

I'm sick of all the excess crap you keep putting up here. The area doesn't have the infrastructure or roads to support more expansion driven by you're padded pockets

Ryan sornberger (Buford, 2023-10-11)


It’s America, I want to and I can.

Patricia Reiland (Dacula, 2023-10-11)


I’m signing this petition because I oppose the rezoning of the designated space off Hamilton Mill and Sardis Church Roads for apartments and retail. This area is already over saturated with everything! Traffic is so congested and driving is so dangerous in this area that one can barely leave home or retail without taking a chance on your life…this is daily, at any time of day! This area does not have sufficient infrastructure planning for roads to safely accommodate the current traffic, and adding additional traffic from an apartment complex would see significant traffic increase and more traffic dangerous pattern changes. Some impatient dangerous drivers already take chances because the traffic is so heavy and people are discourteous. And who even pays attention to road signs anymore? As for the land…it seems to be too close to the school! It could be put to better use by building a park, or a center for school and community use. Or how about the novel idea of just allowing it to exist as is? I vote! I pay taxes! It’s too much! NO!!!

Carolyn Fields (Buford, 2023-10-11)


This area is already over-crowded. This building project would would negatively impact this area even more. People move to the suburbs to get away from grid-locked traffic, over crowding, etc...This area already has worse traffic than downtown Atlanta.

Mathew Witting (Buford, 2023-10-11)


My son will be attending Seckinger High School and this area does not need massive congestion! Mill Creek experienced major traffic issues with all the new homes and these areas should not feel like mini cities. If I wanted to live surrounded by congestion, I would've moved downtown

Michele Kiefert (Buford, 2023-10-12)


Allowing this to be built there seems like a big hazard, especially with it being right behind the high school. How are we gonna protect tAllowing this to be built, there seems like a big hazard, especially with it being right behind the high school. How are we gonna protect these children. We already have enough drugs and crime going on in the schools without adding more to it.

Karen Lewis (Buford, 2023-10-12)


We don't need more traffic and congestion in thatbarrier. It's fine just the way it is

Don Stone (Buford, 2023-10-12)


I want to keep our area less congested and safe from overpopulation and more crime.

Shannon Capati (Buford, 2023-10-12)


I'm signing because this area is already over crowded and we don't need an additional 1400+ more vehicles on the road in this area.

Lisa Rao (Buford, 2023-10-12)


Plenty of apartments already near Mall of Georgia.

Scott Neff (Buford, 2023-10-12)


traffic is getting crazy and all the land is being overtaken by warehouses and apartment complexes adding to trucks and cars going past the neigborhoods.

JOHN POWERS (BUFORD, 2023-10-12)


Doesn’t have infrastructure in the area

Tan La (Buford, 2023-10-12)


I don’t agree with this development.

Karin Patterson (Buford, 2023-10-12)


I live near this location and drive by it almost every day. The traffic is bad now, so adding anything else will make it worse.

Shawn Bogard (Buford, 2023-10-13)


I am signing because I don’t want apartments near my house. I also don’t want that many more cars or kids in this area. It is already over crowded.

Suzanne Frankum (Buford, 2023-10-13)


The number of apartments around the Mall of GA and along Buford Dr. has increased congestion. Hamilton Mill is already congested. Adding more apartments is only going to compound the problem AND put a burden on the schools. Please STOP the irresponsible, out-of-control apartment building. The area needs more family restaurants (Outback, Red Lobster, Waffle House, Culver’s, BBQ, etc.) rather than more apartments. Thank you.

Lynda Mauborgne (Buford, 2023-10-14)


Our schools can’t function correctly with more kids. It’s over crowded.

Jennifer Fussell (Buford, 2023-10-14)


This would be devastating to traffic patterns in an already over burdened area and what is really needed is Greenspace, Aquatic center, and a buffer zone to protect the high school students.

Kari Salomon (Lawrenceville, 2023-10-14)


We live in the district and the traffic is already unbearable

Mercedes Mabeus (Buford, 2023-10-14)


Schools are already at capacity and the traffic will be unbearable.

Nohemi Castillo (Buford, 2023-10-14)


I use this area regularly and it is already highly congested without this development. It would negatively impact my daily life and provide no new value to me.

Patrick Huber (Dacula, 2023-10-14)


I don’t believe it’s good for the area.

Lee Baker (Hoschton, 2023-10-14)


We need to slow growth and leave room for expansion for the school

Stephen A Cochran (Buford, 2023-10-15)


There to much development and the poor deer are being killed at a high rate

Michelle Williams (Suwanee, 2023-10-15)


I do not support this type of development in this area of our county.

