SEIU 1199NW Dues Revote

Screenshot_2024-06-01_205158.pngPetition to Hold a SEIU1199NW

“Bright Future” Re-vote
Recently SEIU1199NW held a bylaw and union due structure
change which included removing a dues cap. We believe SEIU1199nw
engaged in voter suppression tactics to force through a “yes vote”
1. Failure to inform membership of nature of vote. SEIU1199NW sent
out vague mailers regarding a “Bright Future” vote but withheld informing
membership the vote involved due changes. Further information regarding
voting times was only via delegates and bulletins which not every unit has
equitable (or any) access to.
2. Limited voting sessions and timeframe. Voting for 33k members was
held from Feb 13-March 5th. There were approximately 39 voting sessions
held. Sessions would have needed to accommodate at least 846 people for
every member to have a chance to vote. Some members did not receive
their ballot after attending a virtual vote. Only 20% of our membership was
able to vote with 11% of the membership deciding on dues and bylaw
3. Targeting specific voter classes while neglecting specific voter
classes and engaging in divisive language. Organizers failed to
equitably reach out to all members of our union, instead focusing on lower
wage workers whose dues would not be as heavily affected as higher wage
workers. Higher wage workers were accused of not paying their fair and
receiving a discount on union dues.
4. Threatening inability to strike and support future negotiations
if members did not vote “yes.” Organizers reportedly threatened an
inability to strike, less support in future negotiations, and loss of benefits if
members did not vote yes.

5. Failure to clearly provide information on proposed due changes by

wage. Members had to calculate proposed due changes themselves and
were only provided with a formula. This means that members did not have
a full and clear picture of how high dollar amount monthly dues would
increase for some workers.
The only remedy to these actions which resulted in voter suppression
of its own membership is for SEIU1199NW to hold a re-vote.
As a member led union, we, the members request a re-vote for “Bright
Future” bylaw and due structure changes.

Jennifer Larson, Connie Ordonia and Heather Stratz    Contact the author of the petition