Petition against City of San Antonio Plan for re-zoning Blanco and Wilderness Oak



No more apartments in stone oak/traffice is a mess already

(san antonio, 2017-02-12)


traffic density issues

(San Antonio, 2017-02-12)


My son attends daycare at Children's lighthouse at this corner, and the traffic is already bad and dangerous right there.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-12)


Enough traffic do not need or want apartments on Wilderness and Blanco

(San Antonio, 2017-02-12)


This area is already congested. Traffic is terrible & we don't have the infrastructure for 300 families at this location. The Stone Oak area is already crowded with too many apartment buildings.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-12)


938 Calico Garden

(San Antonio, 2017-02-12)


I am opposed to more apartments being built in Stone Oak due to increased crimes in the past year with insufficient law enforcement coverage.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-12)


I am opposed to more apartments. Crime has been on the rise for over a year without additional police resources.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-12)


I don't want more apartments!

(San Antonio, 2017-02-12)


I am against multi family residences in the intersection of Blanco & Wilderness Oak

(San Antonio, 2017-02-12)


Too much traffic on blanco road already. An apartment complex would only make traffic and the danger of driving on blanco worse.

(San antonio, 2017-02-13)


I am signing because we do not need an apartment complex in a residential area. Infrastructure cannot handle it!

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I'm signing up because I fear the quality of life in the area will deteriorate due to the extra traffic this development will create. The congestion coming down Wilderness Oak in the mornings is already awful and this will make it so much worse.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I am against the construction of the apartment complex at Blanco & Wilderness Oak.

(SAN ANTONIO, 2017-02-13)


I appose the redesignation because there is a lack of infrastructure in the Blanco and 281 corridors. Crime! 300 Units which will eventually will lower our property values and also become a slum within a few years. No.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I am against apartment being built on blanco due to increased traffic increased crime and lowered property estimate

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


Way too much traffic on and OFF 281. This place needs to SLOW down. Its not about profit people ! It is about letting a neighborhood settle and deal with current issues. Apartment are TEMPORY DWELLING and invite constant moving in and out in and out. Mobility out here in January for Apartments was extremely HIGH ! NO MORE apts. This is a home market.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


This is devastating and distrusting tragedy.
This will RUIN our peaceful home and community and bring us so much rift raft and devastation and crime

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I cannot make it to the meeting

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I do not support this development. I am very concerned about its effects.

(San Antonio, Tx., 2017-02-13)


This is already a congested area and adding a huge complex such as this will make commute harder and worse for the residents.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I do not want to see an increase in traffic in this area. The land needs to be used for existing residents, not create new residents.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


Say no to rezone

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


The time I spend on passing this intersection has increased 3 times in the last 2 years. Please widen the roads before anything more is built here!

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


Trafic is already bad in the area, we do not need to increase commute time for us living here by adding a high density population complex.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I'm signing because I'm against this project.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I'm concerned for my family's neighborhood safety both now and in the future.

(SAN Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I'm signing because of the increase in traffic and safety concerns that will occur if the proposed zoning is changed to allow for apartment buildings to be built. Adding 450 to 600 new cars will not help the graded F traffic at peak hours. Even if a light is placed at the corner of Wilderness Oak and Gathering Oak.

(SAN ANTONIO, 2017-02-13)


Too much traffic is Wilderness and Blanco, the streets cannot accommodate a multifamily units with adding a lane to Blanco.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I am opposed to this because of many of the reasons already stated. Traffic is a nightmare and this area is already at capacity. A strip center would be a better option if it has to be developed at all.

(san antonio, 2017-02-13)


I dont want a massive apartment complex in an already overcrowded area that will devalue my property. There is no need for such a unit at that location.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I do not want the Amendment 16084 to be re-zoned

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


Increased traffic congestion.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I live in this area, and traffic is already HORRIBLE! The infrastructure is not adequate for more dense population plans.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


do not rezone for apartments!

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


This will make an already bad traffic situation much worse! It was originally zone for a good reason and should not be allowed to change. Stop lights will not help the situation, I vote NO!

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


Too much traffic at Wilderness Oak and Blanco every morning and evening. Did not need more delays.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


Too much traffic at Wilderness Oak and Blanco.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


Traffic is already terrible in this area, don't make it even worse.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I am against apartments on wilderness oak and Blanco

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


Additional development of the Blanco Road corridor between Loop 1604 and Midnight Drive will result in catastrophic increases in traffic volume and significantly degrade the quality of life for those living in the Stone Oak/Timberwood Park area.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


against apartments on wilderness oak and Blanco

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


Because traffic is already horrendous and this will increase traffic ten fold!! Build a Community Park instead!!

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I don't want to see traffic get worse than it already is.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)


I don't want an apartment complex across the street from me . Traffic is horrible in this area. Rather see retail in there.

(san antonio, 2017-02-13)


The over traffic and over traffic lights in that street is already cumbersome.

(San Antonio, 2017-02-13)



(SAN ANTONIO, 2017-02-13)