Stop The Vaccine Passport
#2001 and support from also discriminated beings overseas
Peter Weis, JUDr. (Bratislava, 2021-09-29)
I believe in freedom of choicePamela Balint (Vancouver, 2021-09-30)
Premature death and disabilityMaureen Temple (Castleton, 2021-09-30)
No one will convince me that MY LIFE isn't worth the few cents it costs a laboratory to by a rat !Sebastian Grondin (Spruce Grove, AB, 2021-09-30)
Freedom is a right ✅Kelly Mitchell (Chéticamp, 2021-09-30)
As a Canadian citizen, I find this to be very concerning, I would not want to exclude anyone who is unvaccinated from any areas of life. It is too difficult to control a virus in this way, especially as natural immunity has been shown to be long lasting, and it is creating unnecessary requirements and divisions in society.Jennifer Lillies (Ottawa, 2021-09-30)
There’s no scientific basis for the implementation of vaccine passportXiaosong Wang (Waterloo, 2021-10-01)
This is directly affecting me as a citizen of Canada and I support this cause.Zelda Carruthers (Mississauga Ontario, 2021-10-01)
Everything about these vaccine passports is wrong. The fact that our medical colleges and governments have censored early treatments and not procured a national supply of proven drugs like Ivermectin proves them complicit in the deaths and hospitalization of thousands of Canadians. There should be criminal charges related to this.David Hilderman (Victoria, 2021-10-02)
passport is useless, a waste of funding. doesn't guarantee the bearer is not a carrier of virus. High risk of misuse, data mining, tracking and persecution of those who don't have anyPeter Uherek (High Prairie, 2021-10-02)
Not a one size fits all shot or Illness ! Follow the real scienceToni Merante (Niagara Falls, 2021-10-02)
The Government vaccine passport is a violation of my Constitutional rights and violation of my privacy. A clear abuse of power and authority for a vaccine that is not proven safe nor is the ingredients published for scrutiny by the scientific community. Alternative proven medicines are unavailable, illegal and our choice is taken from us by enforcement actions, threats, misleading and gross negligence by the Health authority and the media by misinformation to the public on data, evidence and risks. The biased media is subjective and fails the public through the refusal to publish and investigate important events, medical experts, data, and evidence. Censorship and abusive enforcement is leading to a breakdown of Canadian Society and the removal of our rights and freedoms.Angela Pistrucci (Shawnigan Lake, 2021-10-02)
Charter of Rights and Freedom from Martial Law.Teresa Kennedy (Kingston, 2021-10-02)
Medical coercion and infringement is 100 per cent against our Constitutional rights. This virus has a 99.6 per cent survival rate. Vaccinations are in effective and unsafe.Mel Tiefenbach (Regina, 2021-10-02)
This fanatical movement to vaccinate every single human being on earth is transforming into a dangerous cult.All of this is wrong and poison.
Emie Lamoureux (Montreal, 2021-10-03)
Check The Expose' title "Department of Defence AI programme finds Antibody-DependentEnhancement is accelerating in the Fully Vaccinated BY DAILY EXPOSE ON OCTOBER 2, 2021.
