Seneca-Cayuga Vote of No Confidence
We, the undersigned members of the Seneca-Cayuga tribe, have composed this letter to express our dissatisfaction with the current Chief and the Business Committee as listed bleow. This letter is an expression of our “Vote of No Confidence” in the Chief and his ability to run our tribe. We understand the severity of this decision and did not arrive at it hastily.
The Seneca-Cayuga Tribe has always been a tribe for the people. One where decisions were made on a collaborative basis with the best interest of our members in mind. The Seneca-Cayuga Tribe has always been a tribe that experienced great vision from our leaders, and respect was given to our traditions and The Ways.
Throughout the past few years we have had concerns regarding the Chief's leadership specifically regarding trust, collaboration, decision making, vision, his lack of respect for the elders, and communication. We also believe that Chief Fisher and the Business Committee have failed to abide by our Constitution as it was written, and that they have altered it to suit their needs without our consent or input. We have been increasingly concerned as the ordinances this Chief and Business committee have put in place strip our members of their rights, and even of their ancestral heritage.
This is unconstitutional and treasonous.
Every child and elder is the responsibility of all members of our tribe, no mater their blood quantum or place of residence.
He has not created an inclusive environment, but instead has created a toxic environment where we are being stripped of our rights and voices. Without the recognition of mistakes or the willingness to listen to tribal members and include the General Council, there is no hope for repairing the damage done and thus no way forward.
We feel he and the business committee have a lack of attention to, preparation for, or appropriate prioritizing of, the financial, business, and ethical requirements and interests of our entire tribe. Wee feel that they also have a failure to recognize and respect the expertise of the elders in the tribe and thus our traditions.
We, the General Council of the Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma, do believe in our hearts that the current administration has inconsistency in application of rules and an ongoing lack of respect toward the tribe as a whole. A tribe cannot be run successfully with a one-way avenue of communication. Even when input is sought, there is a failure to follow through or a total disregard for the ideas of many. When communication occurs, it is too often delayed, incomplete, or simply incorrect. There's just an overall feeling that we are losing ground all the time. We need a different, more solid leadership. The moral is just too low and feel it is time for a change.
For these reasons stated, we are voting “No Confidence” in the following individuals:
Business Committee
Chief - Bill Fisher
Second Chief - Jerry Crow
Secretary-Treasurer - Sarah Sue Channing
1st Council Person - Sallie White
2nd Council Person - Lisa Spano
3rd Council Person - Calvin Cassady
4th Council Person - Geneva Fletcher
Grievance Committee
Chair - Raymond L. Rogers
Member - Jay C. Whitecrow, Jr
Member - Zeb Burt
Member - Carmelita Ward
Member - Gary Crow
We vote to remove all from office effective immediately. Further, we move to hold our election at the General Council meeting this June 4, 2016 in person for those who are able to make it, and by mail for those who aren't able to attend.
Joy Running Doe Lazzara Contact the author of the petition
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