Reopen Fitness Centres! Physical Health matters!

The government keeps the SAQs open so people could drink their problems away, the SQDC to burn more brain cells and the shopping malls because it's what's good for the economy. However they don't open the gyms! Gyms are a  healthy alternative to keeping people's minds occupied and allowing them to obtain a healthy fit. Of course we gym rats would take every precaution to avoid spreading or receiving Covid. We disinfect everything, we wear our masks even though training with them on can be a hassle, there is always a distance kept per machine. Where is the proof from the governement that the gyms are a source of cause for the spread? If people are afraid then they don't have to take the risk. However, keep in mind when you go to the grocery store every week, there are so many people who don't disinfect or wash their hands and they're out there touching every product and placing them back on the shelves. Reopen the gyms. Prioritize people's health and well being over crowded shopping centres. The people matter. 

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