Melissa Allen (Buford, 2023-10-15)


Our traffic is already congested and I do not want more renters in our area.

Paige Stover (Buford, 2023-10-15)


We do not have adequate infrastructure to support the proposed development. Our traffic has increased 100 fold in this specific area on Hamilton Mill Rd alone over past 10-15 yrs. Adding more retail space this close to overpass and a school will also increase the volume of traffic on and off I-85 ramps, increasing the probability of accidents and more road rage, both of which are increasing in number already due to volume of traffic.

Paula Buker (Buford, 2023-10-15)


I’ve lived here for 29 years and our community has translations from a quiet, rural community to a hectic, overgrown suburb. We don’t have the infrastructure to support the people we have. We DO NOT need 700 more apartments in a tiny space! Stop the over development!

Carrie Meadows (Buford, 2023-10-15)


Already to much traffic in that area. Especially when schools in session.

Katie ThalackerRoberts (Buford, 2023-10-15)


I want this to happen

Malachi Miller (Braselton, 2023-10-15)


The traffic is already horrible at Sardis Church and Hamilton Mill. No more volume of cars/families need to be added!!

Darlene Miklos (Buford, 2023-10-15)


This area is already overcrowded . Address the current congestion and impact future development will have on the roads and infrastructure instead of it being an afterthought.

Vania Caldwell (Dacula, 2023-10-15)


I want to stop over constrution.

Maria Giraldo (Buford, 2023-10-16)


No more

Felix Vasquez (Buford, 2023-10-16)


I disagree with the over-development in Hamilton Mill

James Thomas (Buford, 2023-10-16)


Our schools are overwhelmed and we just built a new school that will be overwhelmed within a few years already.

Sanna Brooks (Dacula, 2023-10-16)


Our infrastructure is not able to handle additional traffic or general safety needs
It is already burdensome to drive safely under current traffic conditions. Will taxes rise substantially to cover these much needed rennovations

Joseph Lescota (Buford, 2023-10-16)


I do not want more apartments here.

Jennifer Brinkley (Hoschton, 2023-10-16)


Of the insane traffic and devaluation of property

Natalie Fasano (Dacula, 2023-10-16)


I live about a half mile from there. That's too close to the school. Traffic is already bad there.

Betty Peppers (Buford, 2023-10-16)


Don’t agree to this growth be beneficial for our area

David Knight (Buford, 2023-10-16)


I want controlled growth in my area.

Fred Grailer (Hoschton, 2023-10-16)


Traffic is horrendous in this area stop your greedy ways and overdevelopment...!

Jai Parmar (Dacula, 2023-10-16)


we don’t need anymore apartments

lenna tehrani (dacula, 2023-10-16)


Having that many apartments would increase the over the top traffic we already have.

Lucy Harger (Buford, 2023-10-16)


I do not want the proposed development in that area. Too congested already. The area and roads cannot handle more people.

Michelle Foxworthy (Buford, 2023-10-17)


Our infrastructure cannot support more traffic. Hamilton mill and Braselton highway need to be significantly improved to support to the volume of traffic that would come.

Mike Brooks (Dacula, 2023-10-17)


Our roads are glutted with traffic. Crime is steadily rising as more and more people move in. We have loved raising our family in a town that both city and small town elements. We do NOT want to become like other areas overrun with traffic, crime and crowded schools and infrastructure. Now is the time to stop, assess, and decide what Buford should become in the future.

Nilha Pearce (Buford, 2023-10-17)


The schools are too crowded in our area and there is way to much traffic

Dustin Vintinner (Buford, 2023-10-17)


I object to this construction because it increases congestion and suffocation in the city.

Suaad Alkhafaji (Buford, 2023-10-17)


Mill Creek HS just got relief from Seckinger HS opening. Our school system is struggling and cannot find qualified teachers. It is irresponsible to expect the school system to handle more development when they are in dire straits as far as staff is concerned. Our roads cannot handle the amount of traffic we have. A traffic study was not completed to my knowledge, that shows current numbers. The Hamilton Mill interchange with i85 sees heavy traffic all day. Instead of widening roads, our commissioners put speed tables or other traffic control measures, which force people onto the main roads, to avoid the stress on their vehicles. Nothing was thought out when developing this area and this will only stress a poorly developed area further.

Philana Nowak (Hoschton, 2023-10-17)


I don’t like those apartment being building on that area. That’s affecting our neighbors

Frank Cabrera (Dacula, 2023-10-17)


I'm against the construction of those apartments affecting our neighbor's value

Oneibis Cabrera (Dacula, 2023-10-17)


There is simply not the infrastructure to support 700+ new families in this area. Two lane road and 700 new living spaces is absurd.

