Release Mr. Ali Wazir

Dear Sir/Madam,

As you might have heard through the media, Pakistani police have arrested Mr. Ali Wazir, who is an elected member of the national assembly of Pakistan and a prominent member of Pashtun Tahafuz (Protection) Movement (PTM). He is accused of passing derogatory remarks against state institutions (Pakistani military) during his speech to a huge gathering in Karachi on 6th December, 2020. The speech is on the record and the only remarks Ali Wazir has used are a cry for justice and accountability. While Ali Wazir and other Pashtuns are mourning the death of their loved ones, asking for the whereabouts of thousands of their forcefully disappeared family members and demanding justice and accountability for the destruction of their homes and every other aspect of their lives, the Pakistani state (army) does not like our blunt language and has started arresting our human rights activists.We are deeply concerned about the safety of Ali Wazir and other activists of PTM. Despite obstructions and intimidations by the state, PTM has been able to organize huge peaceful gatherings calling out the Pakistani military and its intelligence agency ISI for their human rights violations against Pashtuns. Despite a total media blackout imposed on PTM, the message of these protests has been reaching more and more people in Pakistan. As could be expected, the Pakistani military has started another round of crackdown on PTM activists. As representatives of PTM Europe, we call on you to hold Pakistan accountable for its violation of freedom of speech and call togethr with us for the immediate release of Ali Wazir.

 Yours sincerely

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