Theatre Studies must be retained as a degree subject and its future as a scientific discipline secured
Theatre Studies in the University of Helsinki has achieved a distinguished international reputation, especially because of the very successful graduates of its programme and the widespread influence of its international summer school for PhD students in theatre studies that fostered many important publications in scholarly journals and academic books.stephen wilmer (Dublin, 2021-12-20)
I’ve studied several different subject in university level, and theatre science is by far the most complex. Reflecting upon society and our place in the world is an important part of understanding the world, each other, the future and the past.Mari Kamsvaag (Drammen, 2021-12-20)
I'm signing becasue Helsinki has a wonderful theatre department and it is essential that Finland continues it's top theatre researchHolly Maples (London, 2021-12-20)
As a colleague respecting its achievements, I support this program!Goran Sergej Pristaš (Zagreb, 2021-12-20)
Hei arvoisat päättäjät, oletteko tosissamme lopettamassa teatteritieteen laitosta?! Mistä löytyvät jatkossa pätevät teatterialan työntekijät, teatterin tutkijat jne. Olen taiteellinen johtaja omassa teatterissani Los Angelesissa sekä dosentti Los Angelesin Community Collegin Teatteri Akatemiassa. Koulutukseni olen saanut teatterikouluissa ulkomailla sekä HY:n teatteritieteen laitoksella. Ilman maisterin tutkintoani en olisi nykyisessä asemassani. Älkää tehkö virhettä jota ei saa tekemättömäksi. Suomi on teatterimaa ja tarvitsemme teatterin ammattilaisia ja tuntijoita myös tieteellisellä tasolla. Luuletteko, että riittää että Suomessa on ainoastaan käytännön teatterin tekijöitä? Tarvitsemme myös niitä, joiden ansiosta Suomessa tulevat sukupolvet tuntevat teatterin kaikella tasolla, myös analyyttisesti!Meri Pakarinen (Los Angeles, 2021-12-20)
Teatteritiede säilytettävä!Markus Ojala (Seinäjoki, 2021-12-21)
I'm signing because I am a professor of Theatre Studies at Stockholm University and thus very well aware of the important research conducted by my colleagues at the University of Helsinki.Dirk Gindt (Stockholm, 2021-12-21)
As a chair in theatre studies at Stockholm University I recognize the relevance of Finnish theatre studies and particularly the excellent achievements and international success of the department of theatre studies at the University of Helsinki. Prof. Korsberg is an internationally acknowledged scholar in the field. Her teaching abilities and contribution to the Finnish culture are highly valuable. Undermining the theatre education and research at the University of Finland by severe financial cutting will seriously harm Finish research output and the cultural sector at large.Meike Wagner (Stockholm, 2021-12-21)
Teatern främjar både kultur och språk!Susanne Kass (Nykarleby, 2021-12-21)
I'm signing because Theatre Studies is such an important subject for the futureFrancesca Rayner (Lisbon, 2021-12-21)
I am a professor of Theatre Studies at Queen Mary University of London. My academic career was forged at the University of Helsinki through the work of its theatre department when it ran the ICATS summer school for international theatre phd students. The University of Helsinki Theatre Studies department was fundamental to my progress as an academic and I strongly urge you to continue the excellent and internationally renowned work that this Department does. To reduce its remit will. impact on the university's international standing and reputation - and that of Finland more widely given that the discipline is not taught elsewhere in the country. I strongly urge you to rethink this policy.Aoife Monks (LONDON, 2021-12-21)
Erään Oulun yo:n pääaineesta sivuaineeksi vailla järkiperusteita alennetun luonnontieteellisen alan opiskelijana koen mitä suurinta sympatiaa teatteritiedettä kohtaan tässä tilanteessa. Tulevaisuutta ei tehdä leikkaamalla tieteestä (tämän luulisi Helsingin yliopistolle olevan selvää - älkää seuratko Oulun esimerkkiä), ja yliopistojen tulee kyetä ylläpitämään myös aloja, joiden hyödyt eivät ole suoraan mitattavissa euromäärissä. Laaja-alainen sivistys on turvattava.Elina Lassi (Oulu, 2021-12-21)
