Fyrir Aleppo



I´m signing because I must!

(Akureyri, 2016-12-18)


Stop all war now!

(Thorlakshofn, 2016-12-18)


Ég virði líf

(Reykjavík, 2016-12-18)


I want this war to end for once and for all Stop this crime against humanity the evil Ness right now..

(Reykjavik, 2016-12-18)


Þetta er glæpur gegn mannkyninu.

(Hafnarfjörður, 2016-12-18)


það þarf að hætta þessari slátrun á almennum borgunum, stöðvið þetta stríð.

(Þingeyri, 2016-12-18)


Stop the war and weapon sail!

(Reykjavik, 2016-12-18)


I care

(Hafnarfjörður, 2016-12-18)


Human lives are more important than power and money.

(Reykjavík, 2016-12-19)


War is an ancient violent way to solve conflict

(Nordurthing, 2016-12-19)


Enoughis enough. Do something right for ones

(Mosfellsbær, 2016-12-19)


I condemn war and bad treatment of the people in Aleppo.

(Reykjavík, 2016-12-19)