Stop child predator from teaching children
This isn’t right. We cannot continue to live in a world where people engage in these behaviors and no one speaks out against it.Rafael Figueroa (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
My children attend KTEC and I was horrified to read what this teacher has done and what his wife has defended. This teacher should be fired and prosecuted immediatelyKevin Mathewson (Keenosha, 2024-04-19)
Kara pfarrkara pfarr (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I’m signing this because there is no reason a monster like this should be allowed anywhere near children let alone teaching them in what is supposed to be a safe and secure environment. Allowing him to keep his job is just allowing him access to more girls to victimize.Corey Lenegar (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
Society has become soft with their definition of rights. Perverts like this should have no rights. Justice needs to be served!Steve Robe (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
He was my daughter's teacher and this is scary. He needs to be fired and so does his wife.Christen Ruple (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I’m signing because no adult should get away with grooming a minor or having an inappropriate relationship with a minor. All the people in KTEC and KUSD should be fired and barred from any teaching positions.David Hirschberg (Round Lake Beach, 2024-04-19)
I am from Tremper Class of 2011. Enwright was a fellow student of mine and same age and friend group as my younger sister. I am BEYOND disgusted of the final choices of all adults in relation to this case, not to mention the dangerously neglectful ways in which this case was handled before the final decision to keep this predator in the halls. Teachers are meant to guide and protect vulnerable children, not masturbate to their pictures and play sick mind games with them. The KUSD I knew would never have allowed this crime to go unpunished. I can only foolishly hope that the KUSD leaders will remember their duty and basic sense of morality and do what is right.Ann Ly (Waltham, 2024-04-19)
i’m signing because i’m sick of how KUSD sweeps everything under the rug & hides the truth from the public. i’ve never been more embarrassed living in this town. this situation is disgusting & it makes you wonder how many other underage victims there are. not only should he be charged & registered as a sex offender but his wife should also be fired for her inappropriate comments, gaslighting, & accusations against this poor girl!!!angelica tenuta (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This man is a danger to underage girls and that’s a proven fact after the release of the beyond inappropriate messages sent to a 14 year old student. Shame on this man and shame on KUSD for not firing him alreadyJason Quist (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
My kids go to that school and this could get worse if nothing happens nowNicholas Molinaro (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
My daughter attends this school and I am absolutely in no way shape or form ok with her being taught by a predator.It's absolutely disturbing that police were not contacted all involved should be fired and never be allowed near students again.
Shame on you ktec shame on you kusd!!!
Your failing to protect our kids your choosing to protect a predator over your students!!!
Jessica Phillips (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This is bullshit!!!! What’s going to happen next??! A kid getting molested??? KUSD I’m so ashamed of you and SCARED to send my kids to school now!! They can’t even be safe there from teachers is pathetic !!!!Kira Hale (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This dude should be rotting in jailJohn Ciotti (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I'm signing because no way should this man be allowed to work there still or even be walking around freely. What about protecting the kids... the DA needs to be fired, KUSD members involved need to be fired and thrown in jail. It just goes to show that they do not care about the kids. Coming from someone who was sexually abused as a child and was let down by the state... you failed this child .Elizabeth Thomka (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I am singing here because I do not want him teaching at my daughter’s school or any other school.Ivory Greenwood (Kenosh, 2024-04-19)
I’m signing this because with so many children having to “keep secrets” and when the truth comes to light it’s dismissed and completely mishandled by the people who are supposed to serve justice. This is not ok. With so many stories being brought to surface, you would think the people on this case would be more concerned and do their due diligence properly. Take accountability of your faults and at the minimum, make sure this man can’t teach again. Put on the sex offender list, something!Ashley Montejo (Chicago, 2024-04-19)
I'm signing this because as a parent this is both disgusting and disturbing that this behavior would be acceptable for a teacher, that is what is being said when they choose to keep a man who would cross lines and groom a child, the people who I trust with my children 1/2 of their day would allow someone to continue working not only where the victim attends but other children including my own to be their potential next victim. This behavior should not be tolerated they should be fired,lose their license to teach, and prosecuted! And for them to keep this so secretive??? What is wrong with this school and kusd? I breaks my heartYessenia Rivera (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I’m signing because this is absolutely unacceptable behavior for any adult to engage in with a minor. He was 100 percent grooming this little girl & something needs to be done to protect the children.Gabrielle Vasquez (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
As a father I am appalled.Michael Vandaleon (Seattle, 2024-04-19)
We MUST protect our children!!! Do BETTER KUSD.Valerie Dangerfield (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This man is a predator and threat to children. All his students need to be questioned to make sure there aren't more victims. HE NEEDS TO BE LOCKED UP!Haydn Washington (The Colony, 2024-04-19)
This is sick. These are our children’s futures we are talking aboutSteven Etzelmueller (Pleasant Prairie, 2024-04-19)
This man is a predator and a groomer and he should not be near children much less teaching them. His wife should not be teaching children either, as she seems to be in denial.Tamara Weber (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
Child predators should not be teaching in KUSDMichelle Smith (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
The fact that He still has his job, and no action has been taken to bring charges against this pervert Is astounding! Unfortunately, grooming and sexual abuse is not taken seriously in this country. It's just a matter of time before he ends up raping a child. He is clearly a threat to minors and has no business teaching much less ever being around minors again!Andrea Rinaldo (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
Enwright is a threat to our children’s safety and cannot be trusted. He is a predator!Samantha Mercado (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This is ridiculous he should have been firedimmediately! He should be in jail!
