Save the Norwegian Institute at Athens!



Hands-on understanding of the European past is a Scandinavian necessity.

(Göteborg, 2018-10-31)


Jeg skriver under af to grunde: Jeg har været lærer i de klassiske fag i en menneskealder, og jeg ved, at klassiske studier overalt er truet, fordi de ikke tilskrives nogen umiddelbar nytteværdi. Min anden begrundelse er, at min nærmeste familie er norsk, og det gør mig ked af det, at Norge fraskriver sig sin europæiske arv; de klassiske fag er så godt som ikke eksisterende i den norske skole (med få undtagelser), og hvis norske antikforskere mister et hjemsted i Athen, vil det også skade norsk antikforskning. Det vil være et stort tab. Jeg ved, Norge har mange ualmindeligt dygtige forskere i de klassiske fag, og de fortjener al den opbakning og påskønnelse, man kan give.

(Fjerritslev, 2018-10-31)


This institute is very important for all who has a slightest interest in history and the intellectual development of Europe and european way of thinking and is a must for all norwegians in their education from chilehood up to university!

(OSLO, 2018-10-31)


I worked there, a fantastic place where dedicated professionals doing important work.

(Larvik, 2018-10-31)


When I lived in Athens on research scholarships the Norwegian Institute was a staple for productive meetings between people from different countries. To dismantle this institution would be a huge blow to international relations and communication.

(Stockholm, 2018-10-31)


Cultural institutes are an important platform for European interaction where North-South dimensions are central to invest in and focus upon.

(Helsinki, 2018-10-31)


It's important to save the Norwegian Institute in Athens

(Oslo, 2018-10-31)


Cultural exchange within our common home, Europe, is a matter of great importance.

(Athens, 2018-10-31)


To safeguard a continued presence of Norway in Greece due to do the importance of research, teaching, publishing, and dissemination of the culture, history, archaeology, and languages of the Eastern Mediterranean.

(Oslo, 2018-11-01)


The Institutes are very important on both ends!

(Uppsala, 2018-11-01)


Maintaining the Norwegian Institute at Athens is important because of the international science and social study exchange that has occurred there and produces benefits to multiple governmental agencies and international individual scholars.

(Chania, 2018-11-01)


Antiquity has great potential in education and in promoting understanding of the east and west.

(Oslo, 2018-11-01)


Cultural studies are important.

(Melzo, 2018-11-01)


Dette instituttet både ER og sitter på en skattekiste av kunnskap.
At ingen hjemme blir målt på det arbeidet, betyr ikke at det ikke er viktig. Mens land som Romania får på plass sitt institutt, tenker land som Norge at vi ikke har bruk for det.
Vi må ikke miste muligheten til denne dybdekunnskapen som instituttet gir oss.

(MOSS, 2018-11-01)


I think that culture is a mother to commerce, business, oil extraction, and resulting welfare. If we forget about it, the welfare will be uncultured and barbaric, a mere Kitsch existence will be ahead of us.

(ΑΘΗΝΑ, 2018-11-01)


The activities of the Norwegian Institute that I have witnessed over many years now, are invaluable for the European and International cooperation and exchange of ideas in the field of history, archaeology and cultural research.

(Athens, 2018-11-01)


I agree

(Corfu, Greece, 2018-11-01)


I did attend to a course in ancient greek culture in 1999, and there I learned a lot about the origin of our culture.

(Oslo, 2018-11-01)


I love Scandinavia.

(Perugia, 2018-11-01)


I am a firm believer in Norwegian cultural
and scientifi presenece in the Mediterranean.

(Oslo, 2018-11-01)


We should keep this listening post in Greece, to stay in contact with the roots of our civilization.

(Oslo, 2018-11-01)


The Norwegian Institute is a world-class research center. We all need it!

(Austin, 2018-11-01)


The NIA is a very important institution for supporting archaeological work in Greece, and for all the reasons stated in the petition. It would be terrible if it closed its doors!

(Grand Marais, 2018-11-01)


The Institute contribute to the improving the very good relations between our two countries. The foreign institutes in Greece are the best way of promoting the culture and the scientific level of the mother-country.

(Athens, 2018-11-01)


We can't understand our own time, nor see the future, without understanding the past.

(Berlin, 2018-11-01)


I am an archeologist and know how important it is to have an institute at that city.

(Schmitten, 2018-11-01)


Its a big mistake and a crime

(Trondheim, 2018-11-01)


Norway's long-standing commitment to scholarship and Classics should continue.

(Lexington, 2018-11-02)