Stop Alexander Hamilton from preventing students from graduating
As a fellow lower class men I wouldn't want to worry about being pressured and over worked just to clear my excused and unexcused absences.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
Alumni. Class of 96(Henderson, 2017-05-04)
I believe it is unfair to hold things such as sickness or family problems, which can prevent us from attending school, against students who try their best to do well in their education. This rule is completely immoral.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
I'm not a senior. However I have some senior friends and honestly just think this is total bullshit in general. Just the logic behind it is stupid(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
Attendance does NOT determine whether they are a good student(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
Common sense(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
I'm signing because this rule is very unfair for everyone and it makes no sense. Absences are for various reasons and to hold that against a student that has no control over the situation is stupid. They should not have their rights as a senior taken from them. This is so wrong and cruel.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
I am concerned for my fellow Hamilton students and believe they should graduate(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
Schools nowadays care more about money than a students education.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
Unjustified cruelty towards students; preventing students from clearing absences by not counting excused absences(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
I'm signing this because I will be a senior in a few months and this rule is unfair and inconsiderate.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
I'm an alumni and this policy is bullshit.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
I would like to recommend that you guys open a case against the principal and also letting Chanel 5,7,9,11 know of this issue. It unfair to the students to loose their privileges of attending prom or walking on stage for graduation.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
this is rediculous(los angeles, 2017-05-04)
I want to graduate(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
The Principal Is Really Out Of Her Mind And This Isn't Fair For The Seniors Why Would They Barely Start Telling Seniors In May About This ? It's Unfair(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
I'm signing because 7 absences throughout the whole school year and the students are not being allowed to graduate is ridiculous. No student should be held back for being absent. Each absent has a reason.(Los Ángeles, 2017-05-04)
I'm signing because it's wrong to punish busy seniors this way. I'm late to class all the time but I still go to school and still get my work done.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
Man this is bullshit and I don't even go to this school. Saw this shit on my friends IG, this principal really trippin bro(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
Because my seniors need to walk the stage!!(LA, 2017-05-04)
Im signing because as a student at hami i know the responsibilitys student have and with all the extra curricular activities and preformances we have its hard to come to school tired but we come anyway seniors shouldn't be penalized for excused absences(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
I'm signing because we're a music academy and have other obligations(Woodland Hills, 2017-05-04)
Because I feel like something like this should not prevent me from walking the stage or going to prom I feel like I worked hard for this to let absences that are mostly excused to get in my way. Some of us have other priorities besides school and wek are aware that school is definitely one of them(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
It's messed up(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
Its truly unfair. People have personal family issues and sick days. We are all human beings, we all have problems we need to attend to.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
If your absences are cleared then there is absolutely no reason why they should still counted against you. This is completely unfair and every senior who has passed his or her classes should be able to participate in graduation as a right for their hard work in passing their classes.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
im signing because the students worked hard enough. they deserve to have theyre fun.(culver, 2017-05-04)
I'm signing because it's completely unfair to all seniors that have worked hard for four years just to go to prom and walk the stage. Then last minute you say we have to clean the school for 4 hours just to clear 1 absent? That's delusional.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-04)
This is extreme. We believe in holding kids accountable but for excuses absences?(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
This is completely unfair. We are still human and we have responsibilities outside of school.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I don't think this is right and it makes no sense to let students who have bad grades and no absences graduate everyone has problems !(Chicago, 2017-05-05)
Everybody deserves to participate no matter what.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
This is wrong for the senior who worked really hard and have high g.p.a's.(Pasadena, 2017-05-05)
It isn't fair with what the principle of Hamilton is doing. She changes the rules last minute and expects each and every senior to do it on time before prom and graduation.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
i feel strongly about kids who are working hard in school to get what they deserve. people get sick, people have funerals to go to.(los angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing because this is not okay!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I am signing this because I am a senior at Hamilton High Schol and I think it is unfair that I will not walk the stage over this. Reasons for my absences was for surgery and being sick.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
The seniors has the right to participate in all senior activities including prom An graduation(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
Unfair to hardworking seniors(Los angles, 2017-05-05)
