Save South Chingford Community Library

This petition is to Save South Chingford Community Library (SCCL) 265 Chingford Mount Road, London, E4 8LP from closure. Waltham Forest closed the Council Run South Chingford Library in 2011, and after campaigning to the council from the local community and councillors,  South Chingford Community Library was formed in 2012. SCCL is an independent organisation and charity,  managed and run by local unpaid volunteers. 

In the last 12 years the South Chingford Community Library has grown in strength.  We are Not just a library, but a community hub, that runs craft and knitting groups, rhyme time, accommodates steps into work once a week, citizens advice once a fortnight, Poetry Reading Group, English Conservation, and help on council services and also work experience. We are also a hub for the Community Police Surgeries.  There is computer, photocopying and printing access. We are a warm or cool place for the community.  It has also enhanced the lives of many of the volunteers and the surrounding community, over the last 12 years and wishes to continue its good work within the community. We have also been a hub for charity events, and support Marie Currie, Macmillan and the Poppy Appeal. 

The building is privatley owned, but the coucnil have paid the rent for the last 12 years, all except the last 2 quarters, which they haven't paid the landlord. 

Waltham Forest Council are not engaging with the landlord about the rent or a further lease for the building to be used by SCCL (South Chingford Community Library), so we are facing clousre.  The private landlord, is happy for SCCL to stay and he supports what we doing in the community. But it is the lack of communication from the council and continued lateness in rent payments, that isn't helping. London Borough Waltham Forest Council have a Priorty Fund of £350k that they can spend how they wish. It only costs about £80K to run the SCCL each year.  

I've updated the petetion after Thursday 29th February Budget Council Meeting, where the proposal by the Conservative Councillors was to use £80k of the £350k Priorty Fund, that Cllr Grace Williams has the decision of where it is spent. This was rejected by the Labour Administration,  including the local labour ward councillor. Although the Labour Administration approved the increase of 6% to councillors pay.

This petition is not about taking sides to any political party, but saving a valued community asset in South Chingford.

Also attached is the council link to the meeting.



We need your help to, so we need to hand as many signatures to LBWF council as possible to show how much it is needed and a valued asset for the community.  There is a paper petition inside the library, and also one run by the local Conservatives. 



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