Request to Sanna Marin-Be the voice of women of Iran

Dear madame Prime minister, 

We are speaking out of the community of Finnish Iranian women. We have came to Finland to study and work and we stayed and worked here so hard. We see Finland as our second home. We have not ever been in any fight against anyone. And living in Finland as the most peaceful country the world is showing this fact! 

In the recent days there have been the widespread feminist protests in Iran, after the brutal murderer of a 22 years old girl, Mahsa Amini. Women and men are being murdered and slaughtered in the streets of Iran. And here we are trying our best to be their voices, if not as we are from the same soil, but because they are women who are fighting with their flesh and blood for their most basic right. 

As you have been a crucial voice against brutality to women and humanity and equality, we sincerely wanted to ask you to join us to support them. We don’t want any political act, as Iranian are brave enough to decide and protest for their country, with all they have which is their lives. But they are dying if we don’t be their voice in silence! Now it is the time and tomorrow will be late. Just Be our voice! Be their voice! Be the voice of women as you always have been. 

Yours Sincerely 

Niki Shahmari

Chairman of non-registered community of Finnish Iranian women. 

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