked for a mental illness.Bradley Hall (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
People say follow the science, but then completely ignore any real science and lieu of meaningless platitudes. We need to stop listening to narcissists who will do and say anything to feel virtuous, even put their own children at risk, just so they can let everyone know how good of a person they are. Its embarrassing we've let this insanity go on this long. Protect your kids and fight this nonsense or it will never end. They wont stop until you make them.Scott Hall (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
My grandkids go to IH . We are in the medical field as well. I hate to tell you mask do not do as much as the CDC says. Unmask our children. Have you stopped to think what their memories of school are going to be like.Jessica Loeb (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
Masks should be optional.Shelia Sanders (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
What the heck ever happened to “my body, my choice”? Indian Hill should be embarrassed about the secret passing of this mandate as well as the way they ignore our children’s mental health. Talk is cheap! Their actions are low rent!Jerri Wentz (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I shouldn’t have to wear a maskTye Tunstall (Ohio, 2021-08-05)
Considering the cases have gone down and majority of society is back to normal we should have to wear masks.Riley Reynolds (cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
Please unmask our children.John Zerbe (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
Do not force our children to wear masks. That should be a choice not a mandate. Insignificant research to support your mandate.Kim Lauch (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I don’t want to wear a maskEmily Eckert (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I’m vaccinated, it’s pointless!Warren Bennett (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
Let the students breathe❤️Kate L (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
Kids have gone through soo much having to wear masks for almost a year and a half, which also has affect proper learning.Enough is enough for them.
Thank you
Aurea Peschiera (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
My whole family is vaccinated.Jennifer Yeager (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
Make them optional if people want to wear a mask then let em if they don’t they shouldn’t have toAlex Yeager (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
The risk of COVID is miniscule, especially for children. The risk of masks, on the other hand, is not insignificant. Masks restrict oxygen to the brain, stunt emotional development, and restrict interpersonal relationships. As a school, two things should drive this decision: 1. The science - there is NO scientific, peer reviewed, published study that says masks are useful to prevent airborne transmission of a virus, that children are not a significant vector for COVID, or that masks are not otherwise harmful. There are published studies that show the opposite. and 2. What is best for children. Clearly, no masks are better for the kids. End of discussion.Christopher Bortz (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
Do not want masks to be required for children to wear.Susanne Warner (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I believe mask wearing should be a personal choice and not mandated.Meg Vanatsky (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
It should be a choice. My daughter had an infection on her face for months last year from the mask and I don’t think they are needed while also be behind plexiglass.Kam Gorman (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
My child deserves a choice.Kyle Arnold (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I want to choose for my kids.Jen Bahl (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I agree NO Masks in High School!Barbara Weinberg (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
We shouldn't be forced to wear a mask at school if we are vaccinated it should be optional like most other school in the area are. In new studies mask have proven to be inaffective in stopping covid. it should be up to the families to decide if they will wear a mask. This shouldn't be a requirement to go to school because quite frankly this make me not want to go. We shouldn't have to sit at school for 8 hours with our masks on all day. We did the work we stayed home and got the vaccine we shouldn't have to be punished again with having to wear a mask all day. If you don't want to get the vaccine fine you can wear your mask but the rest of us shouldn't have too. Secondly this should have been a vote where every parent in the district votes about this requirement not a small group of people. This should have been a decision the entire Indian Hill community voted on!Emma Dowling (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I believe masks shouldn’t be required for fully vaccinated students and staffsydney woo (cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
My son is vaccinated. We are trying to do all things right. The masks are not effective unless it is a N95. These young kids wearing masks all day is so damaging on their psychological well being. How long are we going to allow our kids to not see smiles and facial expressions, not alone breathe with ease?Angela Phillips (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
Indian Hill should provide N95 masks daily to all students and staff, else have masking optional. Why make our children puppets of the board when proper mask handling will not be monitored? Let’s understand that HS students cannot and will not properly wear masks for 8 hours.Craig Phillips (Cincinnati, 2021-08-05)
I am signing because my kids are vaccinated and this rule has no merit based on science.Steve Bunkowske (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
The board members were elected to represent their community rather than represent their own views of whether or not students should wear masks. NONE of the board members have children who attend the Indian Hill school district so why should they decide for the parents of the students!?Ben Kruse (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
Masks are useless....wrong for kids....let those that want to wear em...wear em.....christine hall (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
Absolutely ridiculous. After doing our part, after getting vaccinations and social distancing, this is how we're rewarded? We sit around in our homes and talk to each other like strangers, finally emerging to be greeted by masks? It's absolutely maddening, this system that controls our every move. And in this system we're supposed to have complete faith as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos. And so that will make it a 4-0 ballgame. I don't know if I'll be putting this mask on again. I don't know if it will be in Indian Hill. I don't know if it will be for my bosses at work. But I do know this: Indian Hill will not have the final say!Quentin Beck (New Hampshire, 2021-08-06)
Believe that the parents should be the ones to decide.Janet Reynolds (Indian Hill Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
i am a member of Indian hill schools and believe with the corona virus not being as bad as the beginning masks should be a choiceJared Adams (cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
Very disappointed in the decision to continue with the unnecessary usage of wearing face coverings in school. This precautionary measure is completely absurd and it’s time to move on. My senior year was ruined thanks to contact tracing, mask wearing, and over precautionary COVID protocols. Get over it. Let the students free.Will Klekamp (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
There is no scientific rationale for masks.Jason Hurt (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
ScienceRoger Bouchard (cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
I'm signing this because I would not have to wear a mask will I'm at school.Anna Colegrove (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
The masks hurt the children. They are in violation of section 6, article 3 of the Nuremberg code.Lance Kindberg (Shirley, 2021-08-06)
I don’t want to wear mask anymore at school, no thank youMizpah Burroughs (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
Wearing a mask is proven to not make any difference in the transmission of Covid, with the exception of few certified brands.Caleb Schmidt (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
I'm signing for all those who can't breathe. Covid goes straight through the masks either way so there is no point to wearing them.Julian Schmackers (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
Stop being excessive and making life harder. Let people make their own choices.Cameron Macke (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
I graduated from Indian Hill High School this year with my senior year having a mask mandate. It might have been one of the most disappointing and tedious years of my life with all of the rules and regulations constantly enforced. I believe the parents/children should be given the decision whether or not they want to wear a mask.Zach Sullivan (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
It’s not fair to any of the students to suffer through another year with masks. Right now there is no reason to be in masks. The board knew what they wanted to do and they didn’t care about the opinions of the parents. It’s a true shame that such a great school is making major mistakes. Academics are slipping because teachers and faculty are more worried about how students are wearing their masks, and less about what they are getting paid to do.Dougie Zang (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
I am an Indian Hill alumni, and I care so much about this school district. I had to go through the 2020-2021 school year with mask during school, and frankly.... it just didn’t feel right. I felt restricted, and the joy of going to school and seeing my friends had suddenly dimmed.Brendan West (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
It’s pointless to wear masks when the cdc said the average mask doesn’t do anything. Indian hill is making it a prison again.Joey Zang (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
The covid 19 virus is not a worry to me or my family anymore.Daniel OBrien (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
Masks should be the students or parents choiceReagan Frey (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)
haven’t worn or seen anyone wear a mask the entire summer… keep it that wayTyler Heekin (Cincinnati, 2021-08-06)