Relieve Dominic Cardy of his duties as a member of the Executive Council.
To the Honourable the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, assembled:
We the undersigned, residents of New Brunswick, humbly sheweth that this Legislative Assembly urge the Premier of New Brunswick to relieve the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, Dominic Cardy, of his duties as a member of the Executive Council.
The actions of Your Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development are unbecoming of a Member of the Executive Council of the Province of New Brunswick. These deplorable actions include using foul and derogatory language in interactions with New Brunswick citizens through the use of social media and in public, demonizing and ridiculing people who do not share his opinions and engaging in threats and bullying tactics.
Your Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development has used words such as internet cranks, conspiracists, loons, delusional, child abusers, deranged, zealots, bullies, extremists to describe those who do not support his views. Additionally, during interactions with Members of a District Education Council of New Brunswick, he engaged in threats and bullying tactics.
This conduct is alarming and is not conduct that should be condoned. It is totally unacceptable conduct of a Member of the Legislative Assembly and renders the Member unfit to serve as a Member of the Executive Council, especially in the portfolio of Education and Early Childhood Development.
Whereof your residents of New Brunswick humbly pray that your Honourable House may be pleased to urge the Premier of New Brunswick to relieve Your Minister of Education, Dominic Cardy of his duties as a Member of the Executive Council and as in duty bound your residents of New Brunswick will ever pray.
Melanie Fournier Contact the author of the petition
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