Youtube @christianjohnholding for the video of the decade in fraud, the criminal and the shameless. I have now done my part it is over to you.

I am looking to gain support in signatures for the fight against the criminal, shameless and fraudulent actions taken against myself in the last 5yr. Looking to shame Whitbread, first direct, authority, the criminal and fraudulent and the relevent parts of society itself and all involved.

Please check out youtube channel @christianjohnholding for full details. A video that is long, the delivery far from perfect but the content the only real objective. 

The content of the vido you will not believe.

Every statement fact.

This is not about anyones politics and will not allow it to be hijacked by any, it is simply what is right and what is, totally, absolutely, and undisputably, wrong. 

All i am asking for is making this as public as possible and for all parties to feel the impact of that. 

I have now done my part, now it is over the you.

I thank you,

Christian john.



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