Save the building of Raduntsi Hospital

After several attempts to notify the Ministry of Health, in its capacity as principal, of its obligations to protect its property (by law) of the hospital in Raduntsi (by unwritten law - hospital for the treatment of people), it was decided another attempt in which we can all express our position by creating and / or signing this petition with the following demands:

  1. Preservation of the hospital building with the possibility to restore the medical activity or with the possibility to change its status and transform it (or part of it) into a home for the elderly or for another type of humanitarian care.
  2. To provide security for the hospital until its transformation or change of its owner.
  3. Collect and store all documents currently available in the hospital building related to former hospital staff.
  4. Collect and store all medical records related to patients for whom the law requires it.
  5. In case of impossibility of transformation, to export and provide to other medical establishments the available medical equipment.
  6. In case of impossibility of transformation, to announce for sale all movable assets of the hospital, which are subject to looting.
  7. Collect and dispose of all medicines, disinfectants and other preparations properly.

Every vote matters, because together we can keep a strategic object for our country - for us and for the people after us. The history remembers and tells us what has happened in the last 32 years, let us not allow another place made with hard work and dedication to be destroyed.

The subscription will be officially handed over to the Ministry of Health, the Council of Ministers and the Presidency of the Republic of Bulgaria.

More additional information can be found at the following addresses:

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