Our area is congested enough. We do not need any more apartment complexes, etc. Thank you.Deidre Carter (Dacula, 2023-10-23)
I'm signing because the infrastructure cannot handle the people and traffic from such dense housing. It's shameful this is even being considered.William Gordon (Buford, 2023-10-23)
We do not want another apartment complex. Our roads were not designed for the people we have now let alone more people.Pam Stralow (Buford, 2023-10-24)
I disagree with a development with such high density housing being placed in that location.Amanda Panos (Buford, 2023-10-24)
Too much development already in the area. My children attend this high school. We need a community area for sure over more shopping and multi owner dwellings.Christine Causey (Buford, 2023-10-25)
I am against the proposed 700 apartments to be built along Sardis Church Rd. in Buford GA. There is already too much traffic congestion in our area!Kathleen Bifano (Buford, 2023-10-27)
We don't have the roads for thisApril Phillips (Buford, 2023-10-27)
I hate all of the warehouses and infrastructure that has ruined our county and city of BufordGlenice Heap (Buford, 2023-10-27)
TOO BUSY AND TOO MUCH TRAFFIC ALREADY!!!!Morgan Townsend (Buford, 2023-10-28)
I live off Sardis Church Road and we don’t need any additional homes, apartments or vehiclesTracy Hayes (Buford, 2023-10-28)
I'm signing because I oppose more high-density housing in this area. The infrastructure is inadequate to support current residents and traffic, much less more residents in a small geographic area.Winston Smith (Buford, 2023-10-29)
Too much traffic for this school ZoneMilt Pittman (Braselton, 2023-10-29)
his is NOT a good fit.Jason Hill (Dacula, 2023-10-29)
The infrastructure cannot accommodate this proposal and we need to preserve our green spaces!Andrea White (Buford, 2023-10-30)
The infrastructure CANNOT support this and we need to preserve our green spaces!Cierra White (Buford, 2023-10-30)
The county is getting too crowdedJames Stephenson (Dacula, 2023-10-30)
I don’t want 700 new kids coming to my schoolLiam Dorin (Buford, 2023-10-30)
It will cause additional congestion and likely lower property value in the area.Victor Spence (Buford, 2023-11-01)
I think our area benefit from putting apartments in an over crowded area.Dricq Johnson (Buford, 2023-11-01)
I live within a mile of the proposed development and travel in that area all the time. Our area cannot support that volume of development with the current infrastructure.Mary Beth Carroll (Buford, 2023-11-01)
Over development will further over crowd our roadways. The current infrastructure can’t support the traffic now.Diane Bullock (Dacula, 2023-11-01)
I live next to possible developmentEmmanuel Richardson (Buford, 2023-11-01)
I believe this development would adversely impact traffic in this area which is already terrible on Hamilton Mill Road especiallyTim White (Buford, 2023-11-01)
Because of safetyCynthia Ingraham (Buford, 2023-11-01)
Because anyone with any sense knows our area is way overgrown already. I moved here 24 years ago and it was awesome then but now takes 5-20 minutes sometimes to get one half mile from my house to hwy 124 because of all the trafficRon Crockett (Auburn, 2023-11-01)
There's already way too much traffic in this area! I was raised in Gwinnwtt county, Norcrosss. My hometown is barely recognizable and the same with this area! I've been around the Buford area my entire life, as this is where many of my friends and relatives lived for many years, however; they have all moved away because of the overpopulation, and also because U.S. citizens, Caucasian U.S. citizens have become a minority around here and it will only get worse with more commercial building. It's not progress, it's stupidity and greed.Rhonda Bradford (Buford, 2023-11-01)
I’m signing because this area has WAY too much congestion as it is. Adding more residences would only make matters, traffic, and community more stressed. I have young children and would like to see a rec center and park be built there so we can enjoy the space and not be bombarded with more congestion.Amanda Skrobot (Dacula, 2023-11-01)
We do not have the roads to accommodate more apartments.Linda Halbman (Buford, 2023-11-01)