Kadie Mertins (Buford, 2023-10-18)


Cutting down trees is the number 1 cause of global warming. And I have breathing issues. Trees help us breathe.

Rachel Cox (Winder, 2023-10-18)


The area is overgrown today.

Greg Bowman (Buford, 2023-10-18)


Our quality of life has drastically decreased in the past number of years due to overpopulation in this area. We have consistently had bad car accidents just in front of our neighborhood and we can’t get out all times of the day. The land next to a school should NOT be for more housing!! Especially apartments!

Angie Barrett (Dacula, 2023-10-18)


I'm signing because there is already so much congestion in the Hamilton Mill area and I cannot imagine more.

Holly Dispain (Dacula, 2023-10-18)


I’m against.

George Rosu (Buford, 2023-10-18)


We need a rec center more.
We do not have the roads for 2000 more cars on our roads .

Cheryl Ross (Buford, 2023-10-18)


I am signing because as a student in this cluster that recently started driving that also plans to live in buford for a while, there is no possible way a two land road could handle 700 more apartments. School traffic is already worst in the mornings and afternoons. Even a thought of 500+ families move in it was be a complete disaster. Currently are many many houses, condos, apartments nearby that are on the market and building now, no need for more to build. Seckinger needs more fields, activity centers, and as suggested the aquatic center for future athletes and students. I don’t understand why buford needs more housing. And especially RIGHT NEXT to a school??? You’re crazy.

lilian cao (Buford, 2023-10-18)


To much traffic

Cisco Sierra (Buford, 2023-10-19)


I think is enough, no more apartment buildings. A lot of us moved here for that reason

Norma Macias (Buford, 2023-10-19)


The traffic in Hamilton mill is bad enough already and can’t handle the crowds we have now in our area. There are 4 local retail spaces available within 2 miles of this proposed location. Stop 🛑 building we can’t afford it now or handle the influx of people!! It’s too much!! Please consider the quality of life for the ones of us already living here.

Tina Vuick (Dacula, 2023-10-19)


The last thing this area needs is apartments and more stores, the traffic is a nightmare now.

Kimberly Achenbach (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Overdevelop is already putting a strain on our area and we need it to stop.

Bonnie Goodheart (Dacula, 2023-10-19)


I do not see the need for this development in this area. There are new subdivisions/apartments being constructed already that need to be filled before more are added. If I wanted to live in a congested area like Atlanta, I would live in Atlanta. Enough is enough. It's really just developers wanting to make money and for me, this is about the community in which I chose to live in. The more apartments only mean to me more crime. I've watched as each subdivision/complex has been erected around me how crime has increased with each. It's not safe now to live in this area. Keep adding more living spaces and it won't even be safe to be in your front yard. This used to be such a nice, peaceful community to live. Not so much anymore and I blame the additions of subdivisions and apartment complexes. Check out the amount of crime before and after each addition. You will see it increase after each. And look who benefits from the additional living spaces. It's not you and me, the people living nearby. It's the people who get their money for building and move onto the next place. Gwinnett County let's them build because let's face it, it's more money for the government. They could care less what we think honestly. It's all about the money.

Bonita Prickett (Buford, 2023-10-19)


i would suggest that current market conditions would warrant a denied zoning request and not just "tabled" our apartment delinquency rate is still rediculously high.court dates are still 6 months out.and this is nationwide its just not recieving enogh media coverage,our last count was 900,000 with gwinnett county sheriff,and over 3200 in fulton county,scary

Brandi Calcagno (Winder, 2023-10-19)


I do it want to see this area continuing to have more traffic issues and turning this area into Gwinnett place mall. This suburb has already reached its limits on the amount of homes in the areas and adding apartments will only increase stress on community traffic and school systems.

jeron bargen (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Roads in this area are already extremely overcrowded.

Gary Perry (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Gwinnett County is NOTORIOUS for making already congested area even more is about $$$$

Robert Brush (FLOWERY BRANCH, 2023-10-19)


Our roads can’t handle the large influx of traffic . The beauty of area is being destroyed by apts and warehouses .

Keleen Johnson (Buford, 2023-10-19)


1.taxes 2. Traffic . 3. Crime 4. Population . 5 Property value.

Greg Lyons (Buford, 2023-10-19)


I live here. This is TOO MUCH for our community!

Jamie Boggs (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Too many developments going up the area that are not even 20-50% full and already causing traffic to be horrible.