Kathleen Hill (Sydenham, 2021-10-03)
Stop the tyrannical vaccine passport and charge and jail the enemies of humanity behind it and the dangerous injections.Corey Haller (Kamloops, 2021-10-03)
Will end our Freedoms. Has nothing to do about health.Brian Martin (Fort Macleod, 2021-10-04)
I value health, liberty, andJennifer Bobson (Toronto, 2021-10-04)
I don't like to see the division and animosity within our country and communities caused by this heavy handed punitive action against the feelings and beliefs of some of our neighbourshoward croswell (kamloops, 2021-10-05)
The tyranny has to stop. Vaccines are maiming and killing people- no vaccine passports are needed as there are effective protocols that would prevent and heal Covid if they were allowed to be used. Those complicit in crimes against humanity all need to be arrested.Coreen Lecocq (Richmond Hill, 2021-10-05)
The vaccine itself is causing the deaths and harmful side effects.Stan Macklin (Winnipeg, 2021-10-05)
Vaccine passports are immoral and illegal and must be stopped immediately in a just and free society.Anna White (Sudbury, 2021-10-05)
These vaccine passports are only about collecting data, tracking and control of individuals. They will eventually be used for purposes similar to the Chinese Social Credit system where citizens have no privacy and freedoms are curtailed.Diane Geurkink (Union, 2021-10-06)
Covid passports are illegal according to the Canadian bill of rightsJoe Kozak (Edmonton, 2021-10-06)
The government control must STOP NOW!Mark Lee (Kingsville, 2021-10-06)
It is against are human rights.Melanie Turenne (Sudbury, 2021-10-08)
This diabolical vaccine is criminal, vax passports are criminal. All those responsible should be hung in publicDean Kupchanko (Invermere, 2021-10-08)
I’m signing this because making vaccine mandates like this is just a slimy way to say your not forcing it on the public. Carrot and the stick is a simple minded child idea to manipulate animals. New normal= new world order. The ones that started this system killed my ancestors to do it. My family fell for the blankets before we won’t do it againWill Reed (Nelson, 2021-10-08)
Stop Vaccine Passports it is against our human rights!Miisty Rose (Auckland, 2021-10-09)
My children are losing their rights and freedoms to school and sport.Vesna Bosnar (Toronto, 2021-10-10)
The Passports are an obscene abuse of individual Rights and Freedoms and are based on lies that the vaccines work to stop transmission, when they do not!! The vaccines do not work, they are failing and vaccinated people have less and les protection..The vaccines are harmful and are causing terrible health injuries and death to more and more people....They must be stopped and so must the Passports!!!susan torrance (victoria, 2021-10-10)
The so called vaccine is failure and does not work, look at Israel preparing for their fourth shot in less than 18 months, doubling down on a loser experiment. Do not follow this disaster!Ernest Moniz (sorrento, 2021-10-10)
This is not the type of country I want to live in.Steve Canesso (Keene, 2021-10-11)
These mandates are not only illegal/unconstitutional but are also unethical & discriminatory. The truth will come out. Crimes against humanity!!lois hyatt (St. Albert, 2021-10-11)
People should have a choice to take or not take it without having to disclose their personal choices with a vaccine passport.Bonnie Canesso (Keene, 2021-10-12)
We must stand together and put a stop to this Tyranny !!!Leon Trollope (Gold Coast, 2021-10-12)
I know that the proposed passport is discrimination and contrary to humanitarian concernsPeter Watson (Hamilton, 2021-10-12)
Im signing because I disagree with vacccination against our wills.Suliana Moala (Auckland, 2021-10-12)
The mask and vaccine mandate is in opposition of every Canadian’s Charter of Rights. Please just stop.Charissa Redlich (Biggar, 2021-10-12)
This is a violation of our freedom and creating division amoungst us all.Joanne Fisher (Saskatoon, 2021-10-13)
Basic human rights and others are being violated on many levels.Dave Shearer (Keremeos, 2021-10-13)
I have rights as a human and choice about what happens to my body is mine.. which is why I dont smoke or drink or do drugs. Instead I choose herbs and self understanding of my personality.Angele Ortega (Kaslo, 2021-10-14)
You can still contract and infect other people with the virus even if you are vaccinated, so the passport is redundant.Larry Sitar (Mission, 2021-10-14)
The elites have declared war on the people of the world.Paul Buckley (Vancouver, 2021-10-14)
It's descrimateBob Arseneault (Waterloo, 2021-10-15)
This is absolute discrimination and there is no reason for a poisonous vaccine for a virus recovery rate of 99.7%. This is dictatorship. One should have freedom of choice over one's body.Shera Rael (New Westminster, 2021-10-15)
Discrimination has no place in our societyWhat our government is doing is unconstitutional and inhuman it must stop immediately
Chantal R (Oakville, 2021-10-16)
My body my choiceand Freedom for all
Yvonne Amundsen (ROSSLAND, 2021-10-17)