Area not suited for apts & condos…no space, causing too much traffic & potential mass exodus from current residents in Hamilton Mill neighborhood.Mariana Tobey (Dacula, 2023-11-02)
To stop the conflict of interest where developers can just buy off our commissioners!Carl Eichel (Dacula, 2023-11-02)
This development will bring too much traffic in the already congested area.Georgiana Fratiloiu (Dacula, 2023-11-02)
This is not New York city but you are trying to oversaturate this area with apartments and commercial space which will destroy the residential nature of the area. Shame on you for this outrageous violation of property rights1robert lowinger (Dacula, 2023-11-02)
We do not need the hundreds of families into an already crowded area.Kip Powers (Dacula, 2023-11-02)
Already too much traffic in the area and apartments tend to bring more issues to areasCheryl Frailey (Buford, 2023-11-02)
Zaida figueroaZaida Figueroa (Dacula, 2023-11-02)
This will bring more traffic to an already crowded area. Plus the proposed multi family housing backs up to a school. Also, they propose light retail in the area which is not necessary.Amy Parker (Dacula, 2023-11-03)
We need more parking and activities for our children. We do not need overflow and traffic and more people with less parking.Alicia Garcia (Dacula, 2023-11-03)
Enough already!!!! Traffic is already ridiculous and schools are full!!Ann Bell (Dacula, 2023-11-03)
We do not need more apartments or retail in this already overcrowded area! We do need more recreation space for the kids who are already living in this area.Christine Harris (Hoschton, 2023-11-03)
We do not need the people, cars, traffic, increase in taxes.... shall I go on?Phillip Chambers (Dacula, 2023-11-03)
This is just a bad idea and fit for the community. The traffic in that area is already more than the infrastructure can handle. Adding even 5K types of vehicles in this are will make everyday seem like we are on 285 or the downtown connector during rush hours.Mike Huckeba (Dacula, 2023-11-04)
I do not think this is a good idea. our area is already over crowded. too much trafficMelissa Sciavicco (dacula, 2023-11-04)
My children attend Seckinger High School and we believe the added traffic would be a burden on the already struggling road system. A park would be a much better use of the landDaniel Mann (Buford, 2023-11-04)
The infrastructure is not sufficient for this kind of development.Lyman Oehring (Buford, 2023-11-04)
This area cannot handle anymore traffic. It is over built and over populated. No moreAlbert Miller (Buford, 2023-11-04)
Opposed to more traffic from new developments!Melanie Rogers (Dacula, 2023-11-04)
The multi family housing will cause much traffic congestion and lower our property values.James Michilizzi (Dacula, 2023-11-04)
I am signing because a Recreational center would be best for our children in this community. Our children need a safe place to go and be kids.Lore Smith (Buford, 2023-11-04)
I don’t want this to happen.Rachel Hughes (Dacula, 2023-11-04)
The current and future infrastructure will never handle the additional housing and there are no plans to re-plant or replace the uprooted trees. That space would be better served as a youth training / recreational center.Claude Young (Buford, 2023-11-04)
I want myself and my child to grow up in a relaxed city. This city already has so much overcrowding that the roads and schools are overwhelmed. Our elected leaders should care more about the education quality that our children receive. The more children per class the lower the quality of our children’s educationChristian Chaney (Buford, 2023-11-05)
I’m opposed to this idea due to the already existing congestion in the area as well as lowering property values for my community.Thomas Wood (Dacula, 2023-11-06)
No new roads are being built. This only stresses the local traffic even moreDwayne Reed (Lawrenceville, 2023-11-06)
We don't need a high rise apartment next to a high school.Denise Hurst (Buford, 2023-11-06)
Traffic in this area is a nightmare and adding this type of development will cause total gridlock and more accidents.We need commissioners that consider our community and the impact high density housing does to our health and safety.
Ker4y Rogers (Hoschton, 2023-11-07)