Request to Amend Weekend Music Hours: Extending Music Time on Fridays and Saturdays

Dear Sipho

We, the undersigned, kindly submit this petition to request an amendment to the existing weekend music rules. Below are our reasons and suggestions:

  1. Youth Concerns:

    • The current rule feels restrictive and does not accommodate the social needs of youth in the community.
    • As residents, we feel oppressed by this rule, as if we are not in our own home.
  2. Proposed Amendment:

    • We propose extending the allowed music time on Fridays and Saturdays to 12:00 AM.
    • This extension will not apply to every weekend but will be implemented only occasionally.
  3. Commitment to Responsibility:

    • We guarantee that the extended music hours will be managed responsibly, ensuring minimal disturbance to others.
  4. Request for Documentation:

    • Once a final decision has been made, we request that the updated rule be put in writing and shared with all residents.
    • This is necessary to avoid future misunderstandings, as we previously faced issues due to the lack of a written time specification in the contract.

We hope you will consider our request fairly, understanding our perspective and the importance of creating a balanced and harmonious living environment for everyone.

Your prompt response to this matter will be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you

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