Remove Khwezi from Skeem Saam. Viewers are tired!

Over the past 2 years,viewers have expressed how they cannot stand the character of Khwezi Gasela on one of Mzansi's favourite show Skeem Saam. Ever since her arrival,viewers have expressed on social media that they are not happy with her character but has kept on being forced on us. Worst of all she has come in between our beloved couple Prehasa and has ruined everything for South Africans. Her obsession with our favourite villain Lehasa Maphosa has been nothing short of annoying and frustrating to viewers and have had enough. Viewers have constantly voiced their frustration on social media pleading with the producers of the show to free us and let the character go but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Khwezi has gotten away with too much of her evil deads and it's not fair. Her character is not enjoyable and makes the show hard to watch. It seems the only way producers of the show will take this matter seriously is if a petition is brought to them and take our frustration as viewers seriously. Khwezi needs to go!

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