I am signing this petition because it is wrong and against my freedom of right and constitution to be victimized for my legal and personal beliefs. I am also speaking up for those like me who have been harmed from previous vaccination as a youth, and deemed medically exempt from future vaccinations. There should be no discrimination on any one for their beliefs or rights.Melina Savorelli (Prince Rupert, 2021-10-19)
Its against the law...Discrimination !DALE Sherstobitoff (Kamloops, 2021-10-19)
I am completely against any policy that either by folly or design will segregate Canadians into two distinct groups. I firmly believe that our "trusted" leaders and their "unelected" health authorities are so consumed by their recently acquired authoritarian powers, that they have completely separated themselves from their sensibilities, not to mention a complete divorce in their cognitive faculties from any vestiges of ethics and morality. I hope they finally get the message that a policy of segregation will achieve no benefit, and only make matters all the worse. Give your heads a good shake and realize the great harm you are inflicting on our society.Brock MacLachlan (Burnaby, 2021-10-20)
I am Canadian and I am FREE!!!Lisa Gorham (Estey's Bridge, 2021-10-20)
This is a violation of our rights and freedomDanielle Dowdall (Mcdonalds corners, 2021-10-21)
I think a vaxx passport is about government control and goes against our rights as CanadiansJen Fontaine (Trail, 2021-10-23)
This is an over reach of government and abolishes freedom over bodily autonomyKim Martin (Abbotsford, 2021-10-24)
The passports are discriminatory and coercive. I'm signing because there was been no prior ethical provision for informed consent, no data provided on adverse events, no treatment with re-purposed therapies. No liability. No freedom of choice allowed in therapies such as phytonutrients or supplements recognized by other major countries as preventative and effective either presently, and for prior centuries. Health Canada and the media censorship, have grossly misinformed the public by mandating only the mRNA technology with the experimental use on everyone as a "one size fits all" disregarding allergic conditions and age susceptibilities , such as myocarditis or thrombosis which are only two of the most serious reported incidents.Rod LeBlanc (White Rock, 2021-10-25)
I'm against tyrannyTerry Curtis (East Claydon, 2021-10-25)
I am signing because I am against vaccine passport. This is against the Canadian constitutional law and it's a discrimination!Timothy Wong (Burnaby, 2021-10-25)
I'm signing because forced vaccine passports are discriminatory towards people who have medical conditions that prevent immunization as an option and known adverse effects from the vaccine. It also goes against our CHARTER OF RIGHTS & FREEDOM PRIVACY LAWS, AND BYLAWS. Govts and these organizations are behaving like modern bullies, causing tyranny and division amongst families. Vaccine passports also don't protect people risk. None of these organizations are being held accountable should something adverse happen, forcing people to be stuck with the bill, the illness, and the loss of life. THIS IS SERIOUS. PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP NOW!!Sami Micelli (Nanaimo, 2021-10-25)
Vaccinating children that are considered as buffers for the covid-19 virus is ridiculousMarie R. Vermette (rural Manitoba, 2021-10-25)
These measures are a form of genocide and will only add more harm.Focus on the money and people behind this repression. Also, resign from your membership in any group that supports vaccine passports or restrictions. The truth will out and where will you be??
Patricia Gibson (Vancouver, 2021-10-25)
Without Constitutional and Charter Rights then we don't have a free society.Matt Garofolo (Toronto, 2021-10-25)
Discrimination for any reason is wrong!Lesley Harrison (Fruitvale, 2021-10-25)
I'm signing because this is tyranny when one loses autonomy over their body and has to advertise their vaccinated or not status is a HIPPA violation. When being forced to inject into your body a substance that is a biological gene altering agent that has not cleared safety trials it is a crime against humanity. Nuremberg Trials coming again.Mary Thompson (KRONENWETTER, 2021-10-26)
If I do not sign can I look in a mirror and feel good about myself.wolfgang Teiner (Winlaw, 2021-10-26)
this is a complete takeover of our rights under the constitution. They are using a healthcare plandemic to turn our god given rights into privileges. I am 100% against this tyranny.gord pittman (ottawa, 2021-10-26)
Unconscionable government and media have stoked fear among Canadians which has destroyed lives and businesses these mandates must stop now.Cindy Anderson (Comox, 2021-10-26)
These mandates and attacks on civil liberties need to stop. Canada is no longer a free country.Sheila Franjkovic (Burnaby, 2021-10-26)
I'm signing because vaccine passports are illegal.Ronald Clements (Calgary, 2021-10-26)
Needs to be stopped. This has gone too far.Ciarán Mc Donagh (Innisfil, 2021-10-27)