I am a concerned parent that has the authority to express that my child missed school for reasons that were fatal. My child should not be punished over her graduation because of her absences of being sick.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
Because although attendance is important, things happen in life and excused abscences shouldn't be counted.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
Excuses absences are excused for a reason.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
This is dumb, we all need to graduate plus we all payed for a graduation packages.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
Students deserve to walk the stage(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I am a Hamilton student(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I am a senior at Hamilton and this is affecting me. Our principle has no consideration for the students at our school and this is a problem.(Culver City, 2017-05-05)
I don't believe it's fair for these obligations to be met JUST a month before graduation. The requirements are kind of extreme...should've have been told a lot of time in advance.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
the school rules shouldn't have been changed. Every year, it should be same REGARDLESS OF WHO IS ATTENDING.(Los angeles, 2017-05-05)
I don't that rule was fair.(Sherman oaks, 2017-05-05)
Family members die, religious holidays happen, and medical issues are around too! People should not be prohibited from activities because of serious issues out of their control!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
It is absurd,that the school would prevent honor roll students from graduating on the basis of a 7 absences!(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I strongly disagree with the principal and the rules she's trying to enforce(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm literally always sick :) can't help it(Los angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing because this is a very unfair that needs be changed(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing this petition because it's unfair especially since they are knowing at the last minute a month before the graduation that's just ridiculous. If the principal "cared" so much or wanted to see the seniors or the future classes succeed she wouldn't have done this. Everyone is trying to go somewhere in life so why take that away from them. Especially a graduation that's EXTREMELY important under no circumstances should this be acceptable. Also a prom too that's what 99.9% of the senior is waiting for so why take that away from them? Over attendance really?(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I don't believe in the rules that are being enforced.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
This isn't right(Gardena, 2017-05-05)
I'm a part of the senior class(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I am going to be an upcoming senior next year and it's not fair for both the seniors now and the seniors of next year to have their graduation and their senior privileges threatened on the sake of attendance.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing because this rule is dumb. If they wanted this to be the rule it should have been written & given to every student at the beginning of the year.(Inglewood, 2017-05-05)
Because it isn't fair that they can't graduate because of not being at school a couple days(Compton, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing this because these sorts of school policies create a bigger barrier between students and faculty. The slave/master dynamic that's so prevelant in school policies in oppressive and useless. Students have lives outside of high school and when they must be absent, they shouldn't be automatically vilified. It's gross(10514 National Blvd, 2017-05-05)
this shit cray yo(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
Ima senior at HHS(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I got to Hamilton and it is not right for this to be happening so close to graduation when some of the students have worked really hard.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing because I would like my friends and family to be able to walk the stage(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
It's not fair(los angles, 2017-05-05)
My cousin and other students needs to graduate and be able to enjoy prom(Compton, 2017-05-05)
I don't think it's fair to count excused absences against students and telling them at the last minute about how they can solve the issue isn't fair at all.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
1. Most teachers (emphasis on teachers within the union) take more than seven days off in a school year.2. I'm convinced there's a legal argument in having students (emphasis on minors) working without compensation or written consent from parents or guardians.
3. Attending a "Prom is a one time event students could never reproduce anytime again in life. That holding students hostage of not being able to attend the Prom as a proximate cause of being absent more than seven times is equal to holding post college professionals accountable for deeds done as a college student.
(LOS ANGELES, 2017-05-05)
I'm signing this because I'm not a senior yet but I know that I might have to deal with this next year because I'm a junior and I honestly don't think this is right. Reason is because my sister is a senior this year and I want to see her go to prom and see her walk across the stage but might not because of you. ALL you say to the kids that you want them to walk the stage and see them be successful but you are stop them from going to graduation which is stupid to me and then you post this a month before graduation that is really messed up because the people that have absences might not(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
This rule is completely unfair. Students need some incentive that their efforts are being acknowledged for the four years they've been attending Hamilton. And simply restricting them from the traditions of going into the world doesn't make it any more assuring. Principal Pensamiento is completely wrong for taking that joy away from students. It's hard enough with the teaching curriculum to worry about and being an overachiever to be noticed. If she were in high school now I doubt very seriously she'd comprehend half the things we have to on a daily for nine months.(Los Angeles, 2017-05-05)
This is ridiculous. Who do you think that you are Mr. President to take away the students' right to attend such ceremonies? What is your issue?(Athens, 2017-05-05)