I studied Drama at university and trained as a Drama Teacher. I feel it is a fundamentally important subject that student should have the option to take in university.Garret Fay (Bedford, 2021-12-21)
I am signing because I'm a professor of theatre studies at Stockholm University and I think that it is of outmost importance that proper infrastructure and financial resources are provided for theatre studies at Helsinki University.Tiina Rosenberg (Stockholm, 2021-12-21)
The arts are vital to our social, cultural and political futures; they are as vital as the "hard" sciencesPatrick Duggan (Newcastle, 2021-12-21)
I am theatre teacher and a professional director.Jordy Valderrama (Vantaa, 2021-12-21)
I have collaborated with this department on many occasions, most notably through our collaborative MA in International Performance Research. Several generations of successful alumni from all over the world have come out of it and the Summer School University of Helsinki hosted for our program was one of the best pedagogical experience I ever had.Silvija Jestrovic (Leamington Spa, 2021-12-21)
Theatre Studies provides students with an invaluable set of practical and theoretical skills which equip them to be empathetic and thoughtful citizens.Sarah Gorman (London, 2021-12-21)
Sivistys tai kuolemaPasi Salonen (Tampere, 2021-12-21)
Sivistys on taattavaRiitta Tikkanen (Espoo, 2021-12-21)
Helsinki has an international reputation for the arts and the performance arts especially theatre studies are vital areas of study for sustaining creative culture.Charlotte Purkis (Oxford, 2021-12-21)
Sivistysvaltiossa kaikkea ei voi mitata rahassalauri larjavaara (helsinki, 2021-12-22)
I have had the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues that have worked at Helsinki University and I very much respect their practice. This is the only University in Finland providing this training and it is a terrible decision to cut this subject. Theatre enables people to share their stories and make sense of the world. It connects human beings by sharing the same breath and vision. It enables individual, collective and national identities. This work needs to be treasured and supported not dismissed and cut.Dr Fiona Graham (London - Goldsmiths University, 2021-12-22)
On tärkeää säilyttää mahdollisimman monipuolinen kirjo akateemisia aloja eri tieteenaloilta! Mikäli teatteritieteen opetus loppuu, häviää Suomesta pala kulttuuria!Hilma Hartikainen (Helsinki, 2021-12-22)
I´m signing because I absolute support that theatre studies must be protected for the sake of scientific research in the area and the needs of dramaturgical competence in theatre companies of independent and institutional kind.Knut Ove Arntzen (Bergen, 2021-12-22)
Olette idiootteja!Seppo Kilgast (Helsinki, 2021-12-22)
Theatre art has a role to play in the lives and wellbeing of the populace. There is no doubt that it’s influence in the arts does not stop at the show, it follows us home, to our offices, everywhere we go. How then can you explain Hollywood without theatre arts or the opera and it’s influence on culture as a whole. Theatre arts ia more than “just a show”. It is culture, it is artistic, it is a way to retain and pass historical event down to the next generation. It is transcendental.Abiodun Macfoy (Allen, 2021-12-22)
This prestigious program is important for the field of theatre and performance studies. It has shakes the discipline. It is vital at it continues.Kara Reilly (Exeter, 2021-12-22)
I studied in this department and the education I received provided a very solid foundation for my life and interest in theatre research.Vincent Okany (Helsinki, 2021-12-22)
Theatre Studies is an important discipline and it would be fatal to the art of theatre in Finland if it is not any longer an academic subject at University of Helsinki.Karen Vedel (Copenhagen, 2021-12-22)
Theater in Scandinavia is important. It essential to have trained artists to forward the art form and make sure that professional companies have strong, trained artists.Robert Earnest (Myrtle Beach, 2021-12-22)