Against detaching the National Observatory of Athens from Greece's network of research centers



I am signing because:
- Modern astronomy - astrophysics has nothing to do with meteorology ;
- long series of observations are critical and should never be disrupted;
- independence of research is mandatory for European collaboration.

Pauy Bartholdi (Genève, 2023-11-27)


I'm signing because our modern society is vitally dependent on science, which structure and management requires a long-term stability and not abrupt changes like moving NOA under MCCCP.

Julius Koza (Tatranska Lomnica, 2023-11-27)


This proposal is ill-judged. It shows a lack of understanding of how scientific research should be structured so as best to contribute to vital societal missions such as the climate crisis and wider civil protection. What is essential here is to build cooperative structures that enable scientific research to flow from discovery to deep physical understanding and only then into operational uses (risk assessment, forecasting, etc). These structures must also enable the operations community to feed ideas back to research. This virtuous circle linking research to operations and back again was identified as a key issue in a 2019 European study (doi: 10.1051/swsc/2019033) for space weather, one of the areas in which NOA excels. The proposed move of NOA from a research-oriented agency to a mission-oriented ministry will discourage such important developments. What is needed is cooperative links across government bodies to facilitate the virtuous circle, a process that is occurring in other countries.

Mike Hapgood (Wantage, 2023-11-27)


I am signing and supporting this petition to help preserve the National Observatory of Athens as an important research center in Greece, ensuring its continued contributions to modern science, research and Innovation.

Tanmay Das (Kolkata, 2023-11-27)


Colleagues that implored me to sign so that NOA would remain where it is.

Paula Moraga Baez (Rochester, 2023-11-27)


NOA is a vital institution and their contribution to cutting edge research in Meteorology, Seismology, and Geodynamics is critical for the global community. Institutional dynamics are critical to that success so I support this petition that supports those working at the NOA.

Carina Fearnley (London, 2023-11-27)


I'm signing because of very positive research contacts in the past (and hopefully in the future too).

Bodo Ahrens (Frankfurt, 2023-11-28)


I believe in independent research and vision ,until now NOA has proven both!
Olga Papadogianni

Olga Papadogianni (Athens, 2023-11-28)


Η έρευνα πρέπει να είναι ανεξάρτητη, όπως σε κάθε ευνομούμενο κράτος

Ροίκος Θανόπουλος (Θεσσαλονίκη, 2023-11-28)


The NOA has a key role as a public research centre. Its Institutes promote highly accredited research and as such it should be preserved as an equal research institute in the same way as all other public research centres. The public services offered in civil protection by the NOA can be offered in its current role and position.

Stelios Zerefos (Patras, 2023-11-29)


I had projects before with NOA and was very please the way they work. Vassiliki is a diligent leader and doing things professionally. If he call out against a change, I trust his judgement and support them in opposing any change they think it can risk their future.

Zoltán Székely (Tarnaörs, 2023-11-29)


I appeal to the relevant authorities not to move this distinguished observatory which will hardly save any money yet will have devastating effects on research activities, particularly for younger researchers.

Kenneth Phillips (THATCHAM, 2023-11-29)


I strong support keeping the National Observatory part of the General Secretariat of Research and Innovation.

Robert Fesen (Albuquerque, 2023-11-30)


I'm signing because, I want to help preserve the National Observatory of Athens as a vital research center in Greece, under the care of the General Secretariat of Research & Innovation.

Maria Tsagkaraki (Heraklion, 2023-11-30)


The government will not succeed in compensating for the inconceivable failures in the field of the climate catastrophe by hastily misappropriating honourable and important independent research institutions...

Friedrich Burschel (Athens, 2023-12-01)


όχι στην υπαγωγή του Αστεροσκοπείου στο Υπουργείο Κλιματικής Κρίσης & Πολιτικής Προστασίας (ΥΚΚΠΠ).

Μαριλένα Ανδρικοπούλου (Αθήνα, 2023-12-01)


I have been collaborating with colleagues in NOA and attended a few important astronomy conferences organized by NOA. Astronomers there have been doing great in astrnomoy research. Astrnomy is a totally different fundamental science from climiate study. It will be a great lose to detach NOA

Ping Zhou (Nanjing, 2023-12-02)


Θέλω το Αστεροσκοπείο να συνεχίσει την ανεξάρτητη λειτουργία του

Αικατερίνη Παυλάκη (Αχαρνές, 2023-12-02)



ANTONIOS SAMIOTAKIS (Athens, 2023-12-02)

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