**Save Iron Horse Mud Ranch**

** A message from the owner Todd Larson. We need as many signatures as possible to present to Taylor County to let them know people from all over the Country visit and support their town while attending these events we all love! Don't let this man ruin this for us or others will follow!!


** Note we are not trying to do anything but relieve Mr.Henry from having to sign a waiver as a surrounding property owner as we are not on his property or affect his business. Or ask Mr.Henry to reason. His demands are unreasonable.


It is with a heavy heart, that I am here to announce, there were Will no longer be mud Bogs at Iron Horse Mud Ranch!!
Following an attempt at extortion by J Henry Lee.
Each year Iron Horse is hit with demands by adjoining property owners. Whether it is getting them legal easement onto Iron Horse property, driveways installed on their property, culverts installed for their benefit, special privileges at the park, or wanting Iron Horse to buy their property at ridiculous prices , Otherwise they will not sign the required adjoining property waivers required by Taylor County to put on a mud bogging event!! The Waivers are only required for mud Bogs.
Last year, and “now” this year, J Henry Lee, and his family which owns the property running parallel with the main entrance road coming into the park to the North, the property with the building near the highway and miscellaneous clutter, Refuses to sign the waiver because he has a list of demands like :

1 No one can idle/or park on the entrance road coming into the park
2 he wants the Iron Horse gate to remain open at all times of the year, Or gone completely
3 Requires his unfettered access to the road at all times !!
The list goes on and on !!
Each year the list of demands made by adjoining property owners becomes larger and larger and more ridiculous!
Taylor county yesterday granted us a permit as long as we meet all of the demands of the adjoining property owners. Being that we cannot and will not enable J Henry Lee to continuously extort Iron Horse for his own personal gain , we will be closing our gates for good, Unless The Taylor county commissioners eliminate the adjoining property owners waiver from the permitting process !!
We here at Iron Horse Mud Ranch loved what we were doing, and what we have done at the park!!
We have met some absolutely great people on this journey !!!!
But we have fought this problem every year by multiple adjoining property owners since we bought the ranch !!
We feel that we have made a positive impact on the sport ,and the community ,and our family has absolutely loved being a part of your families over the years !!
We are not giving up mud bogging, we love our sport !! We just know there are a lot of people out there that have made special plans to come to Perry, Florida for our March event, and I needed to give everyone as much advance notice as I possibly could about what is happening ! But unless there’s some miracle, that the county commissioners eliminate the waivers, we will be closing the gates.

Dustin Leighton/ Todd Larson Iron Horse Mud Ranch    Contact the author of the petition

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