Bail out workers, not Wall Street.




Linda Boyette (Raleigh, 2020-12-27)


Its high time for fairness in tax codes and military spending

Sal Mangiagli (Moodus, 2020-12-30)


I am fed-up with this countries monetary program,but I think we do need to supportsoliders and vets. Money needs to cease for arms dealers and fat cats who put all of us into abject poverty by their support of world-wide conflict and death. I'm SICK of it. The vaccines would be rolling out three times as fast if we didn't have to support the war demons.
Also a Universal Basic Income would be possible if we stopped financing big war machine companies and big corporations. Corporations are supposed to be fueled by profits not welfare,but the evil Republicans continue to dole out the corporate welfare in this country. Our biggest welfare users are billionaires,not the handful of poor people who try to live on $803 a month. We need to face what America is and look to the future to see what we can easily become- a nation of peace and kindness, where equality is possible.

Amy Archer (floyd, 2020-12-31)


Because I believe in peace not perpetual war, and I also believe that the workers of this nation deserve the same income protection as the people who are in government.

Pam Durant-Bush (Morley, 2020-12-31)


I am tired of the military industrial complex and the endless wars being the nation's priority. We NEED the money for healthcare for all of our citizens, rebuilding our infrastructure, and providing real relief for those who have been adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic collapse that has followed.
$600 is a pittance and a slap in the face of every ordinary American. Also, we absolutely, positively, 100% DO NOT nor SHOULD NOT be sending one single, red cent to any foreign country! Not now! Not ever!

Charles Richardson (Indianapolis, 2020-12-31)


Time to select and elect candidates who work for the people and not the corporations join up at

Daniel Shields (Sioux Falls, 2021-01-02)


General labor and hourly workers are suffering during this pandemic, they deserve financial support from the government to whom they pay and support by their labor.

Patricia Amador (Carlsbad, 2021-01-03)


The cost of living should be included in any decision for minimum wage. Unfortunately the cost of living formula is inadequate to accurately decide the changes in the cost of living. Just as our GDP is not accurate for our production standards. This why Wall Street and wealthy corporations control these measurements, to use them for their advantage only.

Tina Krauz (Grand Marais, 2021-01-06)


Isn't it obvious?

Anna Cummings (Candler, 2021-01-07)


No more bank bailouts no more austerity for the people

Sharon Tipton (Irvine, 2021-01-20)


The workers are not represented by their government...

Douglas MacFarland (Beavercreek, 2021-01-22)


It's high time to pay attention to us and not the millionaires and billionaires.

John Phillip (Spokane, 2021-01-22)


It about time we ran country for one and all not for wealthy bankers only.

edward abbey (santa monica, 2021-01-22)


Because the people need it NOW!

Jean Paskalides (NAPLES, 2021-01-25)


I am sick of Corporate Cum sucking politicians ******* the people.

Leroy Sorenson (Lake Alfred, 2021-01-29)


Basic living needs and fair human rights are a necessity not a privilege.

Tracena Marie (Yorktown, 2021-01-31)


Americans deserve better!

Carrie Williams (Newberg, 2021-02-01)


Equal rights for all!!

David Altimari (Tukwila, 2021-02-02)


I am signing this becuase it IS the right thing to do. To help others not losee their lives. To keep a roof over their heads. And to keep food in their stomachs. To do nothing to help the civilian's of America, ALL of us, is to show how bad and corrupt the government really is and that it needs to fall and change.

Matthew Kaeder (St. Paul, 2021-02-02)


The rich have had enough. The poor are starving. It's time to bail out the people.

Catherine Lehmann (string:ATHOL, 2021-02-02)


Barbara Dallinger

Barbara Dallinger (Newport, 2021-02-02)


Immigrants: They live here, they work here, they stay here.

David Culver (Hopkins, 2021-02-02)


I am HUNGRY and I know many others are worse off than I am!

Jamie James (Perryton, 2021-02-04)


seriously, the proposals in this petition are NOT radical, they are doable and eminently reasonable-

Dave Luckens (Lexington, 2021-02-04)


It’s the right thing to do.

Cathleen Murphy (Fort Wayne, 2021-02-04)


I am sick of the bickering over this*****in stimulus. It should have been put out now already. Stop jerking me off already get er done.!!!!??!?!!!!!!!/

Ralph G. Anderson (Philadelphia, 2021-02-09)


I sign this petition in solidarity with my American brothers and sisters. I support their struggle for a fair wage and a more equitable society.

Glen Wreggitt (WINNIPEG, 2021-02-09)


It is time that the US government help ordinary citizens who do not have multi-million dollar yachts and huge fortunes. Help them put food on their tables and keep roofs over their heads as they struggle to make ends meet during this crisis.

Dennis Small (Helena, 2021-02-18)


Everyone has a right to healthcare and not live in poverty. You should try to live off of just Social Security. And yes, I did have a 401K retirement account, but Wall Street crooks Meryl Lynch stole most of it leaving almost nothing, that's long past spent.

Terry Huxhold (Roanoke, 2021-02-18)


I also support a federal jobs guarantee.

Tim Dimick (Croton on Hudson, 2021-02-18)


The workers are the only ones who keep the USA afloat.

Karen Hantsche (Manchester, 2021-02-18)


I am giving Pres. Biden ONE LAST CHANCE to do the right thing. 2020 was devoted solely to bailing out Wall Street while millions suffered layoffs, evictions, hunger and illness. Finally, we can focus on the PEOPLE not the corporations. !

Margot Faubion (Vancouver, 2021-02-18)


I am signing because I remember a time before Reagan when the country was actually close to greatness and people actually cared about one another. Reagan changed everything with that Trickle down bull shit.

Kenneth Reed (Louisville, 2021-02-25)


I have zero faith in the government. The govt is made up of politicians that as are representing politicial parties.only or demoncrat

Charles Allred (Valdosta, 2021-02-25)


Working people need and deserve economic assistance. If corporations get billions of dollars, surely we deserve the same!

Pancho Valdez (San Antonio, 2021-02-25)


Hoping to have à world for our children

Janice Valder (Charlotte, 2021-02-26)


We need a society where: All Have Some and NONE Have All!!!

Justine Trowbridge (Niles, 2021-02-27)


I hate the rich and their wars.

Joseph Sompolinsky (Muskegon, 2021-03-01)


The U.S. is the wealthiest society on the planet and has treated its people more shabbily than any other. This is just plain common sense.

Mark Lause (cincinnati, 2021-03-09)


we need the UBI NOW

Philip Farruggio (Port Orange, 2021-04-08)


America can do more for the people

Kizzy Butler (Florence, 2021-05-16)


We need to develop a working class that's prepared to run this country. The wealthy won't help with serious damage done by a worse climate

Joe Sompolinsky (Muskegon, 2021-12-30)

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