

The Belarusian people deserve freedom

Yana Voloshina (Belgorod, 2020-09-04)


I am singing becouse torturing defenseless people is inhuman

Маргарита Сыромятникова (Novosibirsk, 2020-09-04)


Crime against humanity should be restricted, prosecuted and banned.

Tania Naiden (London, United Kingdom, 2020-09-04)


I am signing because I am tired of living in a dictatorship , because in our country human rights are not protected, as well as the life of a person.

Анастасия Блинкова (Minsk, 2020-09-04)


Because its our duty. Our country.

Egor Panteleyenko (Svetlogorsk, 2020-09-04)


human rights and social justice should be at the heart of every country and government

Elka Simpson (Edinburgh, 2020-09-04)


I am not agree with political citations!!!!!

Ihar Budrevich (Grodno, 2020-09-04)


I’m signing because I against the translation of criminal activity by president. I believe the influencer should deliver a peaceful message to the audience.

Анна Жаркенова (Петропавловск, 2020-09-04)


I want to support the freedom and justice in Belarus as Belorussian citizen living abroad. I can't stay indifferent to this terrible situation,cruel répressions, humiliation of Belorussian nation,absolute absence of democracy and injustice which Mr.Lukashenko imposes in Belarus now. I consider his actions as a crime against humanity and genocide of Belarussian nation.

Alena Bezgubenka (Esch-sur-Alzette, 2020-09-04)


Я подписываю потому, что мои знакомые пострадали от насилия силовиков после 9 августа. У нас не действуют законы. Прав совсем нет. Это крик о помощи. ПОМОГИТЕ, пожалуйста!!!

Валентина Савонь (Гродненская область Лидский район деревня Дроздово, 2020-09-04)


On my voting station I have seen a lot of people with white braslets. The voting protocol was not released. There is evidence from observers that hunderds of bullots were added during preliminary voting. The protocol was not published, commision was evacuated with the help of OMON because they were ashamed to leave the building normally.
I have personally seen the violence on the streets, including near my house, and two of my friends suffered from beatings in prison.

Eugene Lobach (Minsk, 2020-09-04)


My friends were tortured

Olga Levchuk (Minsk, 2020-09-04)


It's a unnormal situation,cuz we all want a freedom of speech, but government does not want in, and we must take hard

Irs Buhai (Cherkassy, 2020-09-04)


Me as citizen of the Republic of Belarus would like to draw the attention of the International Criminal Court to the multiple crimes against humanity, recently committed by self-proclaimed “president” of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, his state officials, and the members of his law enforcement bodies.

Egor Turbal (Minsk, 2020-09-04)


I love freedom Belarus

Олег Янцевич (Minsk, 2020-09-04)


Belarus' laws have stopped working. I am afraid for my children.

Maxim Yaromich (Minsk, 2020-09-04)


I was born and raised in Belarus and I want Freedom for my family and every person in Belarus. Because freedom is what every person is given naturally and in our country it’s taken away.

Anurafa Aliakseyeva (Warsaw, 2020-09-04)


Because the leader of his country must defend his people, not rape.

Daria Nadenenko (Saint-Petersburg, 2020-09-04)


I’m signing this because I want to support the justice and Belarus

Anna Roienko (Kyiv, 2020-09-04)


Хочу чтобы за преступление несли ответственность виновные,чтобы остановить терапию и безнаказанность.

Дмитрий Хотылев (Речица, 2020-09-04)


Так должно быть: преступника необходимо судить!

Юрий Мазуркевич (Минск, 2020-09-04)


Alexander Lukashenko is not a legitimately elected president, he forcibly retains power and grossly violates human rights by resorting to violence and murder. There is no freedom of speech in Belarus, there is no freedom of the media. Anyone who expresses the opposite opinion from the opinion of the authorities is persecuted.

Vasily Bogoff (Kraków, 2020-09-04)


I have zero-tolerance to such violance and want to support the people of Belarus in their struggle for freedom and democracy

Andrii Ivanov (Kropyvnytskyy, 2020-09-04)


I live freedom.

Beata Muszler (Warsaw, 2020-09-04)


I'm a Belarusian and I stand for my people, who suffering day by day.

Andrei Sivakou (Hollywood, 2020-09-04)


Я против насилия

Юля Борисик (Минск, 2020-09-04)


I don’t agree with the results of the elections

Viktoria Smirnova (Minsk, 2020-09-04)


I’m signing because fascism should not exist. No one has the right to hold power illegally and at the expense of the lives of the people. Whatever the president's connections are, they should not be in power against the people. Stop genocide!

Natallia Tsishkevich (Dubai, 2020-09-04)


I'm singing because in my country there is arbitrariness by the hands of law enforcement agencies,the police beat and morally rape people,carry out mass arrests people without presenting documents and without a police uniform,not one criminal case has been opened on the fact brutal beating of people!

Alissa Vilkovskaia (Minsk, 2020-09-04)


Im signing because it’s not my president

Nastya Pysina (Minsk, 2020-09-04)

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