Elizabeth Mack (Buford, 2023-10-19)


I have children that attend Seckinger HS and do not want this development over crowding the area.

Stacy Miller (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Frequently traveled for work and leisure. The congestion is a mess.

Justin Wilson (Lawrenceville, 2023-10-19)


This part was of Gwinnett is over saturated and the traffic is horrible.

Lucinia Shank (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Too much traffic and too many people

Danielle Cross (Hoschton, 2023-10-19)


No apartments should be built near or next to a school

Mike Stoutenburg (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Is over building a lot traffic not good for the environment

Cecilia Newman (Buford, 2023-10-19)


We do not need anything else to bring crime and people to this area! We are full!!

Amanda Couch (Buford, 2023-10-19)


I’m signing because this will over crowd this area which is already at capacity. I don’t want to a 5 mile drive that would normally take 5 minutes end up taking 45 minutes. Stop turning every square inch of land into housing developments or apartments up here!

Murrer Brandon (Buford, 2023-10-19)


I oppose this application for development

Sandra Thomson (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Our area doesn't have the infrastructure including roads or schools to support this proposal.

Raven Ramirez (Hoschton, 2023-10-19)


Our area doesn't have the infrastructure including roads or schools to support this proposal.

Erik Ramirez (Hoschton, 2023-10-19)


Don’t need more apartments for more traffic

Carol Kent (Hoschton, 2023-10-19)


I am against these apartments being built

Vanessa Thompson (Buford, 2023-10-19)


So they don’t build apartments behind Seckinger High School

Cassandra Torres (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Our area is already so overcrowded

Caroline Vasquez (Buford, 2023-10-19)


I don’t want the city and our schools even more overpopulated

Tyler Johnson (Buford, 2023-10-19)


There are too many people in this area. The schools are overcrowded already. Hamilton Mill Road would need to be widened.

Kari Canty (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Not to the development in Buford

Adriana VILLANUEVA (Hoschton, 2023-10-19)


The traffic is horrible now without adding this project. We don't want it!!!

Marquetta Wickline (Buford, 2023-10-19)


I'm signing because I'm worried about increased traffic without any improvements made to roads and other infrastucture to alleviate the congestion or improve safety. Despite what the developer says, this is not a walkable area. 700 more housing units will exacerbate the already overcrowded schools in this area. Additionally, I believe there is already sufficient retail and commercial space in this vicinity.

Theresa Ponader (Buford, 2023-10-19)


The area is already too crowded, the roads can’t handle it and property values will decrease.

Jason Pepperdine (Buford, 2023-10-19)


The apartment building plans were poorly made and will affect the infrastructure

Collin Zhu (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Lynette Jackson

Lynette Jackson (Lawrenceville, 2023-10-19)


Too busy and overcrowded in Buford especially by mall of ga. Too much traffic. My daughter goes to the high school in that area and it will just cause more traffic on that side of town. Love going to the Hamilton mill area to get away from all of the hustle and bustle at the mall of ga area!

Trayvia Sherman (Buford, 2023-10-19)


I’m signing because we have a child at Seckinger and another one going there in a year and 1/2. This is a bad place to add additional traffic and the addition students will crowd the schools . Put the apartment in a school zone that is not already overpopulated and on a road that could handle the extra traffic.

Holly Liliac (Buford, 2023-10-19)


I am signing this petition to show my opposition to building these apartments.

Ruth Stevens (Buford, 2023-10-19)


Our community needs a place for children, athletic recreational teams, sr living and after school care.

Nick Chonko (Dacula, 2023-10-19)


STOP RZC2022-00045 STOP RZM2022-00047!

Jaeyoung Jung (Buford, 2023-10-19)


I strongly believe this developemnt will cause chaos in the area. In terms of 85 acess, local traffic condition, and school capacity, we are not only ready but also do not need this type of development.

Emma Shin (Buford, 2023-10-19)


In order to conserve and protect our community from crime and congestion!

Curtis Pak (Buford, 2023-10-20)


Save the trees.

MARY CASON (Lawrenceville, 2023-10-20)


This area is already too congested

Jen Robinson (Dacula, 2023-10-21)


The area and schools are already overpopulated- especially the elementary schools where class sizes should be the smallest.

Briana Brisco-Goodwin (Buford, 2023-10-21)


This will add more cars to an already busy intersection that has limited future capacity. In addition the new high school isn’t staffed for that many new people.

Matt Pognant (Buford, 2023-10-21)


We don’t need any more traffic

Cesar Cardenas (Buford, 2023-10-21)

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