Road Safety for Kaitoke Community

The community of Kaitoke have for years been voicing concerns about the safety of our residents, school children and families in regards to the current speed limit and layout of State Highway 3 in Kaitoke.

Our concerns have been largely ignored by NZTA.

The past 5 years has seen a marked increase in the volume of traffic travelling daily through Kaitoke, especially heavy vehicles/trucks. The speed of the traffic, along with the narrowness and visibility issues, make this stretch of Highway very dangerous for vehicles turning into and out of Concord Line and private driveways along the Highway.

We are petitioning NZTA for a permanent speed reduction through Kaitoke to be introduced, and an improvement to the layout of the SH3/Concord Line intersection and corner.

Please show your concern and support by signing below.

Vanessa Duncan - Kaitoke School    Contact the author of the petition

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