Shut down the Pioneer Club for good

Thank you for looking in to my petition! As you can tell from the name of this petition, I am seeking to have the Pioneer Club(a bar) shut down for good. I have been a resident in the apartment building across the street, with my apartment looking right at the bar, for almost 4 years and have had nothing but noise and trouble come from there. Today, August 27th in the middle of the day, a line was crossed. I heard my significant other yelling at my kids (ages 4 &7) "GET ON THE GROUND" and soon to me as I entered the room. It then hit me that there were multiple shots being fired just across the street. Once the shots were over we called 911 and watched as emergency responders arrived. This apartment that I reside at houses mothers and children, a child development center full of children was right across the street just behind glass windows.

This is not the first time extreme violence has happened here but I am making this petition to ensure that it is the last time.

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