To reinstate Mr. Scott Hakes as a teacher and coach



Mr. Hakes is an amazing teacher and it's not his fault people can't take jokes and blah blah...

(Pennsylvania, 2017-01-31)


Im signing because Mr. Hakes Is A Good Teacher He Makes Everyone Laugh He Has Been Great For Our School And Everyone Makes Mistakes Why Cabt He.

(Bradford Pa, 2017-01-31)


KEEP HIM !!!!!!!! He IS a great teacher, awesome coach, and a true friend to his students. HE IS NORTHEAST!!!!!! Enough said !!

(Rome, 2017-01-31)


He comes from a great family. Though I do not know the circumstances, I think it is a terrible shame after reading the comments from all those students whose lives he has touched as both teacher and coach.

(Waverly NY, 2017-01-31)


One of the nicest guys I know.

(Leraysville, 2017-02-01)


Mr. Hakes is a great man who really helped me understand mathmatics. His teaching style is unlike any other and should be considered extremely useful for the school. Also I believe his termination was unwarranted.

(Bradford, 2017-02-01)


Mr. Hakes is a good teacher and has treated students with respect and dignity throughout his career, and was simply accused due to an issue with two students.

(Athens, 2017-02-02)


Its not Northeast Bradford without Mr. Hakes. Enough said!

(Rome, 2017-02-03)


I have two teenage girls who look up to Mr.Hakes. I have personally met with him on occasion to light some fire under their behinds to keep grades where they should be. He is a dedicated teacher who truly cares about his students. We are all human and each and everyone of us make mistakes.

(Rome, 2017-02-04)


I know Scott and his family. They are good people.

(Warren Center, PA, 2017-02-05)


Mr. Hakes was a great teacher while I went to NEB. He taught in a way where I could comprehend and made learning fun! I heard what happened and honestly it's a dumb reason to have him suspended over.

(Bradenton, 2017-02-06)


Mr. Hakes is a fantastic teacher who always helps his students in any situation.

(Warren Center, 2017-02-07)


Mr.Hakes has a family to take care of!He has a way of teaching kids in a way that they can actually apprehend and learn!

(Rome, 2017-02-07)