Stop Commercial Projects in Granite Bay Residential Areas



I live in the community and disagree with industry moving in to neighborhoods.

Gregory Gallegos (Granite Bay, 2020-05-19)


Granite Bay is becoming too congested with traffic which is not in line with a rural setting. I have been living in the area for 35 years, but the Granite Bay I used to enjoy has slowly disappeared.

Elaine Kellett (Granite Bay, 2020-05-19)


The proposed placement of this wrong for various reasons.

I can’t even believe this proposal is legal considering the disproportionate traffic generated by the facility will place upon the private drive co-owned and maintain equally by the neighbors.

As a civil engineer who works for a transportation department in a neighboring jurisdiction, specifically reviewing various types of land use development, I have seen again and again how these kind of projects run out of on-site parking. In this case where would people park? Along the private drive, effectively narrowing it? Besides the nuisance of parking spilling off site, emergency accessIbility is compromised.

Quality of life: I have not reviewed the full application, so I must admit I am making assumptions and inferences based solely on the site plan and my impression of the neighborhood. I assume this is a request for a discretionary use permit. I don’t see much discretion in this case. I’m arguing on behalf of people who are better off than me who may be damaged in terms of property values and THEIR quality of life for no other than the zoning of their land. If we’re honest here, this neighborhood is not rural in character. And while we’re being honest, this proposed FOR PROFIT facility is more commercial in nature than it’s dressed up to be. “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...”. THIS PROJECT IS A BAD FIT.

I recognize the demand for these kind of businesses, and I welcome them where they fit along commercial corridors or even in truly rural areas with public street access on properties that afford ample space to accommodate on-site parking with landscaping to screen the facility from its neighbors.

Hopefully Placer County staff is recommending denial of this project and not serving as pawns in the developers’ “pay to play game” of threading thru the zoning code loopholes. If you’re a member of the hearing body voting on this project, please set an example for developers and your staff by doing the right thing and voting NO.

Kyle Hines (Granite Bay, 2020-05-20)


I am a longtime resident of rural Granite Bay who chose to live in a country style atmosphere with minimal traffic, little noise, dark skies, and few people. I know exactly how it feels to have several commercial businesses suddenly surrounding us. We now have a business immediately next door to us bordering our property. There are strangers outside at different times of the day who walk right along our property line. Many cars park in their driveway with their support personnel.
Another three businesses directly across the street. Only one of those businesses were we informed about by the planning department prior to their setting up shop. We now have to deal with much increased traffic, noise from business' construction, barking of dogs, the strangers walking next door. We vehemently oppose the destruction of another similar neighborhood. The GB general plan has been approved numerous times. And little by little it is being chipped away in favor of businesses. Why even have a general plan if it can so easily be eroded? Businesses should be placed where businesses belong - in a main corridor. Not in the middle of a neighborhood.

Linda Downs (Granite Bay, 2020-05-20)


We don’t want more commercial projects in granite Bay ! And especially not right near our homes !!

Kristi Ward (Granite Bay, 2020-05-20)


We are all committed to maintaining the character of Granite Bay and our neighborhood.

Robert Chappelear (Granite Bay, CA, 2020-05-20)


I'm signing because Granite Bay needs to keep its unique country charm, this is why so many of us have moved to this more peaceful & beautiful location. We enjoy our rural area with its agriculture and wildlife throughout the area.

Laure Swenson (Granite Bay, 2020-05-20)


These kind of facilities should not be allowed to impact residential properties and their value.

Debra Carollo (Granite Bay, 2020-05-20)


I agree that this is not consistent with the Granite Bay Community Plan and preserving the rural character and residential/ag zoning. It's a reasonable request by the homeowner's impacted to ensure that the residential care facility remains a small "home" housing only a few residents. Large care facilitates do not fit the intent of use on a private road. Even the one recently built on Eureka is completely out of character with the neighboring properties.

Amber Beckler (Granite Bay, 2020-05-21)


We moved to Arabian Circle from Hidden Lakes in 1987 to gain the privacy of having a private road. As an Ag-Residential lot on a private road gave us a place for our children and grand-children to walk and ride bikes with very little traffic. We purchased this home for the quite area and the security of the private road. Arabian Circle is a place for families and not a “hospital” like carehome. Even a small Carehome with 6 people would go against our life-style. A care home is a business that requires additional traffic, employees, emergency vehicles and crews, additional parking, additional noise and more traffic conjestion and compliance inspections. Our Douglas-Arabian intersection is currently dangerous and getting to be a nightmare for our residence to get in and out during traffic hours. We’re dealing with east-bound and west-bound U-turns on Douglas along with right and left turns from both side of Douglas plus speeding vehicles.

Steven Bowman (Granite Bay, 2020-05-21)


I am against the proposal to approve the Catuna Care Home Project as it is a commercial enterprise trying to be developed in a residential neighborhood. There are plenty of commercial care facilities in the Granite Bay area that are already developed in commercial areas. This facility is also being proposed on a private residential road which I would think would be prohibited without the neighborhood homeowner's approval.

Tom Engwer (Granite Bay, 2020-05-21)


I want to keep our rural areas rural & stop big development that is destroying our community!

Kimberly Christensen (Granite Bay, 2020-05-21)


Granite Bay is a residential neighborhood and needs to remain so.

Heidi Sambucetti (Granite Bay, 2020-05-21)


TheRe are plenty of senior living communities in our area compared to the nataional average, enough is enough.


Charles Pedone (Granite Bay, 2020-05-21)


I have lived in GB for over 30 years! This is not appropriate! Currently where I live I will be impacted by both the noise of the ambulance constantly visiting this address and by the additional traffic by my street. It will impede traffic flow I use every day. And degrade GB way of life. Inappropriate use of residential zoning!

Rhonda Ransdell (Granite Bay, 2020-05-21)


There are too many in the area. As the economy is going down, more people will not be able to pay for these expensive retirement community. We will end up with vacant buildings creating blight.

Kristin Futran (Folsom, 2020-05-21)


I’m signing because of the significant negative impact upon traffic, safety & the adjoining neighbors.

Allison Sims (Roseville, 2020-05-21)


In signing because I believe this should not pass..

Tami Evans (Rocklin, 2020-05-21)


Signing because this is my neighborhood.

Megan Hurley (Granite bay, 2020-05-21)


We are concerned about increasing traffic, about decreasing property values, and about over-development of this local community.

Scott Skougard (Granite Bay, 2020-05-21)


This facility should not be in a residential neighborhood. The current residents on the street bought their homes in a rural area and they deserve to live in a rural area. If you change this parcel to a commercial enterprise you are destroying the rural atmosphere that was promised to the homeowners on the street. The presence of a care home brings with it much more noise, traffic, garbage, traffic from frequent deliveries, traffic from three shifts of workers, traffic from cleaners and maintenance workers. Maintaining a home for multiple residents is very different from a single family residing in the same square footage. The care home will generate much more stress in the

Nancy Barcal (Granite bay, 2020-05-22)


We have 2 care homes already with in a mile of each other. We do not have the community to support this care home. In 10 years it will be obsolete and waisted use of Realestate that we could use to better our small community.
I am in strong support NOT to have this Realestate used for this purpose!!
N.Keele RN

Niki Keele (Granite Bay, 2020-05-22)


Commercial businesses do not belong in Residential neighborhoods. Does not comply with the Granite Bay Community Plan

Pamela Hurst (Granite Bay, 2020-05-22)


Granite Bay is supposed to be a residential, agricultural area, not a parking lot formerly know as Douglas Boulevard.

Patricia Locke (Granite Bay, 2020-07-13)

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