Save Texas Drive Park!

The Texas Township board has proposed a plan to take approximatly 20-25% of the land from Texas Drive Park to build a new Township Hall

The petition is written to opose the building of the new Texas Township Hall within the existing boundries of Texas Drive Park. 

If you oppose this plan, please sign this petition and call or write to the members of the township board. 

This plan will build a new 10,000 square foot Township Hall and expand the parking lot for the Town Hall visitors at a cost of 3 to 3.5 million dollars. The parking lot would be expanded to add 26 more parking spaces to the exisitng parking spaces currently available at the park. 

This building and parking lot would be built in the space where the baseball field is currently located and the surrounding area (see link below for drawing). 

  • If you would also like to see the park stay as a green space for recreation without an office building within the park and parking lot expansion, please sign this petition to let our township board know that the residants of our community oppose this plan. 

On March 18th, 2021 a meeting was held to discuss this proposal after residants noticed construction crews staking out land and reached out to the elected members of the township hall to understand what was happening to the baseball field. In response a virtual townhall meeting was held over zoom. 80 resiandts attended, and dozens of people voiced their displeasure at this proposed location for the township hall. However the words of those citizens was not enough to sway even a single member of the board away from supporting this plan. 

The board said plainly that the opinions of 80 people were not enough to change their minds in a community of 17,000 people. Please help us to show the board that there are far more than 80 people who oppose putting an office building in Texas Drive Park. 

In 2017 the board (at the time) began looking into renovations or replacemnt of the existing town hall, and money has been put aside for several years to fund this project, however prior to the March 18th meeting, public discussion on this plan did not include any mention of moving the Township hall to Texas Drive Park, most discussion centered around a new or removated structure at the current townhall location. 

Link to drawing of proposed structure. ( )  

Link to Texas Township FAQ on this project ( )

Friends of Texas Drive Park    Contact the author of the petition

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