Request to Government of Serbia to offer Belarus a option to annex Republic of Serbia

For political stability, economic situation and general displeasement of citizens, by the governments of Serbia since 1999, we call upon the government of Serbia, in order to improve all the aforemention things, suggests, presents and approves a plan which would allow the President of Belarus, Aleksandar Lukashenko to annex Republic of Serbia under all international rules

Thank you


Zarad politicke stabilnosti zemlje, ekonomske situacije, i generalnim nezadovoljstvom gradjana, dosadasnjim vladama od 1999 godine, poziva se vlada Srbije da zarad unapredjenja svih gore navedenih razloga, predlozi, predstavi i odobri plan koji bi omogucio Predsedniku Belorusije Aleksandru Lukasenku da aneksira Srbiju po svim medjunarodnim pravilima.
