Say No to the proposed Marmot St Off-Leash Dog Park
Banff did not have a dog park from the time of its establishment in 1887 until 2013, when a dog park surfaced on Hawk Avenue. A second dog park has since appeared at the Rec Grounds. They are far enough from residential areas that their noise does not violate the Community Standards Bylaw, which provides that “no person shall make, continue, or cause to be made… any loud, unnecessary or unusual noise which either annoys, disturbs… or detracts from the comfort… of other persons.” For decades bylaw officers have enforced this comprehensive prohibition as applying to barking dogs.
Because the Hawk Avenue site is deemed unsafe for summer use and would cost a lot of money to rehabilitate, the Town would like to convert the heart of the Marmot Crescent parklands into a dog park. This small woodland criss-crossed by trails is adjacent to high-density neighbourhoods. A branch of Whisky Creek used to run through it. Parks Canada has apparently abandoned these woods to the dogs, despite the frequently seen wildlife. This area is a multi-use space that dog owners can use alongside others, children learn to and enjoy riding their bikes in this area. Many families take afternoon walks with their children and can be seen talking with and educating their little ones on wildlife importance and safety. A multi-use space filled with peace and enjoyment for all.
There have not been studies done to support this need, and with two dog parks with just over 400 registered dogs in Banff, the money put out to take away this heavily loved and used space to accommodate a small amount of dogs doesn't really add up. Many dog owners who currently use this space enjoy it because it is a safe space for them to walk their dogs ON leash, knowing their dogs are not users of off-leash areas. The intention is to support dog owners with a space in summer if/when the rec grounds off-leash park is undergoing regular maintenance. In summer, when dog owners can and do take their dogs hiking or on vacations and out in trails (like this beautiful space). When the rec grounds park closed for renovations were families given the luxury of a temporary park area to use in the meantime?
Town Council has the power — the power of the dog — to amend bylaws and spot-zone their pet dog park into existence. (This is the power to grant benefits to a select group to the detriment of the general population.) But will Council renege on its own “Strategic Priorities,” one of which claims that they will focus on enhancing quality of life for those who call Banff home? This dog park will take quality of life down another big notch.
Not to mention issues of parking, traffic, and congestion along a road with no curbs or sidewalks and where local residents can be found pushing their baby buggies in the middle of a snow-packed lane next to a long line of parked vehicles.
If you can appreciate why many in the Marmot Crescent/Spruce St/Whiskey Creek neighbourhood oppose the new dog park, please take a minute to fill In this petition. You can also support further by responding to the on-line survey — — before February 23 .
*The first question is slyly ambiguous: “Do you support the addition of a second year-round off-leash dog park in Banff?” If you answer “Yes,” it’s implied you support the Marmot Crescent dog park. Just say “No.”
Please help save one of the last remaining multi-use green spaces where Banff's locals and animals currently grow and thrive together.
Spruce St Resident Contact the author of the petition