Stephanie Christensen (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
Enwright's behavior is disgusting and unacceptable. KUSD is responsible for the safety and wellbeing of our children while they attend school and they are failing. This person doesn't belong around children and KUSD needs to fire him immediately!Carmen Luna (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
Allowing this predator to walk free is absolutely not an option. Shame on the school and KUSD for protecting him and shame on anyone protecting him. No child should ever have to endure this. Lock his sick ass up.Yusef Zeidan (Los Angeles, 2024-04-19)
I am signing because this is absolutely inappropriate and disgusting. If this teacher had not been caught, he would have without a doubt taken things further with this student. Mr. Enright was absolutely grooming this poor child; and the fact that a petition has to be made and signed to get this teacher taken out of a school to protect other children from his grooming, pedophilia like behavior is absolutely ridiculous and disheartening. What a failure on KUSD and Ktech!Ciena Velez (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
He should not be working with any children.Chelsea Hoag (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
My children attend this school!!!Mark Scales (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
Predators should be in jail. And this man should be there paying for all the damage he has done.Julia Eiroa (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I have known Christian Enwright since he was in Tremper High School & he has been taking part in inappropriate / grooming actions for YEARS. He has affected my own family directly. No one truly knows the amount of girls, of all ages, he has victimized and his punishment needs to be reassessed. It is sickening that there has not been an appropriate punishment placed thus far. Justice for all who have fallen victim to this inhumane being, I truly hope there is a mental facility that is able to fix what is so incredibly wrong neurologically within this man and his wife. Please do not let this go on any further.N D (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I am a specialist; a trauma therapist in Kenosha. The teacher should be charged. The school district can do better than this. Holly is a child victim.Leah Schaut LCSW
Leah Schaut (KENOSHA, 2024-04-19)
I have children and no mother should stand for pedophila behavior especially in education. Shame on this man and KTEC for standing behind him.Tera Vizenor (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
Because the local Kenosha police department and KUSD don’t care about our youth’s safetyRonnie Brown (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
I have a daughter that will be starting school soon and she will not be enrolled in a school through KUSD unless this man gets removedRomeo Villalobos (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
This man is perverted and should not be around children. I used to go to Ktec and I interacted with him and his wife often. It scares me to think me or any of my peers could have been a victim, and I don't want any current students at ktec to become a victim now.Carolena Roemke (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
He’s a disgusting person and so is the kids staffJaslene Galloway (Kenosha, WI, 2024-04-19)
He is a predator. He got caught this time before it was to late. If we do not act aggressive and swiftly he will attempt this again.A grown man should not be pursuing and communicating with a child in the manor he was. It's despicable. He should never be allowed to teach or work with children again.
NEVER. Mistakes happen. Second chances are deserved.
This is not a mistake. This was a well planned and his intentions were obvious.
He needs to be prevented from doing this ever again.
This is why I'm signing this petition.
Jacob Rapinchuk (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)
We should not allow predators in our schools.Dominique Schippers (Kenosha, 2024-04-19)