Reinstate Vivienne Catherine Basson-unfair dismissal

The crux of the petition is that Catherine Viviene Basson has been dismissed due to a post se made on social media,in short she used the K word on her post on her page,as se was just hit by a taxi.

This might not be the politically correct thing to do,but even after se apologized and explained her side of the story she was eventually dismissed from workplace.

We are all frustrated with the crime in our country and we want to keep our children safe,she made an error in judgement by posting this as she was very angry and worried as her child was in the car with her when the accident happened.


Why could she not get a written warning instead of dismissal?It was a first time offence and although not the right thing to do in the circumstances understandable that in a brief moment of anger she made a judgement error.

Our President sings kill the "boer" kill the farmer and he is still in office!

These double standards needs to stop right here right now!

Please sign this petition if you are fed up with different rules for dfferent people!